She was oh so snippy though lol. She wasn't hurt but the lady was becoming almost abrasive lol
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Depaultheatrekid, that's the greatest!
A new story:
I just got back from my aunt's house (we went up to New York to see Avenue Q) and I was telling my parents about the show. I told them it was a spoof on Sesame Street and there were puppets in it.
Mom says, "You saw a puppet show? They were in puppet costume?"
Puppet costume? Okay...
Today at the box office for JERSEY BOYS:
WOMAN AT BOX OFFICE: "Now, is John Lloyd Wright going to be in this performance?"
I finally have something to add...
I'm temping over the summer before I start my Post Grad Course. Today was my first day at a new workplace. In the copy room I hear a group of women (youngish) having a discussion about a work outing
Girl 1: We have to go to see Dirty Dancing
Girl 2: Yeah I saw it was sold out until November
Woman 1: You should really get on and buy us some tickets
Girl 1: Yeah I know. I can't wait to see Patrick Swayze live on stage!
Girl 2: Yeah I know!
I tried not to correct them, but it was too difficult to resist so I settled on:
Me: Is he doing Dirty Dancing as well? I know he's in Guys and Dolls at the moment...
Yeah I know the casting is already announced for Dirty Dancing, but I didn't want to make enemies on my first day in a new workplace...
WOO! There are three quotes posted on Overheard in New York! I have to share:
Guy: Now, you know I want Tarzan the Musical to be a giant flop, but...
--54th & Broadway
Ghetto teen, watching Sutton Foster sing "You've Got Possibilities" from It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman!, the musical: Maybe these crackers be famous, but it's Broadway. This **** sucks.
--Central Park
Tourist chick, on cell: On Wednesday, we're going to see The Directors...The Directors...The Directors. C'mon, you know, The Directors! Oh, I mean The Producers!
--Sidestreet Saloon, Staten Island
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
When I saw Spamalot, my mother kept referring to David Hyde Pierce as "David Hyde Park"
I kept wanting to tell her that Hyde Park is in London, but I correct her too much. I didn't want her to feel stupid..
Hyde Park is also in NY thats where the Roosevelt Mansion is
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
I forgot about this one that happened in Nov!
My friend took her 9 Year-Old son to see The Woman in White.
Me: So how was it?
Her: It was GREAT! I loved it!
Her son: I thought it was about a black woman in a white dress! I was wrong.
This one happened yesterday. Me and my dad were discussing seeing GREY GARDENS for his birthday. I also told im that it wass a documentary from the 1970's. Apparantly, he took it the wrong way and said, "Now, is this [production] going to be like the original 1970's production?"
Also, we were listening to SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE in the car. He really liked the Cast Recording, and he said, "Is this going to be on Broadway soon?"
And I keep telling him that SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE played Off-Broadway last year.
"Also, we were listening to SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE in the car. He really liked the Cast Recording, and he said, "Is this going to be on Broadway soon?" "
only in my dreams I miss this show and even though it might not have done the best in a Broadway house if something like Circle in the Square opened it could have had a nice limited run.
anyways back on topic...when my Mom and I watched the Tony Awards. The Wedding Singer came on and did their song and my Mom started singing along and I asked her how in the world she knew the song. She looked at me like I was an idiot and said "Michael, this song is soo old" I asked her what she was talking about as the song was from a brand new musical and she spent about a half an hour trying to tell me that the song was a huge hit in the fifties....she's crazy!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
LMAO! Did she know all of the words?
Basically, it was really bizarre and I tried to tell her that it's just a really really catchy song and she just would not have it at all and told me that she couldn't remember who sang it but that they played it all the time. So she probably thinks Wedding Singer is a jukebox musical. Which is even funnier because we went to go see All Shook Up and she just DID NOT get how a Jukebox musical works. She kept on whispering to me how they got elvis's permission to use the songs and at Intermission was going on about how it's cheating to not write original music. Funny now but at the time it was so embarassing.
gustof777: About SWIWS, I agree with you full-heartedly. I wish I saw it off-Broadway since I like the cast recoring so much (And Idina).
I didn't get to see it either but had friends that did. I really wish that it could have slipped into something like the Booth or a really small theater just for a quick run i mean it had decent star power. I just want MJL to win a Tony! and that music deserved too Ahh well I'll catch his next show.
and yes idina is amazing on the CD! *runs off to listen to Coffee
Overheard tonight at Jersey Boys
Person 1: "Wow, did you know this was a book first? the show was based on a book."
