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How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door

How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door

#1How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 3:25pm

How is the stage door lately? Is it easy to get anything signed by Daniel Radcliffe at the stage door?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#2How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 3:34pm

I happened to walk by about a week ago and it was an absolute madhouse. Several uniformed police, Radcliffe's bodyguards, and a ton of fans, on both sides of the streets.

It didn't seem chaotic or anything, just very busy. Radcliffe appeared to be workng his way down the barricades, signing for people, but I have no idea how many of the people there actually got a signature.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#2How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 3:43pm

Most insane stagedoor experience I've ever had. Not worth it. Then again, I'm not a Radcliffe fan.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#3How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 4:07pm

When I went to see it, I asked one of the security guys before the show how it was. He told me unless I really, really, REALLY wanted to, not to bother. I guess it really is that bad...

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#4How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 4:12pm

It is. You stand packed like sardines for twenty minutes and when he finally comes out the crowd surges forward like they're heading for the emergency exit.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#5How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 8:50pm

The worst stage door experience of my life... oh my goodness, it was awful. I was in the second row of people and still didn't get his signature. When he came out, he was as sweet as can be, but there were so many little fan-girls screaming about how much they love him and trying to push their way to the front... It got to the point where I didn't even worry about getting his signature, I just worried about being squished by the fan-girls. I would not do it again. Instead of remembering how much I enjoyed the show, I only remember how miserable I was after the stage door.

If it wasn't raining, it might have been a different experience, but alas, it was.

On the plus side: I did get John Larroquette and Christopher Hanke's signatures! That made me happy. :)

bwaynews Profile Photo
#6How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/2/11 at 10:49pm

It's pure insanity.
There are barricades on either side of the door. If you come wait before the show lets out, you have to stand on a certain side: security will watch and make sure actual ticket holders are on a specific side and everyone else waiting is on the other. When Daniel comes out, the shrieking (yes, shrieking) is so loud and everyone surges forward squishing everyone up front. I saw poor young girls who just wanted to meet someone they love get smashed against a barricade by crazy teenage girls that could care less about what they're doing to people around them. It's a madhouse. If you decide to wait, be prepared, it's not a pleasant experience.
That being said, Daniel does come sign for both sides of the crowd. He has a ton of things being shoved in his face and he's gracious enough to sign as much as he can. He does have a securty guard slowly nudging him along to his car. Chances are if you aren't in the first row or two, or you don't have really long arms to stretch over people, you won't get something signed. Not to mention he's short and you probably won't even see him How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door

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Rudy2 Profile Photo
#7How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/3/11 at 1:52am

I'm 5'7" and I was slightly looking down at him. He is short, but he's adorable.

I was very impressed with his performance as someone who had never seen any of his work and so was not swayed by loving his work prior.

Does anyone know if he comes out and signs between shows on matinee days? I would assume not.


Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)

#8How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/3/11 at 9:06am

No, he and John don't come out after matinees on 2 show days.

AvenueQResident Profile Photo
#9How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/3/11 at 1:10pm

Out of interest, were the Equus crowds ever this bad?

Everything in only for now.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#10How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/3/11 at 3:42pm

I stage doored Equus once on a nice, warm Friday evening (I think sometime in September). It was crowded and when Dan came out I was pressed up against the barricades a little bit, but I saw the show that night and was at the front of the crowd and was able to get his signature and talk to him a little and he was very nice to everyone waiting (which seems to not have changed). I haven't tried stage dooring How to Succeed but it seems like it's much worse than Equus ever was. From the sound of it, it also seems like the crowd in general is much younger. I was 17/18 when Equus was around and I was definitely on the young end of the people that were waiting outside since it's not a show that's appropriate for children, which I'm sure has something to do with it as well.

karen24 Profile Photo
#11How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/3/11 at 9:42pm

