Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I wish you emm effs would stop posting in this thread, because I have to keep looking at it!
There we go. Fixed it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
You are the THE ONE, just as the prophets spaketh. Updated On: 6/20/10 at 01:41 PM
Come my child & I will heal yee.
HEEL, Blanche!
Wow. Anyone seen Meredith (Patterson) Wiley's blog?
Denzel started on Broadway, and Catherine was Peggy Sawyer in London at the age of 17. But...from the way she acted you would never know it. Denzel I love, but come on, he couldn't remember who to thank? The name of the award? Jeez. And Catherine (who I heard smokes like chimney backstage...I have sources) is constantly out of the show, and constantly has no voice won Best Actress? Really? Beating out the amazing Broadway vets and professionals Kate Baldwin and Montego Glover. And the weirdest she won the award, she turned to her husband Michael Douglas in shock...not sure what she's saying but it caused controversy among our community that the award was "bought for her by Michael". I know. Shock! Well, I'm the most naive person when it comes to awards. I think the best of the best win and that's how it is. The best of the best get the role and that's how it is. Sadly, we know that's not how the world works.
Yes, just because someone turns to their significant other the moment they learn they won an incredible award, that MUST mean the award was pre-arranged.
And then she cites a line from a show her husband was in for months, and doesn't even cite it correctly.
WTF. Ho hum.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
You know, Cathy was bizarre and mannered to the hilt that night (as herself, not even talking about the performance) and while I tend to usually like her, I found her really annoying. But these out of work actors really need to find another way to channel their energy, besides believing in - and COMMENTING FOR ALL TO SEE ON - these ridiculous nonsensical rumors.
Shock! Well, I'm the most naive person when it comes to awards. I think the best of the best win and that's how it is. The best of the best get the role and that's how it is. Sadly, we know that's not how the world works.
I like here how each sentence seems to exist to contradict the others.
I found this last night and it is oh so appropriate for so many things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Funny how none of the cast who I know and have talked to have ever ONCE, even before she "bought" her Tony, had anything remotely negative to say about her.
And really, these actors are going to bring up attendance issues in respect to winning the award. Do they then also feel that Karen Olivo should be handing her statue back to the committee, because we all know who had the worst attendance record in that category last year. (And that is not meant to bash Ms. Olivo, but to show how these people making these arguments seem to have extremely selective memories and reasoning)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Wasn't she (Cathy Z Jones-Douglas) hardly ever out, save for that week or so when the voting was going on and she was apparently rather sick (as evidenced by her voice at the Tonys)?
And Catherine (who I heard smokes like chimney backstage...I have sources) is constantly out of the show, and constantly has no voice won Best Actress? Really?
1. Who cares if she smokes. It's her own business.
2. Constantly out of the show? Hasn't she missed maybe 5 performances unscheduled?
She seems to attack CZJ, but what about Karen Olivo missed 2 weeks of performances post TONYS. That seems like it would be the bigger offense.
And the weirdest she won the award, she turned to her husband Michael Douglas in shock...not sure what she's saying but it caused controversy among our community that the award was "bought for her by Michael".
The winner looked at her husband? HUGE F*CKING CONSPIRACY worthy isn't it?
Lizzie, that bookmark is amazing!
Has this been posted here? Seems a little pointed against this whole little "campaign."
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
I did see the transcript of what she said, but it's great to see the actual video. This just reaffirms why I do adore her. Kristin Chenoweth understands that this is a business and clearly has a better grasp of just how this business works than some of the delusional members of that group. I'm happy that she sees the ridiculousness of what is going on and it looks like she is refusing to take part in it. And considering that you could view her as somebody who was "snubbed" in favor of these Hollywood stars that says a lot.
That's why we love Kristin. :)
"To be FAIR, his campaign is to "give the TONYS back to BROADWAY." He doesn't say he has issue with Hollywood stars being on Broadway. I interpret his "mission statement," if you will, to promote the desire to have BROADWAY host, present, and perform on the TONYS."
I like how that although this is his supposed campaign, Meredith Patterson spews a bunch of BS on her blog about Catherine Zeta-Jones as well as mention of some conspiracy that her husband bought her the award. She also sad it was sad to see Hollywood names take some of the biggest awards. Bitter much?
I don't know why she brought up CZJ's attendance record...I'm pretty sure that before a couple weeks ago when she was really sick she had hardly missed any performances except for those absences that were scheduled. And I adore Kristin, she's such a classy lady.
Kristin's "WHAT?!" made me pee. She's just hilarious. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
And while that may have been his intention, he certainly didn't do a single thing to stop the inflammatory and downright hateful things that were being posted on the group wall until it was well out of control and unable to be stopped. And, as others have pointed out, the words of several others, including his wife, leading up to the Tony awards and immediately after also certainly point at bitterness and anger over the "Hollywood takeover" of Broadway.
I joined the group but haven't commented on anything yet. Some of the comments are making me lol:
"Scott it was the absolute worst in history! I hated every minute except Nathan and Bebe. I thought Sean's lame joke about Carol Channing was inappropriate. Make fun of politics or movie stars if you want but not your own (not that Hayes should be considered part of the Broadway Community in my opinion) Don't s*** where you eat!"
I was so frustrated on Sunday night because of the Tony Awards...I couldn't believe all the "celebrity actors, singers" invading my night Not only were they presenting, in the audience, but now they seem to be in musicals and plays a lot more than before. I am not talking about "real" actors like Alfred Molina who dese...rve to be on stage and in plays on Broadway...or dedicated actors like Kevin Kline.
I am talking about all the "celebrities" who are there now and can't seem to perform to the level we were once used to see on every stage and production. Remember Julia Roberts? Melanie Griffith? Usher? Toni Braxton? Not only do producers ruin the quality of the play or musical but they invite another kind of audience that come to just see their "celebrity". And what about all these hand held microphones.. At least if they could hold a microphone the correct way so we could see their mouths (like the good old time) it would be maybe ok...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Damn, Phyl. I wanna have yo' babies! LOL