The deluxe really is worth it...
The instrumental versions of No More and Ever After are two of my favorite cues on the soundtrack.
Beautifully orchestrated and conducted. You really can't get any better than Jonathan Tunick and Paul Gemignani, especially when it comes to Sondheim.
You are going to get more tracks on the deluxe than the highlights CD. The deluxe is definitely worth the money. The instrumental selections are truly jaw dropping.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/16/14
Yeah, the regular version of the soundtrack would be pretty much perfect (lyric/song omissions aside) if it included the "No More" instrumental.
That said, it's definitely worth it to get the deluxe version. It doesn't really cost much more. I'll probably rarely get the urge to listen to the bonus tracks, but I'm happy to have them for whenever I'm in the mood. I just made an iTunes playlist with the 20 standard tracks plus "No More."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"I don't think I have ever seen so much over-analyzation or hyper-focused criticism of a f*cking movie...a my life."
You are kidding, right? There are people who literally write books about this sort of thing. There are professors earn tenure and keep their jobs by over-analyzing aspects of films. You might be tired of the subject, but to an English, film, or theatre major, this is a big change and is worth the discussion. There are those who make a living by tearing stories apart and writing about what they mean on every level.
That being said, I have yet to see the film, and so cannot comment on how the change actually affects the plot and character development. I prefer to wait before chiming in on the discussion.
The instrumental of No More has been reducing me to tears every time I hear it. I don't respond to songs like that, so it's really something special.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
No More has a similar effect on me it really is a beautiful song, I do wonder if people who aren't familiar with the song will have the same effect when it's played over the scene.
I can't wait to hear it! My sister got me the deluxe soundtrack for Christmas, and even though I could listen to it now on Spotify I'm holding off until I see the movie so I don't put cues in my head for all the action. I've heard all the standard tracks, though, and they're amazing!!
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
I listened to the soundtrack but I don't find myself going back to the song tracks much, the orchestrations are beautiful, the songs are great too but I wanna see them set to film.
Disney's PR flacks must have been licking their chops when they originally saw the cast list for this film. I rarely watch live tv these days, but just flipping through channels a couple of times these past couple of weeks, I feel like I've seen an INTO THE WOODS cast member being interviewed practically every day. If this film doesn't do well, it won't be from lack of exposure.
@HorseTears, and since the budget is only 50 million or below, it will make it back EASILY compared to other live action family fairy tale films. If it doesn't do well then someone must have done goofed.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
It will be a hit I suspect, it is released on a tricky date in the UK so time will tell there, it opens with Taken 3 and very near Big Hero 6, I hope the publicise it a lot over here. I can't see the movie failing though especially with the awards buzz.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Jack and His Mother "Five Pounds":
Cinderella and Her Prince "Something in Between/Charming Not Sincere":
New TV Spot/Internet Trailer:
"Disney Music" released an album sampler. The YouTube "video" has new stills!
Updated On: 12/18/14 at 08:27 PM
The clips are great, but I don't get all that stubble on Prince Charming. Nobody else has it. Is that a thing now? He looks like a very well-dressed, handsome hobo.
^ It's Chris Pine... he's perfect.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Yes, he's perfect. But on the big screen, with that stubble he looks out of place. I mentioned it earlier in the thread. When I saw the movie Monday, his look is different, and not in a good way, for Prince Charming.
"If they ever remake Cabaret (which they should) I would love to see her play Fraulein Schneider with maybe Mandy Patinkin as Herr Shultz."
Interestingly, I've watched a few interviews where Billy Magnussen has stated he would love to play the Emcee. I'd love to see what he would do with the part - it's the complete opposite of his personality, at least what I've seen of it. Kinda OT I guess, but I thought I would put that out there.
Saw an NYC screening tonight. Not much to say besides that I pretty much loved it! I am really proud of the entire team for creating such a faithful movie that stands on its own, and to Disney for allowing much of the dark material to stay intact. Only complaint would be that the tonal shift is indeed pretty abrupt, and it seemed kind of odd that several serious moments in "act two" received laughter, at my screening. Also, as others have stated, the Princes (especially Pine) received the most enthusiastic reception.
Cannot wait to see it again on Christmas!
Updated On: 12/19/14 at 11:40 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I loved the two new clips. I was planning on seeing it Christmas Day with my mom and my cousin, but those plans have sadly changed. I'm most likely seeing it on the 27th though.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
The facial hair on Chris Pine in the film makes him look borderline predatorish, which I think is good for the character.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Do people no longer enjoy the thrill of being surprised by going into a movie "blind"? Before social media and the internet, there was such an unknown and mysterious aspect to choosing your movie. All you had was the newspaper review and the trailer on television. Not dozens of 30-second clips and behind the scenes featurettes. Amazing how much of our society has changed in this respect. Talk about overkill.
Saw the screening last night.
Went in blind--have not read this thread since page 4 and have avoided all clips, rumours, comments, leaks, interviews, etc.
'Into the Woods' is in a perpetual battle with 'Follies' for Most Important Sondheim Show to me. As I grow older, 'Merrily' has taken on poignancy and heft and there are important Truths to be found in all his works, but 'Into The Woods' means the world to me, and I was apprehensive about the film.
To be sure, there are crucial words and events that didn't make the final edit, but I thought it was wonderful. Thrilling. Delightful. I think that the film adds what films SHOULD add--scope and scale and FX--and leaves (most) of the brilliant words and music and characters untouched.
*shrug* it's all advertising. Before the Internet movie studios would flood magazines, newspapers and TV with advertising, articles, snippets, etc. I remember as a kid watching the actors from Star Wars making the rounds of all the talk shows - Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin, etc.
And I'm sure that back then there were people who ate up every word, and people who studiously avoided such things to avoid being spoiled. 'twas ever thus.
@ Liza's Headband: Stop being such a sour puss. Times have changed. Advertising strategies have changed. There are so many platforms and ways to reach out and get promote your product that over saturation is inevitable, but you do have a choice and that is not to watch.
Exactly. There is such a simple solution for so many of the complaints people make about being inundated with media and information that they dislike. Don't consume it.