I was at the matinee on Saturday and definitely noticed that the audience seemed a bit skewed towards girls/women. I was worried that many of them were there to see "Harry Potter" and would be annoying during the performance (inappropriate shrieking or photography) but was pleasantly surprised. He did get huge applause when he first appeared, of course, but the audience also generously applauded Larroquette and the other performers. And at least from where I was (middle of the mezzanine) I didn't see any blatant attempts to photograph him.
When I came out I saw a big crowd around the stage door and across the street, but I didn't hang around. If he doesn't come out after matinees I guess there were a lot of disappointed people! Although I cannot blame him at all; the show didn't get out until about 4:30 and he has to be on stage again at 8.
I'll just add that I really liked the show and thought DR did a fine job. I thought his singing and dancing were just fine. My only criticsm really is that I thought he rushed some of his spoken lines, making them hard to understand. I was wondering if this was somehow related to his having to maintain the American accent.


beach2732 Profile Photo
#12How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 3:46pm

I went to see H2$ again this past Tuesday. No longer content with simply skipping out on the curtain call, people are now getting up and leaving during "Brotherhood of Men" in order to go to the stage door. I thought it was extremely rude!

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#13How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 4:51pm

When I saw it, I went with someone who was invited into Radcliffe's dressing room, after the show. We spent approximately 40 minutes with him. When we went out (through the alley on the opposite side of the stage door), we were shocked at how many people lined the street, on both sides. They waited, all that time. He, of course, went out through the stage door and was greeted with screams, like The Beatles.

#14How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 4:51pm

When I went, back in February, there were a group of girls who left before "Brotherhood" and even told the cast that they did it. Frankly, I was disgusted by that.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#15How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 4:58pm

I've never gotten what the thrill of waiting at a stage door is.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#16How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 5:00pm

I pass the theatre on an almost daily basis. It's a madhouse, always a madhouse. My suggestion would be to write Daniel a nice letter with a SASE. I hear he almost always responds, sometimes with a personal reply letter.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#17How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 7/17/11 at 5:01pm

He said it was "every single night".

theatrefreak0109 Profile Photo
#18How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/20/11 at 8:53am

with school back in session has the stage door lightened up any?

#19How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/20/11 at 6:18pm

I saw it a month ago (Sunday, Sept 1How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door  and the stage door wasn't NEARLY as crowded as it was over the summer. It was great, but was still a little insane (with the pushing) when Daniel came out. I left at curtain call (which i HATE doing...) and i got the last front row spot on the barricade. I'm guessing now it's pretty quiet, but it will get crazy again during the holidays.

pat_NYborn Profile Photo
#20How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/23/11 at 12:59pm

Heads up to anyone seeing it this week! Was there Saturday and everyone said he wasnt doing autographs since it was Broadway Cares. They were selling signed playbills for $85 (with the whole cast signatures) as well as signed CDs, and Souvenier Programs. After the show it was pretty neat since the lights came up and he was auctioning the how to suceed book he uses during the show. Did some interacting with the audience which was awesome! But they ushers said he wasnt doing stage door these days b/c they want ppl to buy the autographed playbills to support Broadway Cares.

#21How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/23/11 at 1:47pm

That's what they did with Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig during A Steady Rain, no? It makes sense to me, but I remember a lot of people being in a huff about it. I can imagine it will be the same here.

#22How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/23/11 at 7:39pm

Does the rest of the cast do autographs??? Or will I be safe by november 23rd?

#23How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/23/11 at 7:44pm

PAT_NYBORN, Daniel signed after the evening performance. On two show days, Daniel + John don't come out between shows. I finally on my 10th try got Daniel to sign and that was Saturday night around 11:20ish or just after.

EMMALOUCBWAY: BCEFA runs through early/mid December.

Essentially NONE of the cast comes out the stage door as everyone assumes people want Daniel. They essentially all leave through the front door or the metal door just left of the front door (if you are facing the theater).

#24How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
Posted: 10/23/11 at 7:48pm

Sometimes when I went John Larroquette and Christopher Hanke came out.. so they aren't with the BCEFA?
