Well, we don't know that Jeff was/is the only long running cast member they were looking at replacing. Not to in any way condone unprofessional behavior or bullying if that is indeed what happened in this situation, but again, I do think its a bit ridiculous that Equity makes it nearly impossible for producers to let go performers on chorus contracts. I don't see any reason why chorus contracts shouldn't be renewed on a regular cycle the way principle contracts are.
I know what a director does, dude. They collaborate with others. It sounds like his collaboration with actors isn’t going so well these days.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
MosaicOwl said: "bk said: "The director can't lose his job - his job was basically finished when he - directed the show twenty-two years ago. He retains a royalty position of course and that has made him a very wealthy man.
In other news, a performer I know did one of the tours of Chicago and apparently Mr. Bobbie was very abusive to her in front of the entire company and she seems willing to talk about it and doesn't really care about this anonymity stuff. People remaining anonymous or off the record is not going to help change anything."
First of all, as far as him being a very wealthy man, duh. And it's irrelevant. Nobody wants to take away his already earned money for work he already accomplished.Second of all, he was called in to oversee the rehearsal, which impliesemployment to me. Anybody who would like to clarify this? Point me in adirection where I can read about how this is not considered employment. Third of all, if the performer you know doesn't seem care about anonymity, why not include her name? Especially when your point is that anonymity doesn't matter, including her name would have been quite prudent toyour point. If she is talking to you directly and either you or she isn't willing to share her name, I'm sorry but that's the definition of anonymity, my friend."
I'm glad someone else giving you the same info as I did about Mr. Bobbie and his "employment" makes you finally understand. Whew. As to my friend, my friend tells me he/she will be contacting people - that is he/she's business and affair and when he/she does it he/she will not do it anonymously, which was my POINT. Why would I post the name here? Why don't you post the name of the anonymous blogger here? But unlike the anonymous blogger, my pal is not afraid to put his/her name to his/her story. I thought you were going to ignore my posts - seems like the best plan of action for you.
I would assume he is not "employed" by Chicago, in the sense that he isn't making a salary from them. Royalties are not a salary.
As far as it seems, a director dropping into rehearsals decades into a run is more of a courtesy. They are protective of their work and name and want to make sure the show is running & representing them well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
The Distinctive Baritone said: "I know what a director does, dude. They collaborate with others. It sounds like his collaboration with actors isn’t going so well these days."
There seems to be a lot of anger towards a person for a reason that at worst sounds like nothing more than for doing a very competent job as a director of Chicago. I mean I'm sorry Bobbie beat out Blackemore, Ellis, and Taymor for that Tony. I'm only mentioning that part because your critiques of him seem to have existed before this whole thing came to light.
DAME said: "If you are interested; you might want to check outRandySlovacek'sFacebook page and blog. Lots of ex Chicago company members expressing their grief and sharing stories. Randy has been long associated with Chicago and recreates the original revival production all over the world. Interesting to read David Sabella's comments there as well. Actors Equity has their work cutout for them with this investigation."
Is there a specific link? I'm canvassing and finding nothing. I want to hear more of these stories.
His profile seems to be private.
Yeah, can't really view anything on his Facebook page and his blog doesn't contain anything about the incident. Would love to read about what any past or current cast members have to say.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/5/18
bk said: "MosaicOwl said: "bk said: "The director can't lose his job - his job was basically finished when he - directed the show twenty-two years ago. He retains a royalty position of course and that has made him a very wealthy man.
In other news, a performer I know did one of the tours of Chicago and apparently Mr. Bobbie was very abusive to her in front of the entire company and she seems willing to talk about it and doesn't really care about this anonymity stuff. People remaining anonymous or off the record is not going to help change anything."
First of all, as far as him being a very wealthy man, duh. And it's irrelevant. Nobody wants to take away his already earned money for work he already accomplished.Second of all, he was called in to oversee the rehearsal, which impliesemployment to me. Anybody who would like to clarify this? Point me in adirection where I can read about how this is not considered employment. Third of all, if the performer you know doesn't seem care about anonymity, why not include her name? Especially when your point is that anonymity doesn't matter, including her name would have been quite prudent toyour point. If she is talking to you directly and either you or she isn't willing to share her name, I'm sorry but that's the definition of anonymity, my friend."
