Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
While I was on the phone talking to my mom and asking what shows she wanted to see:
Me: Well, Haylie Duff is in Hairspray (She knows who she is because she loves Napolean Dynamite)
Her: Really? Wow. She must have to wear a fat sute then right?
The Woman in White, a Wednesday Matinee in December just before Christmas. I was surrounded by older ladies, some of whom were whispering to each other, more during the second act than the first. In the scene set in Fosco's London House, when he sings "You Can Get Away with Anything," Michael Ball picks up the white rat for the "encore." A woman near me asked in a loud whisper, "Is it real?!"
Updated On: 8/6/06 at 01:15 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
This was overheard at my boyfriend's house, actually. We had just seen the final tour show of Les Mis in St. Louis and his parents were telling his aunt and uncle what the show was about.
Dad: It's about the French Revolution.
Mom: And a cripple.
Dad: But the main character is this little girl, this waif. That's why she's on the logo.
Aunt: Oh, yeah, we saw that a couple years ago. It was awful.
Uncle: Yeah, some guy saved another person's life. He was trapped under something really heavy, I can't remember what it was. Liam Neason was pretty good, though.
my parents used to have season tix to the Seattle Broadway series when they could still get around......
when I asked how they liked RENT, my Mom said,
"oh we left at intermission, it was just TOO loud"
When I saw Drowsy, at the curtain call, when the Aviatrix came out, this really annoying girl sitting beside me screams, "I LOVE YOUR SHOES!!" And when we went to the stagedoor, and when Kecia Lewis-Evans came out, that girl started freaking out, screaming, "Yeah, I loved your shoes." And Kecia was just like, "Yea...I heard you!" If only wou could have seen it when Sutton Foster came out...that made me never want to go to another stagedoor again.
this further confirms my feelings about tourists and how i hate them.
this further confirms my feelings about tourists and how i hate them.
Because, of course, no native New Yorker would ever act like a moron.
Swing Joined: 8/1/06
at my work today, one of the other cashiers started singing "If You Were Gay"
i go: o. i didnt know u were into theater.
cashier: im not.
me: o well i heard u were singing "if u were gay" so i guess i just thought u were
cashier: no, its from some band called "Avenue Q" theyre really good.
me: um....yea...nevermind.
cashier: i hear theyre comming out with a new cd.
me: no. its a show thats on broadway. so they arent making a new cd any time soon.
cashier: yes. they are trust me.
Updated On: 8/6/06 at 08:37 PM
Well, she was close.
Kind of.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
my friend just sent this to me & i asked if i could share it on the thread. he was @ kenneth anger's lecture on film history...
"there were two seats directly in front of me with big RESERVED signs on
them, and this dippy film student girl came over to the people
sitting next to those chairs and said, "Excuse me, are these seats
reserved for anyone in particular...or can anyone sit here?" I mean,
who is that stupid?"
"I mean, who is that stupid?"
Apparently, that dippy girl.
I like this one up on the Overheard in NY site:
High school girl: Um, excuse me, Frenchie? Can I get a picture with you?
Frenchie Davis: I'm sorry, I simply don't have time for this tonight. [Starts to walk away]
High school girl: Please? It's my birthday.
Frenchie, over her shoulder: Sweetheart, it's always someone's birthday. You are going to have to do better than that.
--Outside the Nederlander Theatre, W 41st St
"Sweetheart, it's always someone's birthday. You are going to have to do better than that." Heh. Ok- maybe not so funny to the autograph seeking girl, but I laughed.
"High school girl: Um, excuse me, Frenchie? Can I get a picture with you?
Frenchie Davis: I'm sorry, I simply don't have time for this tonight. [Starts to walk away]
High school girl: Please? It's my birthday.
Frenchie, over her shoulder: Sweetheart, it's always someone's birthday. You are going to have to do better than that.
--Outside the Nederlander Theatre, W 41st St "
Where was this girl aproaching(sp?) Frenchie?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/05
Right where it says
"--Outside the Nederlander Theatre, W 41st St"
gosh i'm dumb.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/8/03
Another from a matinee performance of "Woman In White". During the scene where Marion accepts a drug-laden drink from the flask of Count Fosco (who she knows is in cahoots with the evil Glyde who is beating her beloved sister), a woman in back of me blurted out "She is SO stupid!!!!!!!!!!!"
It was priceless...
Not in the city but still hilarious...I was in my school play and I played a paralyzed girl in a wheelchair. We also gave a preformance for my grade one o fthe days. So when i stood up for my curtain call (cause i'm not really paralyzed) some girl (who I had a class with) turns to my friend and goes "Wait she doesn't really use a wheel chair?" Um yeah...
Two other posters and I were in the city rushing Tarzan this morning. next to us were 8 people from Nova Scotia. They asked the dumbest questions and made the dumbest remarks. They spoke about their seeing RENT through student rush, not lottery, but student rus, asked to take a picture of us, and asked for our autographs. I can't even remember what else they said. It was three hours of hilarity. Perhapd the other two can remember.
On line to enter the show I heard a camp counselor mentioning how it's so lucky they got the tickets sine Tarzan is very sold out. There was also a 10 year old girl who brought panties, presumably to throw at Josh. Part of me died.
(Ha...told you two I'd get here first!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Gosh, those people were annoying.
Cheno - Kinda along the same lines
When seeing Wicked with my grandma she commented "how nice it was that such a big show had a role for a disabled person"(Nessa) later, ofcourse she was like "oh i guess not"
At The Wedding singer last Wednesday, this guy, about 10 minutes into the show goes "That's not Amy Spanger! That's her understudy CARLA Cooper!"
Same day, standing on the bathroom line at intermission (for anyone who's been to the hirschfeld, you know the ladies room is downstairs), and I was almost by the merch stand. This woman walked in front of everyone on the damn line, repeating "I'm going in front of you because I have to throw up." When she finally got to the head of the line, she did no such thing. She stood and waited once she was close enough to the front.
Same show, but during previews:
I don't know what happene,d but I was sitting in the fornt row and I heard one of the guys in the pit go "Oh f*ck" out of nowhere.
LyTeMyCanDyI, I don't understand what the people from Nova Scotia were doing. They were asking other people in line with them for their autographs? What in the world were they planning on doing with them? And what did you write them on?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I'll field that. They were asking Candyl, myself, and the poster in front of us for our autographs because we seemed knowledgable theater-goers from Long Island (though the poster in front of us was from Tenn.). I respectfully declined, but the other two were very eager to sign (and rightfully so). They insisted on taking our picture afterwards...
We were creeped out after the picture. they wanted to know our last names too, in case we were famous. I should have said my name was Phil Latio, although I doubt they'd have gotten it.
Walking past the Viacom studios, where all the teens are standing outside preparing for TRL, in the middle of the afternoon, mind you, a man turns to his family and says:
"Oh look, this must be where they film The Today Show"