My mom and I were in line for Les Mis this weekend, and she noticed the Xanadu marquee across the street at the Helen Hayes.
MOM: (reading) Helen Hayes Xanadu? Does that mean she's in the show?
Oh, here's a classic one from last week in my summer school class.
My teacher: "CATS is an amazing show. It's the best show I've ever seen, probably the best show ever made. If you haven't seen it, you're really cheating yourself of an amazing theatrical experience."
She went so far as to say that she's going to bring in her dvd of Catsand make our class watch it, just so all of us "culturally-deprived" students don't miss out on such an "amazing theatrical experience."
I have a semi-amusing one from the Baltimore 'Hairspray' premiere, kinda Broadway-related I guess..
My friend and I are standing there and Nikki Blonsky had just pulled up and gotten out of her limo, and there was this guy standing next to us
Guy: Oh! It's Nikki Blonsky!
Random Woman: Nikki Blonsky?
Guy: She's Tracy. You know, she's from here in Baltimore.
I don't normally correct people, but I felt like I should.
Me: She's not from Baltimore.
Guy: Yes, she is.
Me: No, she's not.
Guy: Fine! I'm not going to argue with you, but she IS from Baltimore. There's an article about her in the Entertainment Weekly coming out this week. You just wait.
Funny, cuz I got my issue and it clearly says Nikki is from Long Island.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/26/07
I go to see the Hairspray film with my mom. She has seen the Broadway show 2 times and listened to recording many, many times, including on the way to the theater.
During the opening of the film when the camera pans down over Baltimore, she turns to me and whispers, "I wonder what city that is..."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Well, actually, the movie was filmed in Toronto...
Except maybe the opening establishing shots.
It's like how people always say that WEST SIDE STORY was filmed in New York City, in the neighborhood that was then torn down to build Lincoln Center. Only the Prologue was actually filmed there. The rest of the movie was shot in Hollywood on fake sets.
This isn't exactly a comment, but it still merits posting.
I had standing room for ACL yesterday. The guy standing next to me went "Hopefully the show will be so good that we won't mind standing." I assured him that it was, and he seemed to get more comfortable. A minute later I smelled something unpleasant. I looked down and he had taken his sneakers off. I didn't want to be rude and say something, so I ignored it. He kicked his sneakers behing him. The usher came past and took a good look at his feet. I figured she would have said something about his shoes being off, but she just went "Excuse me, can you put your shoes next to you so no one trips on them? Thanks." and walked away.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Oh.. MY GOD. Which spot were you in how did I not see it?!?
My favorite was at a matinee this Saturday, someone in a front row lottery seat was reading Harry Potter. during the show. Am I the only one not reading that friggin book? I walk onto the subway and EVERYONE has it out.. Ugh.
Am I the only one not reading that friggin book?
I'm not- but that's because I've already finished it. :)
I was in 15, almost all the way on the left.
Almost everyone I saw yesterday had a copy of Harry Potter. I don't have it either, don't worry.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
okay.. i was in the center.. that's why i didn't see. lol.
yesterday at acl, before the show, there was a kid standing by the mezz steps reading til the show started...
I saw him. Reading before the show starts isn't so bad. At least he had his sneakers on.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
I just wanted to say "put it away". lol.
someone said that they saw mamma mia in the schoenfeld.
and thursday, at hairspray lottery, someone asked if the lottery was for "tickets to the movie or the play".. and aferward, someone asked which one john travolta was in the show.
Haha, that's priceless.
This woman at the stagedoor asked Jessica Lee Goldyn to take a picture with her daughter, and then she looked at her daughter and went "BUT WE'RE NOT LOOKING AT HER BOOBS, OKAY?" She was kidding, but it was the most random exclamation. Heather started cracking up.
and thursday, at hairspray lottery, someone asked if the lottery was for "tickets to the movie or the play".. and aferward, someone asked which one john travolta was in the show.
I am waiting for the day some screaming fangirl demands a refund because Zac Efron isn't onstage. :)
When I saw Mary Poppins, there was a little girl maybe age 6 sitting with her mother down a few rows from me anyway, in the begining scene of jolly holiday when the statue comes to life and starts dancing, the little girl said eww loudly. Everyone started laughing. She probably thought he looked naked! LOL
Featured Actor Joined: 1/7/06
In Times Square last month, a woman to her husband and kids along the lines of "my god it is beautiful here. Everyone says NY is tacky but this is classy". Poor love.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
someone walked by GREASE and said :WOW! The turned the TV show ito a play!:. Someone else said "Isn't that LIKE that show that was on?"
Yesterday during intermission at Curtains, the two couples behind me were talking about different shows. The Pirate Queen came up. One of the men said "I saw the concept and decided it was a Riverdance rip-off." I wanted to turn around and say "Oh, you you missed the part about 'and the producers of Riverdance' in the stuff you saw?"
And this was a couple of weeks ago, but I somehow didn't post it. When I was getting in line for Xanadu on the 13th, a family was walking down 44th and their pre-teen or teen-aged "I'm SUCH the musical theatre expert" daughter said "Oh! It's Les" (pronounced like the guy's name) "Miserables" (pronounced like miserable with an s on the end). I almost died laughing on the spot.
ok, this one just completely made my morning...from the OiNY website:
Tourist: Excuse me, how do I get to Times Square?
Ghetto dude: This is Times Square.
Tourist, slower and louder: No. Times Square.
Ghetto dude, slower and louder: This is Times Square.
Tourist: No, I'm looking for the actual square. Where's the square?
Ghetto dude: Oh, you want the square... Go down six blocks, turn left, and go down three. You can't miss it.
Tourist: Hey, thanks a lot, man.
Ghetto dude: Dumb f*ck.
--42nd & Broadway
Wait! You Need to Pay the Directions Tax
That is hilarious!
My neighbor was asking me about my recent trip to New York and I was telling her how I had seen Patti LuPone in Gypsy:
Neighbor: Now what is Gypsy about?
Me: It's a musical about the stripper Gypsy Rose Lee and her Mother. Ethel Merman was in the original cast.
Neighbor: Who's Ethel Merman?
Me: Are you serious? She was in Anything Goes, Call Me Madam...
Neighbor: Oh yeah, she was that woman on I Love Lucy.
That's not so much hilarious as it is sad.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
My friend and I were going on this trip that our school made to go to New York and go see 4 Broadway shows.
She said, "What are we seeing again?"
I said, "Wicked, Inherit the Wind, the Color Purple, and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee."
She looked at me and was like, "Dude. Why are we seeing a spelling bee?"
HAHA! I love this thread.
I have heard so many uppity people who think they know all pronounce "Les Miserables" incorrectly...
How many have you heard ask why "The Producers" isn't listed in the back of the playbill anymore? (geez)
or better yet-"Doesn't Oprah play the lead in "The Color Purple" on Broadway?" (yeah, she does-the financial one!)
Old man on cell: Okay, well, I'm going to let you go. I'm seeing Spring Awakening, and I have to get settled and take my clothes off before the show starts.
--Eugene O'Neill Theater