Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
ElphieDefiesGravity - I laughed my a$$ off!!!
Glad to be of service.
A woman leaving Mamma Mia: Sometimes God eat people like a wolf.
"When you've been writing all day (which I did not) you tend to forget a few rules."
What does that mean?
"Do you want me to change it?"
Now, there's no need to be saucy.
"Sometimes God eat people like a wolf."
Stand-by Joined: 8/28/05
At TKTS last Saturday:
20-something daughter to her mom: "What's that Inishmore play about?"
Mom: "Oh, It's a beautiful love story set in Ireland during war-time...a girl waits in Ireland for a soldier to return to her from the war."
*sings* Revelation, revelation...
And I wasn't getting saucy.
I overheard this at last night's performance of Rent in SF.
Guy and his Girlfreind..
Guy: (on cell phone): "Dude, I am at this show called RENT, you know RENT"
Girlfriend: : "Honey, it;s RENT, everyone knows RENT, honey, ,you saw the movie"
Guy: "Oh awesome (Into phone), dude I am going to go inside and watch Rosario Dawson, gotta go man"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
When I was at the Marquis Theatre, there is a huge wall of former Broadway show posters, including CATS. I heard this one woman say to her husband: "Oh honey, let's see CATS!"
Hope that made sense.
lightmycandle, if you bump it, you should also include a funny story!
Fiction Writer, do you just expect LightMyCandle to make up something?
Updated On: 8/4/06 at 04:12 PM
Understudy Joined: 6/18/06
Not the most fantastic story but a story nonetheless...
When the Wicked tour came through Cincy back in the spring, I was leaving the show with a friend of mine... there was a young couple walking in front of us, the girl was raving about how fantastic the show was and the guy goes "Wait... So... this is like a spin-off of the Wizard of Oz movie?"
The girl: "Exactly!"
The guy: "The green chick was hot."
I had to laugh.
Understudy Joined: 7/15/06
I was online reading the reviews for the hotel I'll be staying at during an upcoming trip to NY. One review read: "It's very close to many Broadway theaters! My husband and I caught a great show - Hot Feet!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
hahaha! :)
Saturday night at the Odeon Leicester Square, London.
2,000 people watch in spellbound silence as Leonardo di Caprio fights for his life in freezing seas after TITANIC sinks.
Girl (in loud stage whisper) I can't watch this next bit. It's so sad... when he dies.
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
Today I was talking someone I haven't seen in a really long time. They said, "so what are you doing after college?" I said, "hopefully, going to broadway!" and then they said, "oh, i have a friend who lives in that city!"
hahaha! This thread is absolutely hilarious!
Andrew Lowe Watson, I don't understand. What is Odeon Leicester Square and what was going on?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
double post
It's a cinema (US: movie theater) and the stage-whispering girl was spoiling the ending of the movie 'Titanic' for anyone who could hear her. As that part of the film is fairly quiet and quite a lot of people can fit into that cinema, that makes her a *real* winner.
Is it just me or are things less funny when they need explaining?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/05
At the above mentioned play last night, an old fellow sitting next to me frequently noted what was going on, i.e. "They're making that cat black!" or "They're sawing up the bodies now," all at normal conversational volume.Thankfully, the play is of a sort that his comments weren't irritating. They were actually kind of funny.
While sitting at The Wedding Singer a few weeks ago the owman next to me made this comment upon seeing the add for World Trade Center in the Playbill.
"I'm so glad they're making a nice story on how they built the towers . . . the others are so morbid."