Swing Joined: 6/1/19
I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
Yes exactly! Or at Tootsie.
The producers took the feedback after ART to make Jo align w Lauren’s own gender identity so they were not misoresenting ENBY or trans, but it’s still not enough. Lesbians still exist. Butch ones even.
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
I would do anything to have seen that! Lauren is so madly talented and powerful it’s unbelievable. Shes just pure fire
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Do they happen to flesh out Derek Klena's character more? It had bothered me before that he really didn't do much except to act as a plot device in the second act.
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
chrishuyen said: "Do they happen to flesh out Derek Klena's character more? It had bothered me before that he really didn't do much except to act as a plot device in the second act."
hmmmm there may have been a few dialogue changes with him but nothing super noticeable so i honestly don’t remember. nothing that stuck out for me.
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
Thank you! I am thrilled they fleshed out Jo’s character. Lauren is worthy of so much more than the few lines they gave her after the cuts/changes they made to her scenes after ART. Glad to hear about the new convo for MJ and Steve too. Excited to see what else! Going week in a couple weeks
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
gigi1234 said: "chrishuyen said: "Do they happen to flesh out Derek Klena's character more? It had bothered me before that he really didn't do much except to act as a plot device in the second act."
hmmmm there may have been a few dialogue changes with him but nothing super noticeable so i honestly don’t remember. nothing that stuck out for me."
I’m surprised they didn’t do anything with Derek’s character Nick. Chris is right—he’s just a plot device. And his redemption is too quick and easy. I noticed on the video posted of opening night curtain call, he got the least applause again. And I think Derek is fantastic in the role (and a much much stronger actor than he gets credit for) and could do so much more—and impact so many more young white cuz guys re bro culture and bystanding—if they gave him more opportunity.
And I think Derek is fantastic in the role (and a much much stronger actor than he gets credit for) and could do so much more—and impact so many more young white cuz guys re bro culture and bystanding—if they gave him more opportunity.
gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
Do you mean Jo's dialogue before Hand In My Pocket is changed from pre-pandemic Broadway or from ART? What did they change?
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
BroadwayGirl107 said: "gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
Do you mean Jo's dialogue before Hand In My Pocket is changed from pre-pandemic Broadway or from ART? What did they change?"
i never saw it at ART so can’t speak to that. they changed the dialogue from the pre-covid broadway version. they changed the line where she talks about how her mom prays for her. they no longer mention how her mom disapproves of her clothing choices. i don’t remember the new line exactly but it was more about how jo can’t be the daughter her mom always wanted. they also took out the moment where she wears a pink sweater before “that i would be good.”
Look…it’s been talked about to absolute death on here. I encourage anyone actually Interested I the manner to read existing threads because the proof is In the material, and not kn TikTok or a tired Twitter thread.
gigi1234 said: "BroadwayGirl107 said: "gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
Do you mean Jo's dialogue before Hand In My Pocket is changed from pre-pandemic Broadway or from ART? What did they change?"
i never saw it at ART so can’t speak to that. they changed the dialogue from the pre-covid broadway version. they changed the line where she talks about how her mom prays for her. they no longer mention how her mom disapproves of her clothing choices. i don’t remember the new line exactly but it was more about how jo can’t be the daughter her mom always wanted. they also took out the moment where she wears a pink sweater before “that i would be good.”"
wow, that makes me very sad to hear. The conflict Jo had with her mom about her gender expression was really powerful…especially the sweater moment before “That I Would Be Good”. What did they replace that with?
this stuff make me sad because the people complaining that Jo was not non-binary have effectively convinced to erase the issue of Jo’s gender expression and queerness. Butch women exist too, but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/07
Re. Rush, I messaged their facebook account asking if they still had a rush and they just sent me the lottery info so it seems that Rush may be done? If anyone asks the box office let us know!
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
dave1606 said: "Re. Rush, I messaged their facebook account asking if they still had a rush and they just sent me the lottery info so it seems that Rush may be done? If anyone asks the box office let us know!"
i had asked the box office when i saw it this weekend and they said they hadn’t started rush yet
Chorus Member Joined: 11/21/20
gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
I don’t want to post a spoiler, but they also added a new detail to MJ’s ending monologue that was quite surprising and added more realism to the otherwise happy ending.
