Well, at the intermission of the french production of "Fiddler On The Roof", in the hall, I've heard a girl (who must be 16 or 17 years old) who said to her friend :
"Waouh, it's incredible !! Do you see it ? They're real musicians on stage ! I never seen this before"
[In france, actually, the big smash hit (and horrible the most of times)are with soundtracks on background]
Today at work my co-worker, whom despite this I love dearly, said, "My boyfriend wants to take me to see Chicago for our anniversary. I'd rather go to the beach and get a tan. I could just watch the movie."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Wicked in San Diego:
During Dancing Through Life one of the men wears a half skirt half pants outfit.
Elderly Man: Why is he wearing a skirt?
Elderly Woman: BECAUSE he is a transvestite!
"Elderly Man: Why is he wearing a skirt?
Elderly Woman: BECAUSE he is a transvestite!"
Seriously, I just choked on some food while laughing.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/25/06
This isn't directly related to theater...
I saw a production of Sweeney Todd at the Union Theater in Madison (the theater that is part of the U of W campus). First of all, there were people acting like they were 12 sitting near us. They laughed loudly during The Judge's song when he has urges for Johanna. They also uproared in laughter (and wouldn't stop for a little while) during A Little Priest when she mentiones the the line about "privates."
Finally, though, you really know you're in Wisconsin when the very first thing you hear after the show is, "Well, it's time to hit the bars."
"This isn't directly related to theater...
I saw a production of Sweeney Todd at the Union Theater in Madison (the theater that is part of the U of W campus). First of all, there were people acting like they were 12 sitting near us. They laughed loudly during The Judge's song when he has urges for Johanna. They also uproared in laughter (and wouldn't stop for a little while) during A Little Priest when she mentiones the the line about "privates."
Finally, though, you really know you're in Wisconsin when the very first thing you hear after the show is, "Well, it's time to hit the bars."
I hate Wisconsin. I had to go there to visit family. My cousin that was older than me was so immature.
Updated On: 8/13/06 at 12:55 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Not very exciting, but I found it amusing: Yesterday I was coming back from the airport in one of those parking shuttle things. An instrumental version of "All I Ask of You" was playing in the bus.
Me: Oh, Phantom of the Opera. Nice.
Driver: Yes, it is Phantom of the Opera.
Me: I know.
Driver: Michael Lloyd Webber.
Me: Andrew Lloyd Webber, not Michael.
Driver: Oh right. My name is Michael. His name is Andrew.
Me: Yeah.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
In Times Square, walking past the billboard for The Wedding Singer...
Some girl behind me says to her friend, "Why are they advertising that movie? It's so old."
Friend: "I don't know. Adam Sandler looks really different in that picture."
Girl "Yeah, It doesn't even look like him. I guess he's gotten plastic surgery since being in The Wedding Singer."
oh boy.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/3/06
During "Special" at Avenue Q:
A girl about 7 or 8 (Yeah i was surprised)-- "Mommy, what's a slut?"
Mother-- "It's like a hooker only better"
Some girl behind me says to her friend, "Why are they advertising that movie? It's so old."
Friend: "I don't know. Adam Sandler looks really different in that picture."
Girl "Yeah, It doesn't even look like him. I guess he's gotten plastic surgery since being in The Wedding Singer."
that is soo sad. why? why?
I remembered some other funny thing the people I'd mentioned earlier were saying. They were in Chinatoen and were amazed at how tyou're taken into a hole of a room to get a fake bag. Then she asked if the bags were really fake.
Come on...even illegal bags are costly, not the 5 bucks she paid.
At Sweeney Todd the other night:
After the announcement reminding people to turn off their cell phones, a woman turns to her father, and says:
"Ugh! I can't believe they have to remind people to turn off their cell phones. Audiences are so rude nowadays! I bet they didn't have to make that announcement 50 years ago."
