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Into the Woods Official Movie Thread- Page 80

Into the Woods Official Movie Thread

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1975Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 6:55pm

A long as that's te only thing that's reminiscent about that movie.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1976Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 6:58pm

They all look fantastic! Very exciting and promising!

E.Davis Profile Photo
#1977Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 7:32pm

That is prolly because Atwood designed AIW.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#1978Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 7:45pm

My other ridiculously early-too-soon prediction is that Atwood will get an Oscar nomination, these costumes look fantastic! I don't get the comments that they are too modern, it's not a historically specific movie, the whole point is that it mixes the medieval style of fairy tales with a very contemporary sensibility (from the structure to the humor to the portrayal of the characters); it makes perfect sense for Atwood to use a mixture of "period" style pieces with more futuristic or contemporary looks, it matches the style of the piece so well. Baranski is killing it in that costume, even out of character she just seems so ideal for this character, same with Tracey Ullman. In fact, everyone looks top notch, cannot f-ing wait another second...but I'll have to.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#1979Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 8:01pm

"I just read from one of the entertainment people i follow on Twitter that Annie is now scheduled to be released by Sony Pics DEC 19, 2014!...oye...this could hurt BO for WOODS"

Annie was actually supposed to be released the same day as 'Into the Woods', which was Christmas Day 2014. However, after the 'Despicable Me' spin-off, 'Minions' was delayed from December 19, 2014 to July 2015, 'Annie' took that film's place. Plus, Sony wanted to avoid the Christmas Day rush.

I'm looking forward to 'Into the Woods' more because I love the cast and it's one of my favorite musicals. I'll make up my mind about seeing 'Annie' after word-of-mouth and reviews even though I am a fan of Jamie Fox and Quvenzhane Wallis.

'Annie' Moves Up a Week, Avoids Christmas Day Crush

E.Davis Profile Photo
#1980Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 9:11pm

I am curious to see how many episodes this will take Baranski out of The Good Wife for....

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

best12bars Profile Photo
#1981Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 9:26pm

Even though I realize they're not singing Happy Ever After in this scene (as filmed), I really hope we hear the melody ("Happy now and happy hence and happy ever after!") played as a trumpet fanfare leading back to the castle. I would still love to hear that music in the underscoring.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

E.Davis Profile Photo
#1982Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 9:33pm

Im sure they will, I mean...How could they not.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1983Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 9:35pm

Um, because Rob Marshall does to musical scores what Leatherface does to people.

PianoMann Profile Photo
#1984Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 9:52pm

I am curious to see how many episodes this will take Baranski out of The Good Wife for....

I have been thinking (dreading) the same thing! Baranski has said in recent interviews that it's the biggest year for Diane yet, and I cannot imagine the current season's plots working without her presence. I guess we can only wait and see what happens... I wish one of the reporters at last week's Emmy Awards had the brains to ask her about Into The Woods, and how much time off she had to take from the series.

#1985Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 10:07pm

Some more pictures and a look at Tracey in her wedding attire aswell as a clearer look at Tammy.

best12bars Profile Photo
#1986Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 10:25pm

Love Tracey's wedding hat! (New money, you know.)

And I realize this whole thread has turned into a giant (no pun intended) SPOILER-FEST ..

But here comes another potential SPOILER ... if you don't already know the plot ...

These pictures look really great. And the one with all the armed guards protecting Cinderella and the prince ... this wedding sequence goes straight from the end of Act I into the beginning of Act II, obviously with no intermission (and no musical numbers), so that's the group's reaction to the booming Giant "crashing" the party!

Also ... I said earlier that the Baker's Wife was pregnant in this scene. She is not. She has already had the baby (which is slightly different than the stage show when the royal wedding occurs).

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1987Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 10:34pm

Hopefully in a few weeks, we'll be able to put together a slide show and watch the whole movie!!!

best12bars Profile Photo
#1988Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 10:38pm

A few weeks?!?

I'm counting on 4pm tomorrow afternoon!

Actually, I have a feeling we won't see too much more after this. The Dover Castle shoot is a big sequence with lots of people and extras in a very public place.

Once they get back on sound stages and buried in the woods, we probably won't see very much.