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
BroadwayGirl107 said: "gigi1234 said: "BroadwayGirl107 said: "gigi1234 said: "JaggedLittlePal said: "I’ve seen the show at ART and 3x on Broadway—without spoilers
please, what did you think of the changes made during the pandemic to the book?
I’m excited to see a new Frankie but will miss Stanley—although maybe not as much as I thought given your review. Thanks!"
I thought the new changes were great!! they changed a lot of jo’s dialogue, pretty much the entire section before hand in my pocket is different. they also added a great new dialogue piece about race with steve / MJ that worked really well and helped better clarify the issues frankie has with her adoption. overall the changes were subtle but added more depth to the characters. i can go into specifics but not sure what you would consider a spoiler"
Do you mean Jo's dialogue before Hand In My Pocket is changed from pre-pandemic Broadway or from ART? What did they change?"
i never saw it at ART so can’t speak to that. they changed the dialogue from the pre-covid broadway version. they changed the line where she talks about how her mom prays for her. they no longer mention how her mom disapproves of her clothing choices. i don’t remember the new line exactly but it was more about how jo can’t be the daughter her mom always wanted. they also took out the moment where she wears a pink sweater before “that i would be good.”"
wow, that makes me very sad to hear. The conflict Jo had with her mom about her gender expression was really powerful…especially the sweater moment before “That I Would Be Good”. What did they replace that with?
this stuff make me sad because the people complaining that Jo was not non-binary have effectively convinced to erase the issue of Jo’s gender expression and queerness. Butch women exist too, but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.
100% this. Butch women being erased. When they revive Fun Home there will be controversy about the Butch who inspires ring of keys. The scene with the seater was just what every Butch grrl friend I have had has gone through. Being forced to wear a bridesmaids dress for a sisters wedding. To femme up for a family dinner. But suddenly Butches are being erased and only if you ID as ENBY or transmasc can you challenge heteronormativity. RIP Butches.
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
Saw it today - Heidi is just … incredible. I thought she was roughly equivalent to Stanley (who I thought was fantastic!) until “Wake Up” and then she just started knocking it out of the park. They rearranged “Forgiven” a bit for her and she just … wow. It’s on the same level as “You Oughta Know” for me now.
They added more dialogue about race - it seemed well done to me, but I am literally a white person from Connecticut so I defer. The way MJ talks about race is how I was taught to think about it, so they nail that at least.
New Frankie is great but she looks so young. Which would be fine except everyone else looks like they are in their late-20s… including new Phoenix who is incredibly bland. Like blander than the original.
It seems to me like they made Jo … closer to explicitly non-binary than she/they was before? I imagine TPTB are setting it up for a non-binary actor to take over after Lauren’s contract is up.
I’m mostly here for the music, would go again for Forgiven alone. Heidi is absolutely outstanding.
BwayStarlette said: "I saw this last year before everything shut down. And I wish I could un-see it. I love Alanis, but this show was ugly and a total mess. It made me really sad to hear what happened to the songs of my adolescence. Alanis sings, this show just screams."
Chorus Member Joined: 11/21/20
oughtaknow said: "They rearranged “Forgiven” a bit for her and she just … wow.”
Did they? I didn’t catch that. What’s been changed in the arrangement?
Stand-by Joined: 4/20/19
I don't know If I will like the show overall but the music slaps.
Swing Joined: 4/14/21
rpvee2 said: "oughtaknow said: "They rearranged “Forgiven” a bit for her and she just … wow.”
Did they? I didn’t catch that. What’s been changed in the arrangement?"
My technical music knowledge is a little shaky, so not completely sure this is it, but - I think she's belting through the parts in the snow and they moved her part down a little bit.
dangeresque49 said: "<em style="font-size: .8em;">I don't know If I will like the show overall but the music slaps.</em>"<p>
I've seen it a bunch and the music alone is worth the $40 rush/lotto price to me. I wouldn't pay more. But some very talented people doing some very good arrangements of songs I love is worth $40 to me.
Swing Joined: 6/1/19
Yes. And 25 years later all these riot grrrls are dealing with the same things alanis sang about. Women and survivors anger being portrayed unapologetically is powerful. And overdue. If this show tried to appeal to the lion king crowd, it wouldn’t be riot grrl
Has anyone seen any updates about when Elizabeth is expected to be back and they switch to the 4/4 Heidi/Elizabeth schedule? The original release just said November. I’m probably going to see the show either way, but if I could choose I would want to see Heidi which is why i’d love to know.