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
The lady behind me at Avenue Q kept saying that she couldn't understand what Christmas Eve was saying. At intermission she told me that she may write to the producers and tell them they should be able to hire someone that the audience could understand.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
not funny, but note worthy...
i had a teenager behind me at tarzan eating the whole first act. i turned around at intermission and politely told him that he was meant to eat the snacks from the concession stand in the lobby, not in the theatre and that since he was sitting in the second row, the actors could probably see him. i didnt notice a policy change at the richard rodgers but his father mustve thought i just made it all up because as soon as i turned around he declared that he was allowed to eat in the theatre and that he could drink too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
My friend told me this one.
She was at Spelling Bee and Dan Fogler was out.
Some girl at the stage door had this conversation with Dan's understudy (Forgot who it was)
Girl: OMG! You were fantastic!
Understudy: Thank you!
Girl: I saw you win the Tony. I'd feel so great to have a Tony winner sign my playbill!
Understudy: Well, I'm not Dan Fo...
Girl: Oh! Look! Can you sign please Mr. Fogler, Celia just came out!
The understudy signed the playbill and kinda just rolled his eyes.
I went with my friend to see "Take Me Out" in SF...first off there was a lady with an oxygen tank seeing the show...thank goodness she was sitting far away from the stage. Right before the show starts they announce that there will be no flash photography. And out of the silence we hear a lady say, "awe...".
Then at Rent in SF, I was at the stagedoor trying to get Bryce Rysness'(Roger) autograph and this really excited mother wants to get his autograph too but then sees Jed Resnick (Mark) come out of the stage door and she yells "Roger!! Roger!!" to Jed and she is standing practically right next to Bryce. I felt embarrassed for her and then thought...if that was my mother I'd be so embarrassed.
Mistress, there is a new policy. Last time I was there with you when they wanted people to get back to their seats from intermission, they told us we could bring food and drinks to our seats.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Border's Books and Music has a kiosk on the grounds of the Ravinia Music Festival. They were selling virtually all the available recordings of GYPSY on the evening I was there. One 30ish guy picked up the Angela Lansbury CD and turned to his partner and said, "Get a load of this! Angela Lansbury playing a stripper! What a hoot!!!"
I almost smacked him.
Some girl behind me says to her friend, "Why are they advertising that movie? It's so old."
Friend: "I don't know. Adam Sandler looks really different in that picture."
Girl "Yeah, It doesn't even look like him. I guess he's gotten plastic surgery since being in The Wedding Singer."
Oh Lordy.
"I remembered some other funny thing the people I'd mentioned earlier were saying. They were in Chinatoen and were amazed at how tyou're taken into a hole of a room to get a fake bag. Then she asked if the bags were really fake.
Come on...even illegal bags are costly, not the 5 bucks she paid."
I had a moment with toursits like this one. My grandma and I saw 42nd Street together and we sat in row BB with a couple from Arkansas in the "Big Apple" for their very first time. The woman says "I got a bag off the street today and it was a fake! The lack of integrity of these people is just so appalling! I spent $25 for a fraud!" And this was all in a southern accent. My grandma had to smack me to stifle my laughter.
During "The Goat or Who is Sylvia", right after the character confesses something to the effect of having had sex with a goat (in not quite such civil language), the somewhat elderly woman next to me turns to her husband and says, in full voice, "I think we picked the wrong play."
Sally Field was in it at the time and I think they were tourists who thought they were going to see a nice play featuring the Flying Nun.
"I think we saw the wrong play."
Hilarious! ah.. I spit out my Rockstar
BUMP! I finally have a recent one!
When I saw the Wedding Singer Tuesday night, before the show I was looking at the stand where they sell the CDs and programs and such. Some stupid ditzy girl asks the seller, "Can you tell me where the Wedding Singer is playing?" and I'm thinking, "Um...RIGHT BEHIND YOU! TURN AROUND!" Hmm...as if it isn't obvious that there are hundreds of people walking into the theater. Maybe she was one of those people who thought a bunch of shows played in the building.
These posts make my day so much lighter! :)