Kinda like all those barricades shots filmed in Greenwich that we saw early on for Les Mis ... then not so much after that.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1989Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 10:49pm

Hopefully a leaked copy of the chopped up soundtrack with Marshall's maniacal laughter in the background will be leaked soon.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#1990Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 11:11pm

Wow, the characters' looks are pretty damn spot on. Baranski is perfect.

#1991Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/25/13 at 11:48pm

I just learned today that the movie's Facebook page was created about a week ago.

MagicalMusical Profile Photo
#1992Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 12:45am

Ok, the costumes range from great to amazing and are all in all very beautiful! Cinderella's dress is gorgeous, but it reminds me too much of Glinda's bubble dress from Wicked. I agree with artscallion that she should have a more fantastical fairy tale princess dress. The Stepmother's costume, however, is a masterwork, and the stepsisters' would be too except for seeing their legs and that black streak or that bow made of hair stolen from Lady Gaga. I, too, love them wearing black and think it looks like they're in mouring. Mourning what happened to them, hahaha! The princes are in fantastic attire, I love how they show who the princes are, the ways they are different. But why is Cinderella's Prince unshaven? He's a prince, and the more looks-caring one at that! However Jack's mother really dissapoints me, no flare or anything. Jack would almost be as boring were it not for his jacket and hat in another picture. And I hate this thing with lines many of the costumes seem to have.

So mostly the costumes are wonderful, but, like some here said, some of them are too modern. If not some of them, definately the ones where the skirts are cut to show the actresses legs. That really takes me out of the long ago, fairy tale feel! Also, the whole mix of costumes from one era to another, instead of from the same era. Some costumes look like they're from the 16th century and some look like they're from the 18th century. What's even worse is they're set in historical castles from way before the times portrayed in the costumes, plus they mismatch in being authentic-looking verses fantasy-looking. So they really had better change the buildings to look more like they are from a fairy tale, and the same fairy tale all these costumes are from.

Also, why would the scenes of Jack and his Mother from the opening be shot in the daytime? Weren't they all supposed to be introduced at night because that's when the ball starts and they meet Cinderella in the woods during the ball?

Updated On: 9/27/13 at 12:45 AM

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#1993Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 2:09am

I showed my boyfriend these pictures. He thinks Christine looks like Lady Gaga too.

I think she looks fantastic.

This movie needs to come out today.

N2N Nate. Profile Photo
N2N Nate.
#1994Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 5:39am

I pictured Cinderella's dress a bit larger. Question, are they using a real cow or a CGI cow?

So Lauren Bacall me, anything goes! *wink*

best12bars Profile Photo
#1995Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 6:21am

Also, why would the scenes of Jack and his Mother from the opening be shot in the daytime? Weren't they all supposed to be introduced at night because that's when the ball starts and they meet Cinderella in the woods during the ball?

The Prologue: Into the Woods takes place during daylight hours. Little Red visits the Baker's shop to get sweets for her granny, Jack's mother sends him into town to sell Milky White, and Cinderella's family starts out for the "festival and the ball" during the day (or at least while the sun is still up), and she heads for her mother's grave.

I guess we can assume the carriage ride through the woods takes a good chunk of time to get them to the castle, and we can also assume that part of the 3-day festival (before the ball) starts during the day.

It's also logical that Little Red wouldn't go through the woods to visit her grandmother at night, and that Jack's mother wouldn't send him out to sell Milky White at night. And that the Baker's shop wouldn't be open at night.

It's funny, on stage, you aren't nearly as aware of the sun or time of day as you are seeing it filmed on location.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 9/26/13 at 06:21 AM

#1996Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 7:20am

It is not unusual (in fact it quite usual) for movie scenes to be shot "day for night" where they use special blue filters on the camera lens and under-exposing the shot (usually in post-production) which can create the illusion of darkness or moonlight.

#1997Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 7:33am

When will we see pictures of Meryl Streep in costume?

I am going to assume that Johnny Depp will be filmed in a green lycra costume with computer nodes attached to it (similar to the filming of Andy Serkis as Gollum) and they will add the Wolf's body in post production.

jpbran Profile Photo
#1998Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 10:21am

I'm not sure if that's "the movie's Facebook page;" looks more fan-created (to me at least) and there'll likely be many. Disney will have the official one up sometime next year probably.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#1999Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/26/13 at 10:37am

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