I just sold a ticked to Mandy Patinkin and Patti Lupone at the Prince, and this older gentleman shares with me that he has been a fan of Mandi's since his days in "Evita" when he played the role of Cher.
broadwaytourist: There is a Curves Broadway tape! It's hysterically awful. Everything is disco-remixed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
Wednesday night at Spring Awakening during Intermission:
Old Lady: Isn't this just horrible?
Old Man: I Know.. They are just doing it!
Old Lady: Hunny lets leave, this is a disgrace.
After the Show:
Old Lady: Did you see those two guys kissing?
Old Man: Hun, they weren't kissing... they were playing.
Old Lady: Oh that makes sense now... But it was still a waste of money, this was horrible.
*laughs to self while leaving the o'neil*
another thing:
when i was trying out on thursday for a choir group...
girl: omg like wicked is amazingg!
me: ugh ya it was pretty good.
girl: i saw it 12 times.
me: oh with who?
girl: idina menzel... shes still in it.
me: uh no shes not... steph is in.
girl: ugh no she isn't! get your facts straight... i just saw her last week.
me: um okay don't believe me.
girl: it was like so amazing everytime i see it i cry, especially in defying gravity.
me: ugh you cry when you see someone go on a cherry picker?
girl: shut up, cries, walks away.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
The girl cried because you said that Elphaba is lifted in a cherry picker? Mhm...
In the current Les Miserables, during Lovely Ladies there was a kid, probably about 10 with his dad, behind me and we were in row B on the sides. For some unknown reason the kid starts repeating the words he hears singing, nothing bad really, until one of the "whores" brings one of the "sailors" in front of us and says "do you really want to have sex? feel good?" and the kid just said it and we all looked at each other. Hahaha, I thought it was rather funny.
overheard on the subway last night, group of people who were talking about the strike start talking about which shows they can/can not currently buy tix for...
"See, like Young Frankenstein is still open because they *outsource* their backstage, and so that's why they still have stagehands, and so they're able to do the show."
I might have silently mocked them the rest of the ride.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/12/07
Stagehands working the picket line at Legally Blonde had a gentleman come up to them and say:
"Thank you guys! I didn't want to see this thing anyway! My wife dragged me to it!"
This thread is hysterical.
People never seize to amaze me with their stupidity, "living under a rock" obliviousness.
When I ushered at MP I heard so many dumb, hilarious comments/conversations. There were times when I seriously came close to peeing my pants. I was working the elevator one night and this woman got in and said to me, and I kid you not "Is this Mary Poppins? Is this the right theater?"
Yeah...because...you know the eye sore that IS the mega large New Am marquis outside didn't inform you of that.
On that note, I went home to MA one weekend for Easter this past Spring and I wore my Mary Poppins staff t-shirt out to dinner one night. Our waitress came up to us and said: "Oh Mary Poppins!!! Do you play her in the Broadway show right now?!?!"
Then again, you can't expect much out of hicksville.
My mom about Pygmalion:
"Eliza Doolittle!? Is this the sequel to Dr. Doolittle?"
:shakes head in shame:
even after we saw the show she was confused. she was like, "But I don't understand why her name is Doolittle. That's the same as Dr. Doolittle." or something like that. lmao.
Understudy Joined: 6/18/06
About three weeks ago at Drowsy, I overheard a girl telling her friend:
"My other friend and I are going to come to this show again in December because Sutton Foster is leaving soon."
And then, I just thought this was funny -- this woman came to the stage door after Drowsy, stuck her head in and starts telling everyone "I'm Bob Saget's cousin! I'm his cousin! Don't we look alike? I'm here to see Bob Saget! I'm Bob Saget's cousin. HIS COUSIN. I'm Bob Saget's cousin!"
Her friend chimed in with: "I'm her friend! I talk to Bob Saget's cousin!"
... oy.
The first time I saw Grey Gardens, intermission time came and the woman behind me kept saying, "Isn't this about Jackie Kennedy? When does Jackie come on? Is she in the next act?"
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
Lol I am a HUGE WICKED fan but man some WICKED fans are just NUTS
kay this is when I went to go see The Color Purple. This women sat down and I swear she must of been racist.
WOMEN: Have you seen this show?
ME: YEs 3 times. Its a good show.
WOMEN: ITs not like the movie is it?
ME: Its simalar but it has some differneces I guess. Why not a fan of the movie?
WOMEN: No. The cast was bad.
ME: Ooh well I thought it was good but not everyone has to like Whoopi
WOMEN: Ooh no, it wasnt that. They shouldnt have hired blacks to play white parts
ME: Ummm you have got...!(MY aunt cuts me off before I can say anymore. I WANTED TO DECK THAT WOMEN.)
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
*Sorry double post* Updated On: 11/16/07 at 09:57 PM
Allshowsrock, I don't even know what to say that. Just, wow.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I agree with Allie. That may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.
At Legally Blonde, there were these two Canadian girls sitting behind me. They talked and said incredibly dumb things throughout the whole show, but when Elle first comes up through the stage one of them goes, "Crap,we have to see Reese Witherspoon's understudy."
kay this is when I went to go see The Color Purple. This women sat down and I swear she must of been racist.
WOMEN: Have you seen this show?
ME: YEs 3 times. Its a good show.
WOMEN: ITs not like the movie is it?
ME: Its simalar but it has some differneces I guess. Why not a fan of the movie?
WOMEN: No. The cast was bad.
ME: Ooh well I thought it was good but not everyone has to like Whoopi
WOMEN: Ooh no, it wasnt that. They shouldnt have hired blacks to play white parts
ME: Ummm you have got...!(MY aunt cuts me off before I can say anymore. I WANTED TO DECK THAT WOMEN.)
What the...? Were they serious?
Outside the national tour of Doubt with Cherry Jones at the Colonial Theater in Boston.
Bostonian to his wife: "Next time we're going to a f***in' Bruins game!"
Outside of RENT a guy talking to his girlfriend about the end of the show.
Guy: I could've sworn she died the last time I saw this. (meaning Mimi)
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
yea that women sounded pretty serious to me. I REALLY wanted to knock her out. But one, thats illegal, two, i would of been kicked out, and three, well...i dont feel like getting raped in prison lol
but seriously, she not only sounded like a *BEEP* but looked like one to. She left 1/2 through act one. Bitch
Updated On: 11/17/07 at 11:13 PM
I was walking down 45th St. this Thursday around 4:00pm, during the strike, past the tkts line and a woman and her family were next to me...
Mom: Oh, you see, this is the line for the Drowsy Chaperone. I can't believe they're on line already, since the show doesn't start til like 8 o'clock or so.
"So the Nether lenders are suing the stagehands"
ps am i only only person who noticed the misplaced modifier in the title of this thread?
Stand-by Joined: 7/28/07
what misplaced modifier?
The tourists didnt overhear the comments, they commented.