Umm, yeah, no. Bailey has nothing to do with the show closing. If anything, she extended the run of the show beyond what its shelf-life would have been.
Way to not quote the smiley face! How're people meant to know I'm doing a joke if you don't quote the smiley face?! :P
These shows are all closing and I was wondering why are they closing exactly? Can't some shows move to different theatres? I thought LB would atleast move if WSS wanted the Palace.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/5/04
My roommate just texted me to tell me about this. Crazy.
We just bought tickets for the closing show in the balcony.. oh my god.
What the hell am I going to see on Broadway now? Xanadu is closing... that was my baby. Then I was going to adopt Legally Blonde... but that's closing now too.
I'll find other shows... but my favorites are all closing .
I have a feeling the person who quoted you didn't know you were joking...
Add me to the list of people who consider Legally Blonde a guilty pleasure. Oh well, at least I still have the cast recording to furtively listen to and tell people that it's 'Assassins' when they ask.
This was also my guilty pleasure. It was just such a fun, entertaining two and a half hours. I always left the Palace with a huge smile on my face.
Sorry, Weez. I didn't know you were joking!!
And DefyGravity777, I still don't know how you got a better seat than me!! Grrrr!!!
Updated On: 9/24/08 at 06:46 PM
"Oh well, at least I still have the cast recording to furtively listen to and tell people that it's 'Assassins' when they ask. "
I do the same thing
DefyingGravity777, I had that ticket but exceeded the time limit. You won it fair and square. I'm in Row N now.
Ugh!!! How did you guys all end up with a better seat than me? I was offered Row O right away!!! Oh well, at least I'll be there!
No problem, Adam, I've noticed my sense of humour is very peculiar to myself and doesn't necessarily translate well over the internet. :) (And that's a smile of good-naturedness, not a joke this time. ;D )
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/5/04
Just got Row S, actually. We discovered the discount code...
stupid me for not realizing this earlier...
I am SO broke with all of these closing shows.
"I'll find other shows... but my favorites are all closing."
Please don't go near any of the good shows if you are jinxed.
Updated On: 9/24/08 at 06:59 PM
Aw this makes me sad, first [title of show], now this (don't really care about Xanadu...sorry). It's a really fun, and despite what some may say, smart show and I'll be sad to see it go but it had a year and a half which is pretty good
I thought it would at least last past the holidays.
About the people camping out already... umm, that's crazy! And anyways, they probably won't even get tickets, definitely not front row. Remember the rush tickets for LBB's last were sold at full price, so they had to give other tickets. There might not be others available on the day of. People can't possibly be camping out now, that's ridiculous.
I'm sorry this has been annoying me, why does the thread title say "Blonde" and not "Legally Blonde"?
I have actually quit Broadwayworld.com because of the few cretins who make a habit of knocking "Legally Blonde." These same people are obnoxious to other shows as well, but the toxic atmosphere here is just a turn off. I thought I'd come back one last time to thank those who shared my joy in this show.
- 30 -
it's time, this show has run it's course
I will miss this show. Saw it two times...first time didn't care for it...second time it was much better.
I had a feeling this was going to happen. And there were people trying to say it was pulling in enough money that there would be NO chance of it closing this fall. Remember that debate, anyone?
All my favorites are closing too
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
A friend who's seeing it tonight text messaged me before curtain saying "I've never seen an emptier theater."
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
1) Shows moving to other theatres costs MONEY...money that shows flopping/closing for financial reasons don't have.
2) All the best to the cast and crew...I was not a fan of this show by any means, but I admired the cast's contagious energy, and people seemed to have enjoyed it (I get why people did).
Did the show ever recoup?
Think LauraBell will be attending?
Nope, she will be in Florida with Paul.