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#525LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 7:19pm

MezzA101 said: "Behind the Scenes of a Short-Lived Broadway Musical

What a great article. I loved Lempicka despite its flaws; reading of some of the struggles they had developing things makes it clear there were lots of things they were uncertain of. If they felt husband wasn’t working and the “heart of the show” was the love triangle maybe they should’ve waited to jump to broadway. I still think someone needs to tell them the show is about a woman who tried to capture women not a love triangle and then the show will open up 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#526LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 7:39pm

Don’t quote me on this, but apparently the artists haven’t been paid yet for the cast album recording sessions. We could be looking at another Paradise Square dilemma here. 

Amazon has pushed back the physical release date to July 19, and who knows if that will stick. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 5/27/24 at 07:39 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#527LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 7:48pm

bwayobsessed said: "I still think someone needs to tell them the show is about a woman who tried to capture women not a love triangle and then the show will open up"

The problem is, I think the show should have been about a woman portraying women in her art, BUT ALSO being torn between 3 different lovers: her husband, the Baron (which we stupidly hear about but never see), and Rafaela.

Or, all these people pine for Tamara when she pines for her art (the SUNDAY of it all).

#528LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 7:52pm

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "bwayobsessed said: "I still think someone needs to tell them the show is about a woman who tried to capture women not a love triangle and then the show will open up"

The problem is, I think the show should have been about a woman portraying women in her art, BUT ALSO being torn between 3 different lovers: her husband, the Baron (which we stupidly hear about but never see), and Rafaela.

Or, all these people pine for Tamara when she pines for her art (the SUNDAY of it all).

I hear you but I think if the love triangle is the focus the time we spend on Suzy and the baroness (scenes I like) feel out of place and taking away from the focus, If it’s about the women she paints it makes them make sense. And husbands role can be sorta uninteresting and that’s okay

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#529LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 7:56pm

I hear ya. There are many ways to focus a story. Unfortunately, this team didn't choose one 😔

Jonathan Cohen Profile Photo
Jonathan Cohen
#530LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 11:28pm

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "1) I'd still like to see her SUNDAY IN THE PARK (which was supposed to happen at Williamstown in 2017 before it got scrapped due to the Gyllenhaal revival).

Maybe her Sunday in the Park will be great. The New Yorker article certainly makes the case it's the artist musical she was actually interested in. Chavkin only pursuing Lempicka when doing the Sondheim show was taken off the table, isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for the material on her part. 

Also, after just finishing a show unfavorably compared to Sunday in the Park with George, it's a little strange she's jumping into a Gatsby musical when a different Great Gatsby musical is already playing on Broadway.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#531LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/27/24 at 11:50pm

The article may have been simplifying her trajectory to joining onto Lempicka. There's probably more nuance.

As for Gatsby, these things are in development for years and sometimes there's no control over timing (such as Michael Greif directing 3 shows this spring). She signed on to this sometime in 2022 (after Frecknall departed) and I think some people were expecting the current Broadway Gatsby to die at Paper Mill or have a Lempicka-length Broadway run.

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#532LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/31/24 at 2:05pm


#533LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 5/31/24 at 2:11pm

TaffyDavenport said: "LEMPICKA Reviews"

I'm so happy Elisabeth and Sara have called the show on this take. Deliberately ignoring the existence of 2 queer female-identifying critics is in fact the misogyny they're trying to blame the show's failure on.

steven22 Profile Photo
#534LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/6/24 at 5:11pm

The cast recording is delayed. Again. Now 6/18

binau Profile Photo
#535LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/6/24 at 5:28pm