Person 2: "Really?"
Person 3: "Yeah, look it says right here under music and lyrics by."
I laughed so hard; don't think they knew what I was laughing at.
Swing Joined: 7/27/06
When I saw Spamalot in June, this guy behind me slept through the whole first act. His wife yelled at him during intermission and he promised to stay awake the second act. It was pretty bad for those around him because the wife was just insulting the heck out of him.(We also had a problem with a couple that kept on making out during Act 1. This is Spamalot, imagine their behavior in a romantic musical. eek).
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was interesting as well. Norbert Leo Butz was out so we saw his understudy. Besides there being signs in the entrance that say Norbert's out AND little papers in the Playbill that say he's out, there were so many people who opened their Playbills (meaning they should have seen the slips of papers) during intermission and said "This Norbert guy is very funny!" and "Yes, he won the Tony for it".
Haha and a lady in the bathroom who kept on saying his name, over and over again, pronouncing it different ways. "Norbert Leo Butz. Nooooooorbert. Leeeeeeeeo. Buuuuttttz."
I also had the pleasure of sitting next to a guy who was quietly singing songs from Aida during the show. Amazing how "Great Big Stuff" sounds mixed in with "Dance of the Robe" lol.
Well, these experiences make the show even more fun lol!
Les miserables tour, a couple months ago.
before the show started, I heard the woman behind me ask her boyfriend/husband "oh, um...what's that flag behind the girl's head? Is that....the french flag?"
"I also had the pleasure of sitting next to a guy who was quietly singing songs from Aida during the show. Amazing how "Great Big Stuff" sounds mixed in with "Dance of the Robe" lol. "
WTF? Singing Dance of the Robe in DRS?
Swing Joined: 7/27/06
"WTF? Singing Dance of the Robe in DRS?"
Yep, the guy was talking to somebody before and he said his fave show was Aida and was seeing DRS to see Sherie Rene Scott.
DRS was going onstage and he was singing the "Aida! Aida! All we ask of you..." part of "Dance of the Robe" so I was hearing both songs at the same time. Thankfully he stopped as soon as Sherie came out!
Updated On: 7/29/06 at 01:53 AM
I'm laughing out loud just thinking about if I was sitting nect to that man If I actually was I would have disrupted the show with my laughter.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/04
Cluelessness at Mamma Mia today:
Girl to her friend outside the theatre while looking at the cast photos: "I know him from somewhere--is he an actor or something?"
(I didn't know Broadway cast members weren't actors...)
Dumb blonde to her mom while discussing other shows: "What's 42nd Street? Is that like Miracle on 42nd Street?"
I was showing a picture of me and Julia Murney to a few of my friends. This one girl that I don't necessarily liked looked at it and goes, "Wait, she has blonde hair? But in Wicked it was black! Does she dye it before each show or something?"
I was laughing too hard to correct her.
This was outside of The Wedding Singer
Man-Wow, I didn't know one of the Arquettes played George.
Woman- Thats not one of the Arquettes, thats Alan Cumming.
Man- No its the person who played George in the movie.
Woman- God dang it, it was f-ing Alan Cumming. I'll ask him when he comes out the stage door.
Kevin Cahoon who really plays George walks out...
Woman-Wow, Mr. Cumming that was great, can you sign this?
the man wlks in front of her
Man-Ya see, its not Alan Cumming. Its one the Arquettes. Whats your name again?
Kevin Cahoon- um, Kevin.
Man- Ya see, Kevin Arquette.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
A new one:
I was at a party the other day and we were talking about RENT.
Friend: I like Idina with blonde hair better.
Me: What?
Friend: She had blonde hair when I saw her.
Me: I can assure you that Idina Menzel has never had blonde hair. In the movie and every picture you will ever see of her it is almost black.
Friend: Oh, well, the Maureen I saw here (in Atlanta) had blonde hair.
Me: Yeah, well that was the tour Maureen. Not Idina.
ok i forgot this one
my friends walked out of seeing Spamalot with Tim Curry who played Frank n' Furter in Rocky Horror Show.
i asked Tim for his autoraph-
Me-Wow, Mr Curry you've come from playing a Sweet Transvestite to King Arthur.
My Friend-Sweet transvestite?
Me- Yeah, in Rocky Horror Show and in the movie for Rocky Horror show.
My friend-Rocky Horror Show?
Me- Yeah. Ya know *starts singing*Lets do the time warp again...
My friend- The Time warp..what is that...the cha-cha slide??
i couldnt stop laughing