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I Now Hate GLEE

phantomcrazy14 Profile Photo
#75I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 12:59pm

I actually heard either John Stamos' character or Mr. Schue is going to be killed off in New York....really. (Although I obviously don't know if it's true.)

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#76I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 1:28pm

I am not sure if this was posted any where around here, but it's seems you guys aren't the only GLEE haters...LOL....

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

yournamehere Profile Photo
#77I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 1:51pm

I am not sure if I hate Chris Colfer or Kurt more. There's no acting. I am almost positive Chris acts like that stuck up queen with that stupid look on his face all of the time. He can't dance. He thinks he can.

That being so, I thought recently, up until regionals, the show was actually maybe getting some sort of direction. I was finding the show funnier again. It could be because they were getting away from a Kurt story point. Nothing will top the first thirteen episodes of this show. Somehow, adding the themes, ruined it.

The show has so much potential and fails. I still watch it and still, to some extent, enjoy the show. It's mostly just the Kurt story line that ruins it for me. That and how ridiculous the show is sometimes in ignoring plot lines. From week to week characters can change. They seem to forget they make certain people do things only because it is a cheap way to get in a Lady Gaga song.

auggie Profile Photo
#78I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 1:57pm

"GLEE should never be mentioned in the same sentence as MSCL, perhaps the most realistic portrayal of life as a teenager ever recorded. At only 19 episodes, it was, is and will forever be - perfect."

I nominate Freaks & Geeks as the most realistic portrayal of teens in a specific time period. Killer cast and well written show.

As for Glee I gave up when I heard that Murphy gave in to some songwriters giving him a hard time about using all these old songs; they were looking for a pay day. What made the show hip for my teen was to hear updated versions of older songs, kind of a refresher not only for classic rock but also for R&B and Broadway. My daughter was taken by the "Rose's Turn" Kurt sang so I filled her in on the history of the tune and now she gets "it". Hearing another take on "Fireworks" means nothing to her at this time period and the originals didn't move her.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#79I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:11pm

I hate Ryan Murphy. See signature.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#80I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:25pm

... Wow, really? Obviously no one is obligated to like the show at all, but a whole thread just to bash it and its actors? Is that really necessary?

I for one adore the show, and the last episode was one of my favorites :) Sure, there are some definite issues in the writing and the tone can get all over the place, but... somehow I personally find it kind of works for me that way! I LIKE having those really genuine, emotional moments and those over the top absurd dark comedy moments. I don't know that the erratic-ness would work for most shows, but for Glee I just think it does. There have only been a handful of episodes (if even that) that I haven't at least enjoyed watching

Then again, I also adore Kurt and think Chris Colfer is easily one of the best actors on the show :)

and actually, on that note:
"I am not sure if I hate Chris Colfer or Kurt more. There's no acting. I am almost positive Chris acts like that stuck up queen with that stupid look on his face all of the time. He can't dance. He thinks he can."

o_O Exactly where are you getting this from?? Because Chris is actually NOT that much like Kurt at all and he tends to come across ridiculously self deprecating and humble. I mean he's got a killer sarcastic wit, not entirely unlike Kurt, but.. yeah. Totally different demeanor.

I don't see how anyone could watch his Golden Globe win and think he acts like a "stuck up queen":

Oh and he definitely doesn't think he can dance- KURT might, but Chris has said many times that he's not a dancer and was really intimidated having to learn the Single Ladies dance haha

Oh and the Blackbird scene was definitely meant to be for laughs haha- that wasn't bad/over-acting, it was just purposely Kurt being melodramatic lol. The song itself was beautiful, but I was definitely cracking up at the scene XD

Sorry, I know I get defensive (especially of Kurt/Chris because he's my favorite), but I just don't see why it's necessary to have a whole thread for bashing a show.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 3/18/11 at 02:25 PM

#81I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:31pm

Wow. I seem to have been ahead of the curve. I detested that stupid show from the first time I saw it. I've sat through the occasional episode, but I usually just sit there loathing the entire enterprise, except for the weekly one-liner from the dim-witted blonde cheerleader, and the all-too-infrequent shirtless shots of Matt Morrison.

As for that little creep Kurt -- he isn't bullied because he's gay. He gets bullied because he's a stuck-up arrogant little sh*t. The self-righteousness surrounding this character and his doings is nauseating. Newsflash, Kurt -- being expected to sing with the boys instead of the girls doesn't count as institutionalized homophobia.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#82I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:38pm

I actually thought the pilot was quite brilliant, but every time I have watched it since it has fallen far, far below its potential.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#83I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:41pm

As for that little creep Kurt -- he isn't bullied because he's gay. He gets bullied because he's a stuck-up arrogant little sh*t. The self-righteousness surrounding this character and his doings is nauseating.

EXACTLY! He annoys the living hell out of me. His character literally makes me sick and angry.