Noooo...What I cannot wait to hear from the studio recording

* The "Overture" very nice electronic club sounds 
* "Unseen" when Lempicka makes her entrance as an older woman with a lower voice slay girl slay sounds so cool
* The end of "Our Time" when Lempicka going wild 
* "Plan and Design" when Lempicka talent powers are metaphorically singing out of her bodyyy and also priming us for "Woman Is" melodically
* "Don't Bet Your Heart" so high energy fun and charismatic 
* "I Will Paint Her" the only natural consequence of "Don't Bet Your Heart".....ultra modern and passionate 'I want song'
* "Perfection" industrial grungy pop with this kind of haunting satire on political 'progress'
* The Most Beautiful Bracelet" cooooool smokey vocals
* "Woman Is" is defying gravity on ecstasy
* "Speed" those intense final few hours in the club with the heartbreaking end
* "In the Blasted California Sun" yay old Lempicka back again, all nostalgic with those warm low tones back again yummy

This score is STUNNINGGGG

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

#536LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 10:52am

There are still people whining about the closing of this show, saying things like "we need to rethink the system". Oh shut up. This show did not have an audience. And if it did, it was a very small one, and that is not enough to keep the show open. All those people who were always going- did they tell their friends to go? Did those friends pay full price? Did they keep spreading the word? I'm thinking-- no. So- stop whining I beg of you 

#537LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 11:25am

hearthemsing22 said: "There are still people whining about the closing of this show, saying things like "we need to rethink the system". Oh shut up. This show did not have an audience. And if it did, it was a very small one, and that is not enough to keep the show open. All those people who were always going- did they tell their friends to go? Did those friends pay full price? Did they keep spreading the word? I'm thinking-- no. So- stop whining I beg of you"

No one is whining about it in this thread so you chose the wrong place to post 

#538LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 12:36pm

Yet this is a thread about Lempicka, yes? So...I don't see a problem. If you do...get over it  

#539LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 4:30pm

hearthemsing22 said: "There are still people whining about the closing of this show, saying things like "we need to rethink the system". Oh shut up. This show did not have an audience. And if it did, it was a very small one, and that is not enough to keep the show open. All those people who were always going- did they tell their friends to go? Did those friends pay full price? Did they keep spreading the word? I'm thinking-- no. So- stop whining I beg of you"

it doesnt help that the whining was elevated by the director and other creative team members during the closing curtain speech

blaming everyone else but themselves for a spectacular bomb

it is much easier to fault the general public for any variety of -ist or -phobia accusations than to look within

the show failed for two simple reasons

not enough people cared about the subject matter to check it out

not enough people thought the show was any good

MezzoDiva47 has spoken

bow down accordingly


Updated On: 3/2/25 at 04:30 PM

#540LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 6:05pm

hearthemsing22 said: "Yet this is a thread about Lempicka, yes? So...I don't see a problem. If you do...get over it"

Some people like the show…get over it. They are allowed to whine about it closing if they want. You also don’t get to dictate what people talk about on the internet. 

telling people to shut up? Get over it!

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Updated On: 6/28/24 at 06:05 PM

#541LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/28/24 at 7:10pm

hearthemsing22 said: "Yet this is a thread about Lempicka, yes? So...I don't see a problem. If you do...get over it"

But you are directly addressing the people who are whining, who were not doing that here so it seems misplaced. 

I do think it’s silly that Lempicka closed so quickly and W4E and HK got a bunch of Tony noms but alas. 

#542LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 6/30/24 at 3:15am

I finally got around to watching this show (iykwim), but had to stop three times during act one.

Man, disjointed is really the word. The music is not easy or catchy or consistent, the costumes are....weird, the set is ok but a bit random, you never even see her real work.....and it all feels like an uninteresting coming out story.

....if you can't make this fascinating woman's life dynamic on the stage, stop and let someone else do it. Or rethink your approach.

SitpwG actually worked, in spite of the public not really caring about the artist or his work or love affairs. This show really doesn't do anything with the potential subject matter. It's a shame.


steven22 Profile Photo
#543LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 3/2/25 at 1:15pm

I just saw on Instagram there is a production in the works in Korea. I was a big fan of this show so it’s nice to see it have a life after the short lived Broadway run! 

quizking101 Profile Photo
#544LEMPICKA Reviews
Posted: 3/2/25 at 11:25pm


Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
