So I had to re-record it, but the sentiment is basically the same. I got so much hate email for an entire month it was a bit rough. But I have thicker skin now, so here it goes:
Featured Actor Joined: 5/26/23
muscle23ftl said: "So I had to re-record it, but the sentiment is basically the same. I got so much hate email for an entire month it was a bit rough. But I have thicker skin now, so here it goes:"
I adore Kimberly Akimbo, but I fully understand why you don't like it
My mother really didn't like the implication of pedophilia with the young boy being with an adult woman
I agree that the score isn't that strong musically, but I think it works wonderfully dramatically
Of course, I do think that the messages are a little bit strange sometimes
But overall I enjoyed it a lot
I think Some Like it Hot probably deserved Best Score over it, which I bet you could agree with
Haha, thanks for the kind response. I also posted a review of that other show you named on youtube, I am sorry to disappoint you, I thought SLIH was awful, not as awful as Kimberly Akimbo, but both were a waste of money and time for me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Who sent the threat? I assume it was deranged fans, since you have every right to express your opinion and the show's reps or even YouTube have no reason to threaten you.
There will always be people who just love to complain and get upset because you have a different point of view on a show. I saw KA in April and enjoyed it. It was ok. Victoria Clark was out, and Bonnie M was just fantastic!
My favorite show of the season is "Some Like It Hot." Have seen it 3 times. First in November of last year during previews, then May of this year, and again 2 weeks ago. I loved it. Musical Comedy heaven. Some don't care of it, and that's fine, too. I would never get upset or pissy because someone else might not like it.
I think that the thing with the part of the show you spoke about in your comments on YouTube is that one has to suspend reality. Society has gotten uber PC and offended by things that, with something like this, a lot of people don't stop to think that this really isn't happening or a problem. It's just part of a story. And we also don't give kids enough credit to know that they are not going to walk out of this show and start washing checks. (Ok, maybe one or two might!) In my opinion, if we keep complaining about these things it will, and to a small degree has, stifle the creativity of playwrights. Something they may want to include they may not, out of fear of "offending" people. This part of the show did not bother me, although I found it to be pretty out there! But they made it work. JMO
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/06
> There will always be people who just love to complain
Especially when the internet enables them to do it anonymously ... just like here! :)
She’s not actually a grown woman though. That’s the whole concept of the show.
And the score and acting is terrific and it deserves all the success.
Kimberly is a 16 year old being played by a 64 year old actor. Seth is a 16 year old being played by a 20 year old actor. Although the visual of an older body being romantically involved with a younger person is one that is engaged with consciously, neither the characters nor the actors are doing anything inappropriate. Suspend your disbelief, or don't, and in either case there's nothing immoral happening on that stage.
Updated On: 12/16/23 at 07:51 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/12/22
"So I had to re-record it, but the sentiment is basically the same. I got so much hate email for an entire month it was a bit rough. But I have thicker skin now, so here it goes"
Yes, it would be nice in a perfect world if people could civilly disagree. It is way too easy for people to hide behind some screen name and send hate mail. That being said, did you honestly think that this was not going to happen with fanatics of a popular Broadway show. The other point I will make is why did you care what they said even if it was very nasty. You don't know these people and never will, glad you "bucked" it up and recorded it again. I saw Kimberly Akimbo and really liked it, to each their own. Just curious, do you ever post positive reviews of a show on youtube?
Yes, my brief review of Harmony was a rave and no one commented
And I panned Some Like it Hot and I also got hate mail today. I am sorry that people are losing their jobs, but oh well, not my fault.
MAIN POINT: Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's, and it's disgusting that anyone threatened you about it.
SECONDARY POINT: I disagree with your take on this. The show portrays Aunt Debra as an immoral person, and the check-washing scheme as an immoral action. Our title character insists that the victims be paid back, and I think the denouement of the show suggests that that will happen.
TERTIARY POINT: I agree with you about other shows, like The Gardens of Anuncia. I look forward to your future contributions.
I just don’t think the world needs a “very negative” review of anything? Don’t like it? That’s fine. But you posted a “very negative” you’re gonna get pushback. So what? Don’t post it? The works doesn’t need more negativity,
Also, in your comments on the show you said that it is not sending out the right message for the universe. No offense, but I think you may have been so focused on that part of the show that you missed the overall message. JMO At least you said that it is your point of view at the end.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
You got a threat to delete it? Who made this threat and what did they threaten?
If YouTube told you your video violated some website rule and you had to change something, then it's because you violated that rule, not because you didn't like the show. And if some rando threatened you, why would you care? What were they going to do, find you and key your car?
If they had read your past show scores on here where among other things, you gave Hamilton a 1 and Diana the Musical I think it was a 5, then they would definitely know not to take you seriously, certainly not enough to get upset and make threats.
Diana 5?
NVM. I'm choosing not to add to the negativity of these boards.
Some people can't let go. Diana is from 2021, we're in 2023! And I rate shows based on the level of engagement I have. Diana kept me engaged the whole time, so yes, it was a 5 in terms of entertainment. Hamilton bored the crap out of me. And no, it was a personal threat, he said he was involved with the production of the Kimberly Akimbo. I deleted it, because I didn't like that I had a very long pause in the video I deleted, the re-recorded video I posted had the exact same sentiment/words/opinions about the show.
Almost 2024!
Well, speaking of bitter queens that can't let go, someone on here kept bothering me because I liked Bombay Dreams since 2006.
muscle23ftl said: he said he was involved with the production of the Kimberly Akimbo.
I'm pretty sure that was probably lie. It was probably just a kid trolling you. Could have been a crazy person. But you videos just don't have enough views to attract attention of anyone involved in the show. But, there are crazy people out there.
this is easily the funniest thread of the year
Synecdoche2 said: "this is easily the funniest thread of the year"
I'm glad something positive came out of something not so positive! Haha.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Fans of shows have gotten extremely territorial. You disagree with them about a show, or someone winning an award, and everyone crawls out of the woodwork to put you down and insult you and say rude things like "how dare you disagree!". Personally- I always see people talk about how Reeve Carney was robbed for Hadestown and I have to say- I disagree. But I wouldn't dare say that on Twitter or something, because I know for absolute certain the way people would come after me. It's horrible. They have got to chillll