I was watching some videos of Glee last night on YouTube to try and see if I could find anything I liked or found redeemable. I didn't. The auto-tune is so ridiculously bad and obvious it it just unbelievable.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#84I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 2:52pm

Ok, I'm going to go into Kurt defense mode for a minute haha:

I'm sorry, but to try and argue that he gets bullied because of his attitude is just plain inaccurate. It has been well established from the VERY beginning (literally one of the first scenes of the pilot) that he is bullied, plainly and simply, because he's gay.

He does have an attitude, absolutely (one that I personally have never minded at all, but I can see how some people might), but that is in NO way the reason that the depicted bullies- who he never even remotely associates with until they're throwing him into dumpsters or slamming him into lockers- single him out. In fact, particularly the way Chris portrays it, it's pretty clear that his superior attitude is precisely a response to the way he's been treated at school presumably all his life.

Oh and as for the whole "wanting to be on the girls' team"- that was a simple matter of the fact that he was going through a rough time as it was and he's a lot more comfortable with the girls than he is with the guys. So yeah, he wanted to just be able to use the respite of Glee and hang out with his girl friends, and got a little peeved that Will wouldn't just give him that. Neither he or the show was ever claiming it was institutionalized homophobia or anything. It was a moment of brattyness, sure, but who among us doesn't have those days?

Honestly, I do not get the intense hate that Kurt gets. I guess I'll chalk it up to him just being a polarizing character like Rachel is. But yeah... he's never been annoying to me. I think he COULD have been, but I feel Chris plays him with amazing sensitivity and adds so many layers behind the "bitchy diva" persona. I really connect with his acting and sympathize with the character, so yeah :)

Okay, I suppose I'll leave you guys to continue your bashing now. I just felt the need to make a counter-argument haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 3/18/11 at 02:52 PM

#85I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 4:04pm

So while in NYC for nationals, which Glee character will sneak off to a Broadway audition, get the part and leave the show?

I say Mr. Shuster sneaks off to a "South Pacific" audition, gets the role and leaves the kids, hence getting a new star for Glee.

Or maybe Kurt sneaks off to a "Falsettos" audition, gets the part of Jason and leaves the show.

But then again, maybe Rachel sees an audition for "Funny Girl" and wows them enough that she leaves the show.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#86I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 4:53pm

Hopefully none of them get a part. I would rather them just stick with their little show and stay off the stage.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#87I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 5:44pm

This show jumped the shark eons ago. I have NEVER liked Kurt. He's bitchy to everyone. He seemed SO out of place with The Warblers. And yes, that LOOK! I wanna smack him in his strange mouth. (the character, of course!)

That said, I dreamed last nIght that I was trying to help Britney and Santana get together. Santana was crying all the time. I helped Artie get transferred to another school with better wheelchair accessibility. Then I had to distract Sue, while we all met up in the pool, which is where the ladies were going to profess their love. The Sue distractions included a trail of flip flop shaped paper clips she had to follow... You can't make this shiz up, people.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#88I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 6:09pm

According to GLEE there are three kinds of gays

1) The Princess (Kurt): The stereotypical girlie boy who loves prancing down the halls wishing he were wearing a tiara and an enormous prom dress while singing some divas 11 o'clock number. Hell, I'D beat him up if just for that holier than thou attitude he has.

2) The bully closet case (Karofsky): Such a ridiculous character that when he kissed Kurt, I laughed harder than I did with any of Britneys amazing one liners.

3) The Personality-Less Gay (Blaine): obviously the least offensive and stereotypical, he is just a boring fvcking character with absolutely no purpose on the show but to provide endless lust for Kurt who, while eternally lusting over him has never once thought of sex (Because when you lust after someone you only want to bake cookies and knit a sweater with them. But this is Kurt we're talking about, y'never know...) Obviously, he'll suffer a stroke at the end of the season to which a teary eyed Kurt will sashay into the chorus room and and sing Dionne Warwicks "I'll Never Love This Way Again".

#89I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 6:33pm

Remember, bullying is only a problem when the victim is a gay teenager. It's okay for adults to punch abuse victims and it's funny when one girl shoves another into lockers!

SNL, I accept your Kurt challenge.

Ok, I'm going to go into Kurt defense mode for a minute haha:

I'm sorry, but to try and argue that he gets bullied because of his attitude is just plain inaccurate. It has been well established from the VERY beginning (literally one of the first scenes of the pilot) that he is bullied, plainly and simply, because he's gay.

I actually agree with this.

He does have an attitude, absolutely (one that I personally have never minded at all, but I can see how some people might), but that is in NO way the reason that the depicted bullies- who he never even remotely associates with until they're throwing him into dumpsters or slamming him into lockers- single him out. In fact, particularly the way Chris portrays it, it's pretty clear that his superior attitude is precisely a response to the way he's been treated at school presumably all his life.

