Do you really think Larsen looks like Carole? I actually think she looks quite like a young Cynthia Weil, at least based on the photos I've seen. The shape of her lips/cheeks is very un-Carole to me. I can see what you're saying but I'm sure any of the issues as far as resemblance will be resolved with wigs and costuming.
And I LOVE Anika, I've loved her ever since I saw Zanna, Don't way back when, she's phenomenally talented and incredibly underrated, so I'm very happy to see her involved with the project.
First of all, for those wondering, that new promo photo with Mueller is based on an actual photo of Carole King.
Kelly2, yes, I think Larsen an awful lot like King.
I guess I just don't see it, wouldn't be the first time. To be fair, I don't really think Anika looks much like that photo of herself anymore either, at least not when I saw her in Xanadu or at a benefit recently. I mean, I don't particularly think Jessie looks like King as-is either, to be fair. But this photo of Cynthia actually reminds me a lot of Anika, I thought she was perfect casting in that part:
I'm actually pretty impressed with all the casting, I think Spector is a great fit for Barry Mann and though I haven't seen Jake Epstein onstage, he really does have the right look. Is it November yet?!
Really? I don't think Larsen looks anything like Weil, who has a much narrower face and a larger mouth. The resemblance between her and King, however, is striking.
I really feel like I must be blind or something because I don't see it at all! To be fair, I'm NEVER in the majority on people looking like other people, I'm sure you're probably "right" or in the majority on this one. :)
All of this is just making me much more excited to see costumes and wigs though. SHNSF posted a photo of costume sketches on Facebook and I have to say I'm really digging them, but I love a good high waisted skirt and some 70s fashion.
Edit: OMG it's huge, let's fix that.
Costume sketches
Agree to disagree! I think you're absolutely right that that costumes will make a huge difference, though. I'm sure they'll both look great.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/7/13
I want to hear some of this before I get excited. I love Carole King, I grew up listening to her. I am not sure Mueller can pull off the smokey nasal quality that is Carole King. Mueller strike me as more of some one who belts out the lyrics. Not what I a want to listen to for 2.5 hours.
she doesn't have to look like King to play her. I'm sure the script won't exactly match king's life. Its all interpretive.
For the record, i can't wait to see what they do with this. And i hope it does't follow the path of the past few biotuners...
Ugh I hate getting into it on stuff like this and I'm sure your point in posting that was to bait me but gchris, just as a point of fact, Jessie's hardly known as a belter. Some of her biggest roles (Cinderella in ITW, Carrie in Carousel) have been primarily in her soprano and even though a lot of "Clear Day" wasn't in her soprano range, it was very period and stylized. In fact, the only out-and-out traditional "belting" I've really heard her do was her various endings in Drood (especially her confession).
Why is this show having so many previews??? Starting November 21st and opening January 12th. Isn't that a few weeks more than most shows have?
Broadway Star Joined: 5/7/13
RELAX, Kelly2, no one is trying to bait you. I am just making the point that I an not going to get excited about this until I hear some of it. I don't think Ms Mueller has the Carole King sound. And BTW Carole King is no soprano. So chill out. I am entitled to an opinion.
I'm just pointing out that there's no reason to think Jessie Mueller is only or primarily a belter. Your opinion means all of nothing so feel free to have whatever one you wish.
I'm wondering why the long preview period as well. At first I wondered if maybe there are some technical elements they want more time to work with in NY, but then I was like...why would a bio-musical about Carole King need a ton of technology and fancy stuff?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Except with the preview period they've announced they won't officially be open during the holiday season, they'll be in previews through the whole thing and not opening until after the New Year. They'll have to rely on the out of town reviews to use for their advertising, and, if things don't go well, could end up as part of the post-holiday closing fest that will be occurring on January 5th, thus closing before they even open. It's a strange choice for the producers to make and one that doesn't make much obvious sense.
Some footage from rehearsals, plus meet and greet...
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
I hope the show includes more than just the big hits Goffin and King wrote. I think "No Easy Way Down," "Going Back" and "i Can't Make It Alone" to name just three would add dramatic heft to the atory arc. Carole's performance of "No Easy Way Down" is CLASSIC.
For anyone not familiar with "No Easy Way Dow" --give a listen.
Updated On: 8/24/13 at 10:38 AM