Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
They won't delay the film's release. These are re-shoots built into the test screening process, so it would seem these are intended changes to the storytelling. So, they should require months more of editing, but simply adding them to the rough cut they have.
We can all hope some of them are due to complaints from this board, but I would seriously doubt it. There's even a chance they re-shot to make the end less traumatic... LITTLE SHOP comes to mind. But we'll see.
And it's true some great films required re-shoots. Also, some disastrous films tried to correct themselves in re-shoots, usually to no avail. Let's hope it's the former, certainly. Re-shoots of a scene or two are common. (CHICAGO re-shot Roxie's "Nowadays" when Rob Marshall saw the footage and realized how much better he was of a director at the end of the film and the shaky footing they were on when they shot the sequence, at the start of filming.) Hopefully, they're only doing a scene or two, the crew is called all moth but they're not shooting the entire month, which would be extensive rewrites.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"I have looked for it recently, and it's out of print, but if anyone ever comes across it, it is worth the money if you are a fan."
Yes! I have two copies of the book one in hard cover and one in paperback. It really amazing. I am sure the film will bring about a third reissue. You are also right in that the book does say she ran under the giants footstep intentionally. It is less obvious that that is what happens in most staged versions.
"I guess I'm still shaken up after that whole "Any Moment" controversy."
Oh yeah, I couldn't sleep for weeks after that earthshattering and traumatic reveal.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
^I've had both dreams and nightmares about this film
Also....I wonder if the film is sort of based on the book illustrations?
Didn't the Witch have exotic colored hair in the book also? Was it purple?
Updated On: 7/15/14 at 12:30 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Yes, she does have light purple hair post-transformation in the illustrations.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
That's what I thought. I just found it interesting that the movie Witch and the book Witch both have sort of exotic colored hair. Which leads me to wonder....
Are some of the scenes/costumes/sets in the movie sort of based on the Hudson Talbott illustrations? That would be interesting. IMO
Anyone feel like uploading some pictures of the book's illustrations? (:
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Yes, please! Specifically of the transfornation, "Last Midnight", and "Children Will Listen" (if u dont want to post them here, then PM me! )
But I completely understand if no one does.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
The characters in the film do not look like these
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Disney removed the Instagram post. They react fast.
The thing about the storybook is that it isn't a script with illustrations, so the songs don't exist per se. The moments (heh) are there, but it's not like there is a big illustration showing the witch belting out "Last Midnight". Lines are there, and modified sections of lyrics, but it is a true storybook.
The link in my previous post has a handful of images.
I also added a ling below to a basic Google search for the illustrator...some are from the book and some are of his other work (including something from Sunday in the Park apparently.)
My favorite that I remember was from when The Baker's Wife was pulling out Rapunzel's hair. In the top corner they just had Rapunzel's head and in the opposite corner, they had the BW pulling, and then across the entire page, behind the text was the hair...
Hudson Talbott images
The best collection of images I have come across
If an ITW trailer don't pop up online today, more than likely it won't be attached to PLANES released on Friday and it'll either be attached to one of (or both) ALEXANDER AND THE HORRIBLE DAY (October 10) or the much more big-budget and anticipated BIG HERO 6 (Nov 7). Other than that, Disney has no major releases lined up I don't think.
Stand-by Joined: 9/29/04
Just Guardians of The Galaxy... Planes does not seem like a good platform for the trailer at all.
That's true. Forgot about that. I was thinking of actual Disney-brand, lol. It hasn't phased me that Disney owns Marvel.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
It can also be shown in front of The Hundred Foot Journey.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
So thid I'd what I meant about the illustrations.This scene was in the leaked script. This scene had the Witch hang upside down from a tree like a bat, and tell the baker to get the cape. So, that is what I meanr, so like maybe some of the sets, or other parts (like the upside down Witch) were sort of included in the film.
Thanks best12bars for what you said. I think for me the only thing I get from "No More" is "you can't run from your problems." But I don't like how it sounds like the Baker hopes for the day there will be no more problems when the message of the song and one of the main messages in the whole musical is there will always be problems. I think I got something else from the song but I forgot it. When I was in the play in high school back in 2006 I didn't like the song, I thought it was too slow and didn't have a lot to it and found it boring. Now I think it has more to it, in expressing how the Baker feels and how he gets talked back into solving his problems and raising his child. And maybe more, but like I said, I forget. But in general maybe I appreciate it more as an adult. I still feel it's cut was probably a good thing though.
Updated On: 7/17/14 at 12:11 AM
In the screenplay, they have taken that point of the Baker's journey where he decides to face his troubles rather than accept them as-is or run away from them like his father did, and they turn it into a few lines of dialogue between the Baker and the ghost of his father.
It's not a "message" for the whole show so much as a turning point in the Baker's life.
And yes, the more I think about it, the dialogue they've added does the same job.
I'm back to being okay if they cut it (even though I'll miss hearing it). Maybe they'll play a bit of the melody in the underscoring for that new scene. I hope so.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I REALLY hopethe reshoots do not delay the film. I hope the reshoots are just to reshoot scenes they were not proud of (ala "Nowadays" in Chicago)
Do people not realize that reshoots are a typical part of most studio movies? It's often in the actor's contracts. It's not a big deal in any way. Calm down, people.
^^ Exactly. They just aren't under as close of a production microscope as something like this...