^^^ But it has 86% with Top Critics, so as Ljay said, the top tier critics are praising the movie more (though there is a much smaller number of top critics reviews at the moment).
"As of now, the majority of the "rotten" reviews are coming from third tier critics and bloggers."
That's true, ljay, but most of the Top Critics reviews that are being classed as "Fresh" also contain significant qualifications. I haven't seen a single straight-down-the-line positive review yet. So, that's fine for its overall RT score -- and there's still a long way to go -- but so far, nobody really loves this movie.
All this RT talk. Metacritic is where it's at, grandpas.
I am not a grandpa!
LOL I am. Plus I'm waiting for the big reviewers to come around next week.
I have no beef with Metacritic. I just don't like the way it looks.
Thoughts from Time Out's Adam Feldman:
I'd imagine this sums up how many of us feel/will feel about this film.
I love Adam Feldman.
I will say, something I've noticed more and more, and I'm not sure whether this has always been the case and it's just that I'm now becoming aware to it, but critics who review movie musicals adapted from Broadway shows seem to have zero understanding of the original musical value and often seem to display a certain disdain for the musicals themselves. For instance, I remember how much the songs from DREAMGIRLS were heavily criticized, with many critics complaining that they should have just used the original Motown songs without any awareness that that is just not DREAMGIRLS (and yes, some of this is Bill Condon's fault for getting blinded by the Diana Ross/Supremes inspiration). When NINE came out, critics rightfully blamed the script and the nonsense, but many also were offended that anyone dared adapt 8 1/2, and again, many critics hated the score itself. I'm noticing with some of the criticism for INTO THE WOODS a real issue that people seem to be having with Lapine and Sondheim's second-act development, of course this has been a point of criticism toward INTO THE WOODS since it opened on Broadway, but I can't help but feel annoyed by the critics' seeming resistance to be receptive of the musical's original intentions.
Yes it's difficult - are they reviewing the musical or the quality of the adaptation? I'd argue that for us we only really care about how well the musical has been presented on screen because we have already made a judgement on the musical. But for theunitiated it is important they review both.
I guess what I'm saying is I don't know if it is necessarily wrong that critics criticise the musical itself, even though it does make me cringe sometimes to start reading the cliches that the melodies are tuneless etc.
@qolbinau, It is rather annoying, that I can say as much.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
ok... saw a PREVIEW last night.... larry kramer was in the audience
i LOVE "INTO THE WOODS".... love it... it is one of ally ALL-TIME faves....
sad to say, the movie is "fine"... just "fine"...
it is THERE... they MADE It.... it was nice of them... film-making is HARD... and, well, they made a "fine" movie...
meryl streep runs around and tilts her head and she sings STAY WITH ME in a beautiful way.. LAST MIDNIGHT is over-wrought and makes no sense... it comes out of nowhere... and she sinks into a TAR PIT.. why?... who knows?!
james corden VANISHES... his performance is NOTHING.... he is NOT THERE at all..... he literally vanishes...
emily blunt is cute and fine... and, ironically, OBVIOUSLY pregnant... she's fun to watch... her death is VAGUE... and it is barely mentioned.. there is ZERO grieving...
anna kendrick... cute... sings the STEPS song well... she has ZERO CONNECTION with THE BAKER... they have ZERO chemistry at the end.. she appears to be a FOSTER CHILD who will join the family...
JOHNNY DEPP is mortifying... a TRULY CRINGEY moment.. is he EVER going to stop playing EDWARD SCISSORHANDS... his performance is really embarrassing and ends with an odd HOWL... the whole RED RIDING HOOD scene is, like, stapled onto the movie...
CHRIS PINE looks great and he is quite funny and i wish the whole movie had the energy of the AGONY number... it is quite excellent... so, of course, they CHOP OUT the funnier REPRISE...
rapunzel makes no sense and they took out the GREAT LAUGH of her screaming when people climb her hair... she has organized her hair climbing with a SPECIAL RIG...
the kids are ok... why JACK has to sing GIANTS IN THE SHY while dancing on a log is BEYOND me... you see these major scenes of him climbing the beanstalk.. but the "SKY" number... he prances on a log...
they took out a lot of violence but the killing of the GIANT is prolonged and pretty violent itself... why.. i do not know...
it is just FINE... it EXISTS... i will NEVER see it again...
and NO ONE is going to care... the only thing that kept me going was the fact that i like the musical and the songs.. the general population will NOT CARE and this will FLOP fast...
sad.. but, true... mark my words...
check here in a week and a half...
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
When the Witch says “Couldn’t you stay content, safe behind walls, like I could not?”, how on Earth does that indicate that’s what she wanted her mother to do to her, when her mother cursed her for getting something taken from her, just like the Witch punishes Rapunzel for having her “innocence” getting taken away from her? The Witch means she couldn't stay safe behind the walls she had in her own home, the same wall the baker’s father climbed over to rob her. That's why she couldn't stay safe behind walls. A person climbed over her wall.
Updated On: 12/19/14 at 10:10 PM
@kyle4, It's been a while since you appeared here. Glad to see that at least you didn't hate it.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
it REALLY is FINE... it was a diverting way to listen to INTO THE WOODS...
i love INTO THE WOODS...and i wish it was more satisfying...
Kyle...likes TO TYPE like THIS because HE has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING interesting to say...
I wish his posts were MORE SATISFYING....
Alas, they ARE NOT...
Oh well...TOO BAD...
Maybe they will improve....i THINK NOT...
Click on this thread in a week...YOU will SEE...
KYle! It's been a LONG time!
You know WHAT?!?
How about making it EVEN LONGER before next time?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I am GLAD you found the FILM to be FINE...
But I CANNOT take ANYONE who writes like THIS seriously...
In the END... I HAVE to imagine THAT your REVIEW is as bad AS your WRITING style...
I was reading through the reviews on rottentomatoes, and I have to say, I don't get the reviewers who gave negative reviews. One spent a (rather long) paragraph bemoaning the fact that Cinderella's stepsisters have their feet butchered. He had no idea where that idea came from. Another actually criticized Agony as being, what was the word? Oh yeah, tiresome. Really?
I'm not saying the movie is perfect, but the criticisms that it's getting are ridiculous. The one thing I do think is a genuine criticism that even positive critics are hitting it for is the shift between acts. To be fair, the shift is massively awkward and I totally get the critique of that. However, to say the rest of the movie goes off the tracks from there is just insane.
And to Kyle - the lack of grieving for the Baker's Wife? It makes me think you didn't actually see the movie...
My favorite review thus far.
Not surprised that critics are slamming the shift in tone between the first half and the second half, as that was a common problem people have had with the show itself since it opened. It's not something the movie version could really fix without radically altering the story.
I seem to recall that the school version only allowed students to do the first act and cut the second act completely.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
I wonder if they had introduced the Giants earlier when Jack visits them and then a reaction from the Giants wife after he dies would it make the shift less jarring to have a lady giant just show up out of the blue.
Updated On: 12/20/14 at 10:57 AM