Overheard by our costume designer at college during intermission for Jekyll & Hyde:
Elderly Woman: Ohhh I didn't know Jekyll and Hyde were the same person!
*slaps forehead*
Granted not everyone's read the book (I know I haven't), but I assumed it was sort of common knowledge they were the same person.
When I was at the RENT10 Benefit concert, I heard this behind me.
Fan #1: I bet Christopher Colombus is here!
Fan #2: Isn't he dead?
Fan #1: No. What?
Fan #2: The writer of the musical. Isn't he dead?
Fan #1: Ooh. Christopher Colombus directed the movie. He didn't write it!
Now, some explain to me why someone with that little knowledge of the show paid five-hundred or possibly a thousand dollars to see the tenth anniversary concert?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
Proably thought it was the regular price.
It was invitation only, though... Unless he got the five-hundred dollar tickets online which is a huge possibility since he was sitting towards the back.
"Oh, this is the final show?"
Overheard by many, many audience members at DRS and LitP Closing Nights.
Wicked Tour:
Old Lady: Well, I don't know what they mean, this was NOT the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy wasn't in a bit of it.
Old Man: *hmph* False advertising if you ask me.
*headdesk* I could go on and on about the number of false statements I heard at Wicked........
Haha these are hilarious! Will this thread ever get old? Keep them coming guys!
Last night I was chilling in the lounge of my dorm with some friends. I was talking about how awesome my music of Stephen Sondheim class is. Someone's response:
"Oh Sondheim...he wrote Sound of Music right?"
Nobody could understand why I started laughing so hard.
TEACHER: Does anybody know who Sutton Foster is married to?
ME: Christian Borle
TEACHER: Um... what? No, I thought she was married to Hunter Foster.
ME: No, that's her brother.
TEACHER: OH! Eww... so, who was it? Christian Bale?
I was at the matinee of "A Chorus Line" last Saturday, and I overheard a woman talking to her friends---
"We have tickets for the History Of Boys, but a friend of mine saw it and said she couldn't understand a word they said. You think they would perform in English at least"
WickedForever2: PLEASE DO! I love stupid things about WICKED.
I saw Le Reve last Sunday, and I tried to overhear something funny, but I didn't. I wish I took pictures of them though. People could use a lesson on how to dress when they go to the theatre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
In French today we were playing a card game that Madame made up called Pitt. Since she used to help out with the musicals at our school, the backs of the cards were tickets to a 1985 performance of Pippin.
My friend Andrea called my name and said, "I didn't know there was a musical called Pimpin'!"
No one but Madame knew why I was laughing so hard.
i'm sure this has been said a thousand times already but i heard it today and it cracked me up...
i was in the tkts line this afternoon and a group of southern tourists (maybe mississippi or arkansas? definitely had the accent going...) could not, for the life of them, understand why tkts would be selling tickets to watch a spelling bee!
i wish i said something to them but i decided to let them figure it out on their own...
Don't be makin' fun of our Southern accents, boy.
I'll get my coondog and hunt your a** down, understand?
Stand-by Joined: 8/26/06
While in line to go in to see The Odd Couple, a woman's out of town guests ask about The Producers. She replied "Ohh you don't want to see that, it's a historical piece, about Nazis!! I just about died..
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
This was heard recently when standing in the British Airways check-in line, waiting to fly to London.
American Tourist 1: I'm excited about seeing the shows in London.
Child: What shows are we seeing, Dad?
American Tourist 1: Wicked and Mary Poppins.
American Tourist 2: Remember when we saw Wicked in New York? The cast, set, and orchestra is on a national tour and decided to go to London.
American Tourist 1: I feel bad for the entire cast and crew. They have to travel around the world, lugging the set along with them.
American Tourist 2: How'd they get that flying machine in a truck?
Child: What flying machine? Elphaba used magic to fly.
American Tourist 2: I know, Sarah. I was just joking.
This doesn't make sense because you can't travel in a truck to London...
Also, the child (who was about 13) was serious. He really thought Elphaba used magic to fly... Isn't 13 a bit old to believe that?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
Ok, there was a blackout at the dinky community college I'm taking at during my junior and senior years of HS. So my english class is just sitting in the 'dark' and were just talking. I mentioned something about shows and the girl sitting behind me said something, and so I said, "Oh, I'm really into Musical Theatre." So she replied, "Oh its cool, I really like them too. I went up to New York a couple of years ago and saw some shows and they were pretty cool." "What shows did you see?" "Oh, Phantom and THe Lion King, Phantom is definitly the best." After a moment of sizing up the situation, I did, as is the protocol in this situation, turned around and asked, "Do you know who Stephen Sondheim is?" "That name sounds familiar." Ah, so close to a kindred spirit.
actor, your post made me laugh out loud. 13 is diffinatley too old to believe Elphaba flies by magic.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/05
A bit off topic, but Fiction Writer, how was Le Reve?
A customer at the store I work at?
Lady: Do you go to school here?
Me: Yes, I do.
Lady: What's your major?
Me: Musical Theatre
Lady: OMG!! I just bought my tickets for Wicked when it comes to Lansing!
I died a little. "Wicked" was the first thing she thought of.
At least she's getting into theatre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
Haha, Wicked has taken over musical theatre.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Not exactly a tourist comment, but a friend and I were talking about shows we've seen:
Him: And I saw Urinetown. I sat in the front row.
Me [meaning what he thought of the show in general]: How'd you like it?
Him: I didn't, really. I kept thinking they'd jump on me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
Julian2: You're such a theater snob!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06