I'm glad someone else giving you the same info as I did about Mr. Bobbie and his "employment" makes you finally understand. Whew. As to my friend, my friendtells me he/she will becontacting people - that is he/she'sbusiness andaffair and when he/she does it he/she will not do it anonymously, which was my POINT. Why would I post the name here? Why don't you post the name of the anonymous blogger here? But unlike the anonymous blogger, my pal is not afraid to put his/her name to his/her story. I thought you were going to ignore my posts - seems like the best plan of action for you. "
Drop the "he/she" business. You already referred to your friend as "her" in the post I was responding to. And after reviewing the various news stories, the blogger is identified by name in an article published before you asked why the blogger was remaining anonymous. I had overlooked the detail and I'm sure you did too. It's in the 1010WINS article. Just because you know the name of your friend doesn't mean she isn't remaining anonymous. She is anonymous to every single person on this thread except for you. That's still a degree of anonymity. Until her name is revealed in public record for anyone to look up, it is still anonymity.
I have been a long time follower of Broadwayworld for many years and I finally had to join because of this tragic situation- it devastates me to read such horrible news and it saddens me deeper that a few of you have the audacity to not only question a person who is NOT here to represent themselves but also a family member who is seeking answers and VERY kindly and eloquently taking comments and criticism from several people on this forum.
I suffer from anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, it has lead me to dark places and a very distorted way of thinking- people who don't fully understand depression or even sensitivity write that off as a form of weakness- that's far from the truth- I never had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Jeff, but the out pour of kind comments about his character and the commitment from his loving partner and family can speak volumes on their own.
I think many of the greatest performers do possess a HUGE amount of sensitivity and EMPATHY for others- the pressure of pleasing others can know doubt be an overwhelming one and when one finds themselves in a situation like Jeff's, it can be earth shattering. 22 years devoted to a job, a career- I'm happy several of you commenters are "thick skinned" so you say, some are not- but that does NOT make them weak- they cared too much for pleasing jerks that put them in a situation like this- no one should ever have to go through what this man went through - and for sure- his death will not be in vain.
^ Really beautifully said, thank you.
Thank you, EllieRose2, I really appreciate that...
Absolutely. I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. Speaking out about it is so healthy, and please know, you are not alone. Not ever.
EllieRose2, again, thank you so much for that! Unfortunately the world we live in today needs more awareness and understanding- this whole situation hit home for me- Jeff needs to be seen in a positive light- 22 years and this happens- If anyone personally knew him I would really love to hear some happy memories of him- he really sounds like an outstanding guy!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
EveHarrington3 wrote: "it devastates me to read such horrible news and it saddens me deeper that a few of you have the audacity to not only question a person who is NOT here to represent themselves but also a family member who is seeking answers and VERY kindly and eloquently taking comments and criticism from several people on this forum."
Eve, thank your joining and posting here. I share your feelings.
This is such a horrible story. My heart breaks for Jeff, his partner, his family.
I am also so shocked and disheartened by the callousness of some people in addressing a grieving member of Jeff's family.
My thoughts and prayers are with Jeff's partner, family and friends.
After Eight, thank you too!
This whole situation has me upset! Hope he, and his family get justice...
Eve, thanks for sharing your story. So many who don’t experience the anxiety and depression don’t understand how high functioning a lot of us are, and never let it show. I’ve been dealing with it since I was 9. Just because he didn’t seem like he has any mental illness does not mean he doesn’t have one. It just means he was good at hiding it or very high functioning.
Bless you ,(Insert Clever Name) - you summed it up beautifully- we troopers can sweep stuff under the rug for so long- but this unfortunately has to happen- I hope you are well and ok, and anyone else struggling too- Jeff and his family need support! please support them ...the theatre community is changing
Anyone who needs to talk please do! We need all the voices we can get! This man and his family deserve it
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/18/07
More information https://broadway.news/2018/07/09/chicago-producers-investigate-harassment-claims-after-cast-members-death/
Chorus Member Joined: 7/5/18
A Director said: "More informationhttps://broadway.news/2018/07/09/chicago-producers-investigate-harassment-claims-after-cast-members-death/"
Thanks for sharing! So glad to see that new and fresh stories are still being published.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/5/18
Page Six has a new article, including a more extensive statement from Judd Burstein.
"Burstein told us of the Friday meeting, “I informed [the cast] that I had been retained to conduct an investigation, and that I wanted to speak to everyone who had knowledge of what occurred with respect to Mr. Loeffelholz’s death, as well as anyone who wanted to speak to me about anything else concerning ‘Chicago.’ ” He told us he hopes to have the probe wrapped up within two weeks, adding that his investigation is entirely independent from the Weisslers. He said, “My obligation here is to find the truth about what happened without regard to the consequences which flow from my finding."
Chorus Member Joined: 7/5/18
There is a complete statement from attorney Judd Burstein in the blog: