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Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?

Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?

timothyj91 Profile Photo
#1Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:03pm

I don't want this to turn into another WSS bashing session.. But has there been any public statement yet on why Cody left? I am just wondering because it seems like he disappeared and I loved him in this show! Is he going to be in anything soon?

Annas_Priest Profile Photo
#2re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:06pm

Well...word is he was FIRED

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:07pm

You were expecting a press conference?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:07pm

You couldn't put this in the other thread?

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#4re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:08pm

If there was official word, you would probably see an article. Right now, it is all just rumor and speculation.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Kalimba Profile Photo
#5re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 3:11pm

I love when new people join to start trouble.

Dearest Timothy, in the future, if you have nothing of value to add to this site, please do us all a favor and don't post.


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
EVIE Profile Photo
#7re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 4:12pm

BrodyFosse123 no sabes quien es Cody Green? Debes preguntarle a timothyj91! LOL

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#8re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 4:30pm

Todos sabemos quien es el boludo llamado Cody Green. El es el mierdita que gano ese concurso en el canal Bravo y era el mas odiado del revivo de WEST SIDE STORY. re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?

#9re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 5:31pm

Dearest Kalimba,

Timothy asked a legitimate question. He wasn't looking for rumor or idle speculation, he asked for the OFFICIAL reason. These boards are just here for kissing the butts of the favorite show you like. Just because you may worship WSS, it doesn't mean that it is not allowed to mention some of the more unsavory aspects of the business. You telling somebody that you don't like their question isn't valuable either. Get off your high horse and let people say what they want. People don't need you to censor them.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#10re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 5:32pm

They don't put out a press release announcing someone was fired.

The fact that in the press release that was released, they never mentioned an injury or any other reason for departure says all you need to know about why he left.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#11re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 5:38pm

Dear NotScott-

Clearly you ara dumb ass who never actually reads these boards.

Usually when people no one knows posts to chastise, it's because we're too mean. It's unusual to see a post chastising people for being too supportive. Of course, the poster doesn't have any idea what he's talking about anyway. Updated On: 8/7/09 at 05:38 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#12re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 5:55pm

"Timothy asked a legitimate question. He wasn't looking for rumor or idle speculation, he asked for the OFFICIAL reason. These boards are just here for kissing the butts of the favorite show you like. Just because you may worship WSS, it doesn't mean that it is not allowed to mention some of the more unsavory aspects of the business. You telling somebody that you don't like their question isn't valuable either. Get off your high horse and let people say what they want. People don't need you to censor them."

And there is no official reason. If there was an official reason, there would have been a statement about it. Since there wasn't, the rumor is that he was fired.

This was already discussed in another thread. Kalimba's answer wasn't prompted by worship of West Side Story or kissing the butt of a show.

"Get off your high horse and let people say what they want."

I think the same goes for you, NotScott. Obviously you are not familiar with these boards.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 8/7/09 at 05:55 PM

Kalimba Profile Photo
#13re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 6:32pm

Phyllis and Millie - thank you!!

EVIE Profile Photo
#14re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 7:25pm

I love how polite everyone is being with their "Dearest Kalimba" and their "Dear NotScott" sweet, hee hee heeee!

#15re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/7/09 at 11:54pm

Timothy asks his question. He gets a non-rude response. He doesn't press on it. Then Kalimba comes along with her "You have nothing of value to add" comment which is snotty arrogance. So now Millie and Phyllis join in with the "You don't read these boards" nonsense. Frequenting a theatre message board for 5 years doesn't give you the right to be a ****for no reason. You live pretty sad lives if you get your kicks claiming dominance over a Broadway message board. You don't have any more right than somebody who joined up yesterday so grow up.

And I do read the boards. It's the same old story. People rave over Wicked, swoon over Gavin Creel, and jump all over people who dare say anything negative about their favorite performance, even if they do happen to be a jerk at the stage door (yeah yeah, everybody has a bad day, yada yada yada). But when you jump over people with your "holier than thou" attitude it is just pathetic. You drive away people who may want to join in the discussion because they might be new or they didn't ask the right questions. You think you are special because you are in to the arts and you "get it", but some of you are just judgmental losers who want to feel better about themselves by kicking somebody else. Go ahead and enjoy the only world where you can be a "star", back here in the real world people have deserve respect.

raggballad2 Profile Photo
#16re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:01am

"People rave over Wicked" ?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#17re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:01am

It's obvious Arthur was pissed he didn't swallow. He thought it was rude (which, c'mon it is) so he needed to be replaced with someone more willing to do what was needed.

Annas_Priest Profile Photo
#18re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:03am

I just about did a spit take, Jordan

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#19re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:03am

...but some of you are just judgmental losers who want to feel better about themselves by kicking somebody else.

Well, I certainly hope it makes you feel better too. You're doing the same thing.

PastorErnst Profile Photo
#20re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:09am

I love all of you. Popcorn anyone?

re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#22re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 12:19am

I <3 Jordan.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#24re: Is there any OFFICIAL word on why Cody Green left West Side Story Yet?
Posted: 8/8/09 at 1:01am

>>Well, I certainly hope it makes you feel better too. You're doing the same thing. <<

People shouldn't be able to get away with treating other people like crap, especially because they feel they have some make believe seniority.
