This one seems to happen a lot, but I always find it so funny:
(After Hairspray)
Mother: That white woman must have weighed over 400 pounds!
Daughter: Which one, Edna or Tract?
Mother: The mother
Daughter: Uh, mom, you do know that that was a man, right?
Mother: NO, it couldn't have been! I mean, she had a chest! She had cleavage!
Daughter: (Looking in Playbill) Mom, his name is Jerry...
I was in giggling fits after hearing that...
Understudy Joined: 7/15/06
At The Producers tour, an elderly man stood up and gathered his coat and playbill when Springtime for Hitler was over. He thought the whole show was done because the actors took bows. When he realized the lights were still dark and everyone else was still sitting down, he heaved a huge sigh and sat back down. Guess he wasn't liking it too much.
yay! over 1000 posts! keep them coming! I love them all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
As Peter Griffin would say, "this thread is freakin' sweet."
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Just happened:
(Me listening to Adam Pascal singing "One Song Glory" and being excited about going to his concert on Thursday)
Guy I just met: Oh is this him?
Me: Yes.
Guy: He was in RENT?
Me: Yes.
Guy: Oh I saw him.
Me: What do you mean you saw him?
Guy: I saw him in RENT on Broadway.
Me: Wait- when did you see the show?
Guy: Last year.
Me: Uh, no, you didn't see him.
Guy: Yes I did.
Me: No, you didn't. He hasn't been in the show for 9 years.
Guy: Really? Oh.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/28/05
I was in the tkts line this weekend when behind me an elderly man was explaining the shows to two other girls who were not with him. He was explaining RENT and said it was a show based on "a bunch of kids in the dumps with HIV" and that "they made it based on the movie."
*SPOILER WARNING* --Post contains info about the ending of Red Light Winter
Heard at this past Saturday's matinee (read: audience full of blue-hairs) of Red Light Winter at the Studio Theatre in DC.
In Act II, as Davis has Christina bent over the desk (one of the most intense moments of the show) a lady in the audience called out to warn Davis that Christina was going to give him AIDS.
Additionally (although not as funny)When Davis couldn't remember Christina's name in Act II, a woman in the audience helpfully supplied it.
I hope this thread runs forever . . .
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Let's keep 'em comin', yo!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna see Red Light Winter soooooo bad!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
Man: Is that Audrey Hepburn?
Woman: No, she's dead, honey. She's been gone for a long time now.
Man: No she isn't. What are you talking about? Isn't she in that musical with Harvey?
Woman: Hairspray? No! Of course not.
Man: I'm positive that it's her...AUDREY!!!
*he runs up to woman, who backs away and says "Umm...I don't think I know you."*
Woman: HEY! Get back here! That's not Audrey Hepburn.
*Audrey Hepburn look alike turns and runs*
Man: I'M SORRY! (yelled to woman)
I just thought this was funny because it was dramatic enough to be a scene from a sitcom. New York is crazy.
I was in chem class today and was on the computer...reading BWW of course.
*Looking at pictures from Adam Pascal's concert*
Girl in my class: Who's that?
Me: Adam Pascal. He's a Broadway actor.
Girl: Oh yeah, isn't he dead?
Me: No...
Girl: Yeah, he died a few months ago, I read about it.
Me: But...he just had a concert a couple days ago.
Girl: ...oh. So...I guess he's alive.
Me: So it would seem...
/end conversation.
I was wearing my Woman in White T-shirt in school today (God, I miss that show!) and a girl in my choir class comments on it by saying that it was a good show, etc. Then, she says that the woman who played the sister (I'm assuming she meant Maria Friedman) died of cancer, and that's why they had to close it. I corrected her by telling her that she had breast cancer and had to miss some performances, but didn't die...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
I love this thread.
Here's a good one...
I just got home from seeing Tarzan tonight and decided to stick around the stage door afterwards to take a couple of pictures. There was a pretty good sized crowd at the door and as people, presumably tourists, were walking by the stage door wondering what was going on, this is what I heard:
HUSBAND: What's everyone doing here?
WIFE: Oh, I know. They must be waiting for Donny Osmond. I think he plays one of the gorillas.
Understudy Joined: 12/19/05
Union Square, San Francisco, Night of Free Theatre Kickoff
Woman behind me on cellphone deciding what tickets to get: Theatre of the Absurd? What is that Monty Python?
Understudy Joined: 8/4/04
I was walking on 8th Ave by 45th street and these two women looked over at THE WEDDING SINGER marquis and:
Women 1 : What is THAT show about?
Women 2 : Oh! I think it must be one of those INTERACTIVE shows you know? Like Tony and Tina's wedding.
Women 1: Oh...well I'm not interested in seeing THAT then.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Outside A Chorus Line:
(Guy walks down the street with his mother)
Guy 1: So the music was great, but I would have liked it a lot more if they said which one was the girl's father....
I assume they were talking about Mamma Mia!
Also outside of ACL:
(Older Lady asks security guard how long the show is running)
Lady: How long is this show running?
SG: I dunno.
Lady: Isn't this the show that they take on tour every six months and then come back?
SG: Um...
Me: It's an open-ended run.
Lady: Oh, that's great! I've wanted to see this for years!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
This isn't really a tourist or audience member comment but...
My Son: Dad, I just ate an entire apple including the seeds and stuff.
Me: That's fantastic...but be careful because that seed might grow into an apple in your stomach.
*My Son grabs his throat in shock and starts to cry*
Me: Oh no! I was just kidding!
I think that actor wins second worst father of the year award, Michael Jackson got #1
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
poor WEDDING SINGER- people actually think it is cheap dinner theatre :P
This isn't really over heard, but its Broadway related.
So I'm doing a research paper of Norbert Leo Butz (yea, I'm cool) for English, and we were in the computer lab
My friend: Woah, he was in Wicked?
Me: Ya, he was Fiyero. He was in the original cast.
My friend: Yea, he was excellent.
Me: When did you see it?
My friend: I saw it over the summer.
Me: Umm, he left in 2004.
My friend: I assure you, I saw him as Fiyero.
Me: The person who is playing Fiyero right now's name is Derrick Williams, and he looks completely different. Like he's black...
My friend: Then they must have got someone new.
Me: He's been doing it since January.
My friend: You're wrong I saw him.
The next day...
My friend: You were right, the Fiyero I saw was black. I guess I had bad seats.
*rolls eyes*
Updated On: 10/8/06 at 10:54 PM
"poor WEDDING SINGER- people actually think it is cheap dinner theatre :P"
It might as well be. It's already terrible.