Kurt LOVES playing the victim though. When Kurt's father bonds with Finn, Kurt is the victim whose father prefers a more stereotypically masculine son. When Finn rejects his romantic advances and even confronts him about how he's been essentially stalking him, Finn is homophobic and Kurt is the victim of homophobia. When Kurt gets caught with another boy, he is the victim of a father who is heterosexual and doesn't understand gay relationships or sex. When Mercedes gets upset that Kurt is ditching her for Blaine, Kurt is the victim of a jealous friend who wants what he has. I'm not saying Kurt likes being pushed against lockers, but he loves playing the homophobia card. He's like the gay equivalent of Uncle Leo from Seinfeld who always called people anti-Semites.

Oh and as for the whole "wanting to be on the girls' team"- that was a simple matter of the fact that he was going through a rough time as it was and he's a lot more comfortable with the girls than he is with the guys. So yeah, he wanted to just be able to use the respite of Glee and hang out with his girl friends, and got a little peeved that Will wouldn't just give him that. Neither he or the show was ever claiming it was institutionalized homophobia or anything. It was a moment of brattyness, sure, but who among us doesn't have those days?

Except for Kurt also often sings female parts in female songs. And I'm pretty sure he at least implied it was homophobia.

Honestly, I do not get the intense hate that Kurt gets. I guess I'll chalk it up to him just being a polarizing character like Rachel is. But yeah... he's never been annoying to me. I think he COULD have been, but I feel Chris plays him with amazing sensitivity and adds so many layers behind the "bitchy diva" persona. I really connect with his acting and sympathize with the character, so yeah :)

I've never seen layers behind his "bitchy diva" persona. I've seen someone who consistently acts awful to people and cries homophobia whenever he doesn't get what he wants. I don't understand how anyone can like Kurt after what he did to so many people on the show (i.e. Rachel and Finn). The problem is also that Kurt is Ryan Murphy's Gary Stu so he's put up on a pedestal. I mean come on, he was the star of Burt and Carol's wedding. Even people who don't hate Kurt find that off-putting.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

yournamehere Profile Photo
#90I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 7:27pm

^ I have to agree with everything said up there. Which isn't all Kurt's fault, I think it is partially Ryan Murphy and how he is. I mean look at the fight with Kings of Leon, even if they are pretentious assholes.

As for the person who said Chris is humble and sweet, I don't think it comes in his script to talk that way or make those faces when delivering the lines. He goes through the episodes like a stuck-up princess who hasn't done anything wrong. Last time I checked, stalking the star quarterback and trying to make him love you was a little wrong. Not that Chris has done that in real life, it just irks me the way he acts and talks... and sings.

I find Chris Colfer to be full of little talent. I don't think he's acting much. He seems to be a queen in real life.

#91I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 9:30pm

Actually that's another gripe of mine--they used to make some effort to integrate the songs into the action, even the dialogue, now there's absolutely nothing (except I guess Shue's "lessons"--what Glee teacher asks kids to pick songs for a lesson?)

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#92I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 9:38pm

^ good point.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#93I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 9:39pm

I imagine Ryan Murphy based Kurt on himself.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#94I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 10:55pm

"As for the person who said Chris is humble and sweet, I don't think it comes in his script to talk that way or make those faces when delivering the lines. He goes through the episodes like a stuck-up princess who hasn't done anything wrong. Last time I checked, stalking the star quarterback and trying to make him love you was a little wrong. Not that Chris has done that in real life, it just irks me the way he acts and talks... and sings."

No, it doesn't come in the script- it's him creating a character and making acting choices :P

No seriously though, that whole superior attitude and the faces and all that...those were very deliberate acting choices on Chris's part. He's said in lots of interviews that he didn't want to be that really typical super loud, over the top extroverted kind of gay character that you see a lot- the Jack McFarland type. Obviously Kurt was always going to be stereotypical in a lot of ways, but he very purposely made him very internal and have that poised, superior air of confidence about him. Actually I think he's mentioned he based a lot of it off of Ryan Murphy, much more so than himself haha (which is totally legit- I see MUCH more Ryan in Kurt than Chris, and not just the character itself but the way Chris portrays him).

