"I loved The Producers! I saw it with Nathan Hale and Broderick Crawford!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
A new favorite of mine, from a conversation with a dining companion:
Girl: I loved the Rent movie. Idina was great in that.
Me: Yeah....she's....good.
Girl: I loved the Original Cast of Wicked, also. Kristin Chenoweth was great!
Me: What did you think of Idina in that?
Girl: What do you mean?
Me: Idina was in the original cast of Wicked.
Girl: She was?
Talking about The Lion King
Me : Well you could see it on broadway
Cousin: It is on broadway!?!?!
Me: Yes
Cousin: I thought it was touring
Me: It is
Cosuin: They have to shows?
Me: One touring, one on broadway
Cousin: Oh!
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
I saw Wicked in San Diego today, and the lady next to me was making hilarious comments the whole time! At the beginning of the show, she said, "This is the Wicked TOUR? I didn't know there was a tour." I told her, "Yes, it is a tour. The New York show didn't leave New York." She then replied, "Oh, so are we seeing the Broadway cast or the tour cast?" She then proceeded to read every single name and character in the Playbill out loud, and kept saying "alFALba." When she got to the Wizards character, she said, "Oh, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! I forgot this show is about the Wizard of Oz. Thats why the character Glinda sounded so familiar. You know, I have actually never seen the Wizard of Oz movie before." This lady was like 60- how has she never seen the movie? its a classic! And if she hasn't seen it, how does she know who Glinda is?
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
This is more rude, but during Seasons of Love in Rent today in SF, someone was talking on her cellphone during the first half of it. For those who do not know, Seasons of Love is the song immediately following the intermission. People kept telling her "sh" and I kept glaring at her. but she was just taking her sweet little time figuring out where and when she was going to meet someone after the show. My friend who has the OBC recoarding, but just saw the show for the first time today said "I didn't think that was part of the song, but at first didn't know what was going on." (at first the woman was standing behind us.) Rude woman was walking back to her seat as she was talking so I guess that made it ok in her mind or something. I am just so anal retentive about the whole thing, that I don't understand it.
Producers2, what a cast that person saw!! I didn't know Mel Brooks was old enough to have worked with Nathan Hale.
Phantom walk-in, yesterday night:
Little girl: What's that show? *points across the street*
Mom: Oh, that's The Producers! There's almost no singing in that show, though - you wouldn't like it.
"Keep it Gay" must just be a monologue.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
I got this from a friend who saw Liza in Victor/Victoria while Julie was on vacation!
Announcer: The role of Victoria, usually played by Julie Andrews will be played by Liza Minnelli.
*everyone cheers*
Man sitting next to my friend: *to his wife or girlfriend* Who's she?
Woman: She was in the Wizard of Oz!
Man: Oh! I'd still rather see Julie Andrews, she was in Bedknobs and Broomsticks!
My friend was buying tickets at the ticket window for "Grand Hotel" as a tourist with suitcases at the ticket window next door tried to book a room for the night.
Stand-by Joined: 7/13/06
"then proceeded to read every single name and character in the Playbill out loud, and kept saying "alFALba." "
Oh my lord. My cousin does that also, as well as butchers Fiyero. She's seen the show and has the soundtrack.
Actually, come to think of it, Michael Bourne on Sirius says it that way too...
I love stupid people! Keep them coming!
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
I have my pictures of me with Tim Curry when I saw Spamalot and me with Gary Beach when I saw The Producers on my MySpace. My friend comments on both pictures and says, "What's up with you and taking pictures with old people?"
"My friend was buying tickets at the ticket window for "Grand Hotel" as a tourist with suitcases at the ticket window next door tried to book a room for the night."
I laughed so hard Dr. Pepper came out of my nose.
at the next to last performance of DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES, i heard this lady tell her friend on the way out of the show.."How Wwonderful! this is going to play for several years"
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/06
I came out of a breathtaking production of Carousel once and heard these little blue haired ladies talking. One said "Wow, wasn't that show amazing?" and her friend replied very loudly "I loved their shoes!"
Their shoes?
I'd probably say that. I was totally drooling over the Color Purple shoes when I saw the Tonys.
"I loved The Producers! I saw it with Nathan Hale and Broderick Crawford!"
That sounds like my Grandma! Any time she talks about "The Producers", she says Nathan Hale instead of Nathan Lane... I don't know why?
The following occurred at The Drowsy Chaperone last week:
Resident NYC Idiotarian: "Sutton Foster won the Tony Award for this role."
Dumb Tourist: "She did, oh yeah, I read that somewhere too."
Resident NYC Idiotarian: "Yes, it was her third win. Sutton also won for Wicked"
Dumb Tourist: "We are seeing a real star tonight"
Resident NYC Idiotarian: "Right, the only other three time winner was Ethel Merman."
In what decade do they live in?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/05
It's kind of embarassing and a bit random, but when my friend popped in the DVD of The Wedding Crashers, I immediately bursted out, "They made this into a Broadway musical!" And then, 5 minutes later, I realized it was Wedding Singers that I was thinking off... But I kept myself quiet.
"In what decade do they live in?"
Not to nitpick, but the second "in" is really unnecessary.
Swing Joined: 8/1/06
walking through time square:
person 1: ooo lestat! that looks really good!
person 2: yea i heard it was good. its the one about the 2 witches.
person 1: i think so. lets go get tickets.
at the drowsy chaperone, there was a paper saying that there was a new "Swing Member"
lady next to me: oh dear.
husband: whats wrong.
lady: it says they have a new swing. i hope they know what theyre doing, because swing is a hard dance to learn.
"So there we are, walking down 8th Avenue, singing "Roxie" at the tops of our lungs, when I noticed this woman walking behind us giving us a weird look. I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, are we being annoying?"
She goes, "No, I was just wondering if you take requests!"
It was one of my prouder moments. :)"
Something like that actually happened to me. I was singing In My Life from Les Mis and the person in front of me (a tourist, clearly) said, "That's what I love about the Big Apple. Free entertainment."
When you've been writing all day (which I did not) you tend to forget a few rules.
Do you want me to change it?
Walking behind two girls in Times Square:
Girl 1: Yeah, see Lestat?
Girl 2: Yeah! I heard it was awful.
Girl 1: I don't know where you heard that! I'm seeing it next week and my parents told me it was amazing! They wouldn't buy tickets for something they thought was bad!
Tonight after a group of girls came home from seeing "Tarzan"
GIRL #1: Eugene! Oh my god, it was so good!
EUG: Really now...
GIRL #2: I liked it because it was loud!
GIRL #1: And so much better than The Lion King
EUG: (staring at them) How old are you guys again?
GIRL #2: 14
EUG: Goodnight, see you tomorrow!
Not really directly related to theatre, but I found it humorous.
Tonight at The Wedding Singer~
My Friend: Is there an air conditioner like, right above me? My nipples are freezing!