"My friend: You were right, the Fiyero I saw was black. I guess I had bad seats."
Oh my god.. I'm laughing so hard.. that is too funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
That's funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
When I saw Aida, this guy took a look at the curtain (it's basically the eye of Horus) and said, "I've got the same tattoo" and proceeded to show his friends. He pulled up his pant leg and there it was. I snuck a peek and frankly, he was right!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Last night, I was listening to "Jelly's Last Jam." I was on "The Last Chance Blues" and my mom walks by and asks, "What show is that?" I say, "Jelly's Last Jam" and she asks if it's "funny." I tell her no, but again my mom should have known it wasn't a comedy judging from the song I was listening to.
DRS--I'm writing a Norbert paper for engish too! haha, love to fiyero confusioin...
Broadway Star Joined: 10/26/05
While exiting A CHORUS LINE 2 weeks ago I overheard one older woman tell another, "That's how auditions really are."
Now that is FUNNY!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
Man: Is that seat taken?
Family: No.
Man: Would you mind if I sit there?
Family: Well you'll need a ticket to sit there. It should say where you are supposed to sit on your ticket.
Man: Oh...really? I thought you could sit wherever you wanted. Sorry. *walks over to usher* *usher directs him to very back of theatre* *man is disappointed*
I overheard this on Saturday when I went to see The Producers. It was actually pretty funny. I suspect that the man was a tourist, however.
Let's hope.
Thats funny about the man and the ticket. That's pretty sad he thought it was like a movie theater.
Another Woman in White T-Shirt story.
I was in my Government class and my teacher asked me "Oh, is that like a fairy tale?"
Blank stare. He has the same face on.
Stand-by Joined: 7/3/05
This isn't theatre related, but it is VERY tourist-y.
I was in New York this weekend on a trip with my college, and we stayed in a hostel near Union Square. The first night there I was with a bunch of freshman who wanted to go to Times Square, so we headed to the subway to check it out. After a rather RIDICULOUS time a few people spent trying to figure out how to purchase a Metro pass, we realized we hadn't figured out what train to take. One girl informed us she "had been to New York before," so she took the responsibility of figuring it out. I believe she picked out the N train, and confidently led us down to wait. We stood around for a few minutes, trying to figure out which side our train would come from, some talking about how excited they were to actually see Times Square.
After maybe ten minutes of this, we were approached by an actual (I assume) New York woman.
Her: Excuse me, did you say you wanted to go to Times Square?
Us: Yes.
Her: ... Right now?
Us: Yes...?
Her: Ok. Well, first, you're going to want to go UPtown...
It was actually pretty hilarious. The truly sad part is we had been staring at that "downtown" sign, but had decided that it MUST be going in the right direction because it said "Broadway Express" on it. Oh, we were a sad bunch.
WickedGeek: ....I don't even really know what The Woman in White is about...
This is a future tourist comment. Possibly the funniest thing I've heard recently. I'm a post grad, living in a university hall thats full of 18 year olds. One of them is applying to study in America next academic year.
Her: Omigod I might be going to study in California next year.
Me: Thats really cool. Where abouts
Her: California. It was either there, Ohio or New York State but they said that's nowhere near New York so I thought I'd go to California.
Me: Right
Her: Where is California?
Me: It's on the West Coast. (holding up left hand to indicate side)
Her: (holds up right hand) West?
Me: The other side.
Her: Oh right. How awesome would that be? I could go to the OC and New York. Where else is near California?
At this point I lost the will to live.
Right up there with another 18 year who thought Alaska was next to Mexico because that's how it's placed on a map.
1st girl: What's "The Chorus Line" ?
2nd girl: They made a live musical out of the movie
Her: Ok. Well, first, you're going to want to go UPtown...
Oh that's funny because I have had that exact same conversation with tourists! Complete with "yes, Times Square was downtown from your hotel, but no, Times Square is now uptown from where you're at right now." Love it.
Woman and two teenage girls sitting behind me at A Chorus Line were reading their Playbills before the show. One comes across a photo of Nathan Lane. "Oh, he's the guy from The Producers! Is he in this?"
Nathan Lane in ACL? I'd die.
You know his famous song: "What I did for laughs"
Overheard while going to class
Girl 1: The university is putting on Twelfth Night tonight...I think I have to go for one of my classes.
Girl 2: That sucks. Isn't it Shakespeare?
Girl 1: It was written a couple years ago...is Shakespeare alive?
I died on the inside
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Girl 1: The university is putting on Twelfth Night tonight...I think I have to go for one of my classes.
Girl 2: That sucks. Isn't it Shakespeare?
Girl 1: It was written a couple years ago...is Shakespeare alive?
You died inside and took me with you!!!
A typical one...
TWS on Saturday at intermission... a conversation between 2 50-60 year old women
Woman 1: The person playing Julia is not the one the program said.
Woman 2: Yea, if we had the girl it said, she'd have black hair.
Woman 1: Yep, I think we have this Tina girl, but I'm not sure
*women walk up to an usher*
Woman 1: Why wasn't anything announced that we didn't get this Laura person
Usher: Because that's her on stage
Woman 2: *opens playbill, points to her headshot* That's black hair...she has blonde hair, it must be Tina
Usher: Laura wears a wig
Woman 1: Obviously you're wrong. Whatever, go hand out some more information booklets.
Stand-by Joined: 7/3/05
Her: California. It was either there, Ohio or New York State
.... Why in the WORLD would OHIO be on that list??? Two TOTALLT amazing states with FANTASTIC cities to visit.... and Ohio? I don't get it.
During [i]Cabaret[/i]:
"Something should be done about those cigarettes on stage! It isn't safe!" - little old ladies waiting around during intermission
"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables
Woman 1: Obviously you're wrong. Whatever, go hand out some more information booklets.
I just died a little.