So yeah, it's not in the script for him to act that way, but it's absolutely conscious characterization. Seriously, if you watch any of his interviews, you'll see the only way Chris is really Kurt-like at all is that he has a really sharp sarcastic wit. But he's a self proclaimed dork, and doesn't have that kind of superior demeanor at ALL. If he acts superior at all, it's always very clearly completely sarcastic haha

Not that you by any means have to watch this whole thing, but just if you want an idea of his real life personality:
It's not that Chris and Kurt don't have their similarities, but just all the little Kurt mannerisms and "bitch faces" and stuff.. those really aren't Chris's. He's MUCH more laid back and silly (and adorable!)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 3/18/11 at 10:55 PM

#95I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/18/11 at 11:32pm

" Kurt LOVES playing the victim though. When Kurt's father bonds with Finn, Kurt is the victim whose father prefers a more stereotypically masculine son. When Finn rejects his romantic advances and even confronts him about how he's been essentially stalking him, Finn is homophobic and Kurt is the victim of homophobia. When Kurt gets caught with another boy, he is the victim of a father who is heterosexual and doesn't understand gay relationships or sex. When Mercedes gets upset that Kurt is ditching her for Blaine, Kurt is the victim of a jealous friend who wants what he has. I'm not saying Kurt likes being pushed against lockers, but he loves playing the homophobia card. He's like the gay equivalent of Uncle Leo from Seinfeld who always called people anti-Semites. "

Oh I certainly don't disagree that Kurt can fall pretty easily into playing the victim- though I think MOST of the time it's with his dad, and I like to think that's probably because he knows his dad will (and has, on multiple occasions) call him out on :) I dunno... I know I have a tendency to get more playing-the-victim-y with the people I trust deep down will call me out when I go there, you know what I mean? It's like when you're in denial about something, it's not that easy to get to the heart of what's REALLY bothering you, so it's easier to fall into playing the victim with someone you trust and let THEM say "don't go there- what's this really about?". So I really get that.

The whole Finn situation (including the aftermath of it) was a good example of that actually. He was in denial about it, for sure, and did need to be called out. I mean I personally sympathized with Kurt in that whole situation as well as Finn because it wasn't like Kurt ever meant any intentional harm to Finn- he was really lonely and had an intense crush and went too far with it. He needed to cool it, for sure, but I think the way Finn approached it in Duets was also kind of over exaggerating considering once Finn DID actually ask him to back off. But anyway, once again Burt was the one who got through to him because he called him out on the denial/playing the victim and then they were able to get to the heart of the matter- which was that he was really lonely. And once they worked that out, Kurt grew a lot in that episode :)

With the situation with Blaine sleeping in the same bed, I actually thought Kurt had a fair point there but that's just me haha. Not that Burt was being homophobic, but I think Kurt was just questioning if he might have been adhering to a bit of a double standard, considering they'd legitimately done nothing of any kind of sexual nature. And hey, when Kurt was actually laying there making out with Brittany, all Burt said was "use protection", so I do think it was a fair question as to why sharing the bed in itself should be considered "inappropriate".

So yeah, I don't totally disagree- he can be a bratty teenager who plays the victim sometimes, absolutely. I guess I just usually end up sympathizing with him anyway though because there's pretty much always something deeper going on there, and Burt usually has a way of getting to it and then they have a heart to heart and it's all good and he matures :P haha

With Mercedes, he was just being a lousy friend (as people can tend to do when they get into a new exciting relationship) and I do actually wish Mercedes had called him on it haha

" I've never seen layers behind his "bitchy diva" persona. I've seen someone who consistently acts awful to people and cries homophobia whenever he doesn't get what he wants. I don't understand how anyone can like Kurt after what he did to so many people on the show (i.e. Rachel and Finn). "

All the characters on the show have done selfish/bratty/mean things though... actually, in the grand scheme of things, I'd say Kurt is probably one of the lesser offenders! haha. At least in general he doesn't usually MEAN to be awful to anyone. There was the Rachel set up in Hairography, but other than that it's been pretty much just innocent mistakes. Mistakes that he needed to learn from, absolutely, but mistakes, you know? He's very rarely deliberately cruel. And I just really connect with Chris's acting.. even when there's no doubt he's being a brat or whatever, I pretty much always end up feeling for him anyway because Chris is, to me, really great about adding that layer of depth there that shows you he's really hurting.

I just think that SOOOO many of the other characters have done far more deliberately hurtful things to other people, so I don't get why it's Kurt who gets so much of the hate.

But I do agree that there are times when he's put up on too much of a pedestal, for sure. And it's silly because I LIKE that he has flaws! That's what makes him so sympathetic to me- not that he's perfect, but that he's not but is well fleshed out enough for me to understand where he's coming from and why he makes the mistakes he makes. So when they go overboard with the Kurt praise like in certain parts of the Furt episode, it's just totally unnecessary to me. No need to make him out to be a saint when what makes him so engaging as a character (for me anyway) is that he's not :)

But yeah, I do think it goes deeper than that he just "cries homophobia when he doesn't get his way". And again, I think a lot of that depth isn't necessarily as much spoken as it is in the way Chris portrays it.

Ok, I'm done rambling about Kurt, I promise haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 3/18/11 at 11:32 PM

#96I Now Hate GLEE
Posted: 3/19/11 at 12:59am

Man, you really are dedicated! I don't have the energy to keep up, so we'll just have to agree to disagree on Kurt. Haha.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
