The play intentionally is set not in our world. The story is fictional and uses a lot of the context for the 2008 primary as a jumping off point for one of Hnath's morality plays. Much like A Doll's House, Part 2 the context is purely decorative.
DrowsyKaye said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Crap. Laurie Metcalf is probably the only actress who could prompt me to buy a ticket to see a Hillary Clinton play. Might give into this one."
I promise you it's not a "Hillary Clinton play." It's more a "women in politicsplay" if anything."
Yeah, when they did it here in Dallas, they had a black woman play Hillary.
Wow there's a world in which the 5 Best Actress nominees are all from Scott Rudin shows... May, Jackson, Metcalf, Keenan-Bolder, Martin (though Martin is billed below the title, and we don't know what the Scout character is like in this Mockingbird)
And IdinaBellFoster, don't forget about Annette Bening and Keri Russell! Laura Donnelly (The Ferryman) won the Olivier for Lead Actress, and Cherry Jones should not be in Lead.
SomethingPeculiar said: "Wow there's a world in which the 5 Best Actress nominees are all from Scott Rudin shows...May, Jackson, Metcalf, Keenan-Bolder, Martin (though Martin is billed below the title, and we don't know what the Scout character is like in thisMockingbird)
And IdinaBellFoster,don't forget about Annette Bening and Keri Russell! Laura Donnelly (The Ferryman) won the Olivier for Lead Actress, and Cherry Jones should notbe in Lead."
Wow! Shows how deep the bench is when you forget Annette Benning & Keri Russell.
"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards
I often disagree with the reviews, but unlike Inglorious Basterds this is not a fantasy world I'd care to be in. It would remind me too much of the real one.
My mother and best friend are big Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow fans. Do all shows tend to have discounts in advance?? I'm not a huge ticket buyer for shows, just the few shows I have bought tickets for, I tend to see discounted tickets were available afterwards. Any idea when these would go on sale or where to check for updates??
So when should we expect an OOTI closing announcement if this play preview in March? If it closed in January when Hailey leaves, will that give the theatre enough time to make changes?
MarilynMonroeSmash said: "UPDATE: I spoke with someone today that knows Lucas, and apparently he completely rewrote the play. It's the same title, but a new work."
Can the play keep the cast and have it not be about Hillary Clinton at all? I've seen one of those already, Soft Power, and it was really irritating by the end. On the bright side, it had music and dancing.