All conceivable box office data related to Mamma Mia!:
Mamma Mia's opening weekend worldwide was $55M. Les Miz has $58 from its first two days before it even gets to its first weekend.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I don't know about you guys, but I really want to watch Mamma Mia!
Jovie really wants us to watch Mamma Mia!
Understudy Joined: 7/7/12
In case anyone was curious about ETX (AMC's Enhanced Theater Experience), I was able to catch a screening today and finally felt satisfied with the sound quality. The gun shots and cannons were not ear splitting. I'd recommend this over the regular movie experience. I don't know how it compares to IMAX, will update know if I find myself catching an IMAX screening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
^ And they're bathed in golden light!!!
The Streep makes a fabulous head whore.
Mamma Mia's opening weekend worldwide was $55M. Les Miz has $58 from its first two days before it even gets to its first weekend.
Sure, Les Miz didn't open on a weekend, but shouldn't its first two days count as a weekend haul? In that case, they both made more or less the same amount in the same amount of time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
And Mamma Mia wasn't competing with the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
To a point yes, but how many people had **** to do on Christmas unable to go see Les Miz and are waiting for the weekend so they can see it while they're off work. That's the appeal of the weekend and why they're so focused on them for Movie grosses.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Les Miseramma Mia!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Les Miseramma Mia!
Phyllis, that reminds me, Mamma MIa! opened the same weekend as The Dark Knight, so its opening weekend gross is even more impressive, considering.
TheatreFan4, it's Christmas vacation. College/high school students have it off. (I was surprised at the large amount of teens/twentysomethings in my theater.) Furthermore, many people/families go to the movies on Christmas. That's why movies open on that date.
"Sure, Les Miz didn't open on a weekend, but shouldn't its first two days count as a weekend haul? In that case, they both made more or less the same amount in the same amount of time."
Well, Les Mis did more in 2 days what Mamma Mia did in 3...
"Phyllis, that reminds me, Mamma MIa opened the same weekend as The Dark Knight, so its weekend gross is even more impressive considering."
No, it's called counter programming. Obviously TDK and Mamma Mia are two vastly different markets.
And it continues to kick box office ass.
It's going into the weekend at $39 million domestically. I originally guessed $40-60 million in its first week (total), but it may pass my top range estimate of $60 million. Very cool for a musical film!
It already broke the (current US dollar rate) box office record of a single day for a musical film, and it also broke the all time non-weekend record for an opening holiday film of any genre.
It's starting out of the gate very well indeed.
And non regular theater lovers are going and loving it. That is wonderful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I just saw it in a a smaller Midwestern town and the theater was pretty full.
So it slips to #2 yesterday behind The Hobbit: $10,120,000
Les Miz: $9,168,120
$104,691,638 to beat Mamma Mia
$131,249,093 to beat Chicago
I have to say this (and maybe it belongs on the other thread), but this movie has its flaws, yes.
But what it gets right, it really gets right.
I still can't stop thinking about the first 40 minutes of this film. It's haunting me. Ann Hathaway's brilliant performance is haunting me.
I seriously tear up just thinking about it.
If that translates into good word of mouth, this movie will do much better than I expected.
... meaning "blockbuster."
Featured Actor Joined: 12/6/05
Sorry to ruin the party folks, but Les Miserables is a huge FLOP. I have a friend who knows someone who has a friend who is an intern at Universal Pictures. According to her, Universal is LOSING money on this pic, because they had to refund most of the $40 million they made so far. Many people who have seen this huge flop are demanding refunds because they didn't know it was a boring, lame, homosexual sung-through musical about cats with AIDS living in the Paris Opera House. They expected a Wolverine prequel but were duped by the misleading advertising.
They were pissed because the helicopter was cut out weren't they?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/9/10
"Jovie really wants us to watch Mamma Mia!"
Not really...I want the results of the poster to be true: "Les Mis set to be the highest grossing movie musical of all time". It has to beat $600 million world wide. But, I just don't think it will. I hope so, but I just don't see it...