Well, another show opening on Broadway is always good for the theater community. I wish them a Happy Opening tonight! I'm certain Frank & Co. will all be excited for their baby to be 'reborn' again to a new generation of "Jekkies".
However, if I had this (J&H) in my bonnet 4 years ago (which they did), knowing the past experience and track record of J&H and etc.etc AND had such a reputable producer as the Nederlanders onboard, I would NEVER have previwed this on the road for 6 mos! I would have previewed right in NYC, which is where they wanted it to end up anyway. Again, this is just my opinion. I don't know what the contract or agreement terms of producing this were, but I will find out! :)
Let the cards fall where they will this time around. From 1997-2001 it was a roller coaster ride! BRACE yourself, you're in for another bumpy ride! Best to Frank & co. and all who will experience Jekyll & Hyde, once more!
Chorus Member Joined: 5/4/12
I wish nothing but the best for Frank, the production team, the crew and the cast. I don't "hate" the show at all; in fact, I have posted before that I enjoyed it. That doesn't mean, however, that the show has no faults......at least, areas that, in my opinion, could be improved. I'm sure everyone involved will not be surprised if the reviews are bad, but I haven't relied on some critic's opinion to influence mine yet, with over 50 years of theatre-going. If I exit the theater , overall pleased that I went, that's a good experience for me. And, this show did that.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/4/12
Just catching up with this thread and for completely selfish reasons I really hope the rumour that this show may close within the next few weeks is just that, a rumour.
I'm visiting NYC at the end of next month and was planning to see the show. It may not be an artistic masterpiece but I do like the a cast recording from a previous production I've listened to and would like to see the show on stage.
While sales look pretty crap at the moment the show really hasn't had a very long time yet to try and better this so I hope they get given a little while longer.
"However, if I had this in my bonnet 4 years ago (which they did) knowing the past experience and track record of J&H and etc. and had such a reputable producer as the Nederlanders onboard, I would NEVER have previwed this on the road for 6 mos.! I would have done so right in NYC, which is where they wanted it to end up anyway."
Like PB ENT. said so well here, I have had similar thoughts. I might have done 1 - 2 months in one location like a Chicago or La Mirada to get the show in order before previewing on Broadway, but the 6 months was long. IMO they lost valuable exposure time in the NYC area by staying out on the road so close to the first preview.
There are three songs from the obc recording of J & H. "This Is The Moment" is probably one of my faves...as sung by Robert Cuccioli. I really don't know much about the show, except what has been posted here. I can almost see the "knives" (critics) that are poised to cut up this show. Rarely have I read about a show that inspires such vehemence. Oh well. from RC in Austin, Texas NYC: June 7-10, 2013.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/12
Rarely have I read about a show that inspires such vehemence.
Me, either. A batch of bitter old queens.
"Me, either. A batch of bitter old queens. "
Or it's not a very good show, despite your love for it.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/12
Well, aren't you a class act. Really doing a solid for this fanbase.
Did someone call?
It's had such a truncated preview period. I'm not sure word-of-mouth (good or bad) has even had time to spread. Granted, I've heard terrible things from a few friends.
Novices! This is NOTHING compared to '97-'01. We had 4 years of glorious debates, discussions, disections, rants & raves, crowinings, crowing and crufixations on the ever popular old "Jekyll & Hyde Message Board".
"Who's better Bob or Rob?", "NO ONE can replace Linda Eder!", Who will they cast now in the "Jekyll-Go-Round?", "Bach can REALLY wail this score", Bach bites off the heads of roses at his curtain call!", "The Exploding Pants during the Confrontation", "The Horrendeous Hair Ballet", "What Time can we line up for rush seats?", "The infamous Joseph:the Jekyll Hater", "Hasselhoff needs oxygen" "Jack Wagner limps".
Honestly, if there's any old "Jekkies" here...please join in.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I just went on TKTS site to see what shows have been there for my upcoming visits. Jekyll & Hyde was up there. I thought this was their opening night. Do opening night performances ever go on TKTS?
You poor lithping queen.
Well, that's one way to lose respect and all credibility.
Wait...can I make that observation without having seen the show? If only someone could police my comments and interpret them freely and let me know!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
I noticed on Ticketmaster for Jekyll and Hyde it accepts an offer code for "Serino Coyne offer". Anyone have that code and care to share with us or me(PM)?
I was there tonight and holy crap, what a mess.
It's almost so campy and astoundingly cheese-tastically bad that it's worth seeing for anyone who wants to grab a few margaritas beforehand and watch a trainwreck.
I mean, what else can I say that hasn't been said a hundred times? The sets are a joke, the lighting is so glaringly overdramatic, they must use enough dry ice to fill a swimming pool, and the acting is atrocious. Constantine and Deborah both have fine voices, but their acting is so bad that I was embarrassed for them. What were those "accents"?! Every damn song is blasted out of the speakers on the highest volume possible, and "The Confrontation" may just be the single most ridiculous musical sequence of the last few seasons.
The theater practically had tumbleweeds blowing around tonight. It was empty. All I can really say is WOOF.
Um, this is the preview thread.
The show has already opened.
But thanks for letting is know it sucked!
Um, I realize the show has opened. This thread floated to the top of the board last night, so I posted my thoughts in it. Hope that's okay with you.
And you're welcome!
Updated On: 4/27/13 at 12:00 PM
Swing Joined: 9/9/12
Now I know half of you make some of this stuff up. I saw this show last night and to say it was empty is a complete lie. Most of the orchestra section was filled. Yes, spotty in some places towards the back and no, not every single seat was filled. Mezzanine looked good through the center but not so much on the sides. That is a huge theater. If this show were playing at one of the other theaters with less seats, it would be sold out. So get your facts straight. Just because you hate it doesn't mean you have to lie. Get a life.
You are aware the average capacity has been 61.3%, yeah?
"If this show were playing at one of the other theaters with less seats, it would be sold out."
But it's not.
So it isn't.
So it's heavily comped and discounted.
So it's not making money.
Okay, well here's a picture I took of the back of the orchestra, when I walked in the theater three minutes before showtime.
You can't tell, but the plethora of empty seats on the side sections stretched down as far as to the sixth or seventh row from the stage. I'd hardly call that "spotty"...
And there were a bunch seats in the front row that were empty. And looking up at the mezzanine, I could literally see maybe fifteen people sitting on the left side.
I disliked MOTOWN too, and have no problem saying that theater was jam-packed. So, I don't know if you think I photoshopped that picture, but I have literally no reason to lie...
Updated On: 4/27/13 at 05:27 PM
And the fact that it JUST opened and can't even fill the house is very telling, indeed.
Very telling of what...? All I said in my post was that the theater was empty. I didn't say it's closing tomorrow. I didn't say people must hate it. I just said it was empty. Which it was...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
WiCkEDrOcKs, did you get a rush ticket? If you did, was there much of a crowd? I plan to see the 7:00 show on May 5, and want to go to The Frick for "pay as you wish" so won't be there at 12:00. Wondering if rush tickets are available throughout the day. I may get there about 12:30-1:00. Thanks.
I did get a rush ticket. I got to the theater, on a whim, at about 7:15 or so (the show started at 8:00) and got seats three rows from the stage, all the way to the side. The view was good, nothing was obstructed. Don't worry about getting there as soon as they start selling them. You'll be fine! Updated On: 4/29/13 at 05:47 PM