Yay I love this show and the cast and the music and everything! It's so much fun and yes it's not Light in the Piazza but it doesn't try to be. It's goofy and fun and I think that's great. Stephen Lynch is hilarious and Laura is a hoot. Felicia is probably my favorite cuz her songs are just hilarious! Go Wedding Singer I hope they have a long healthy run.
Yes, there actually ARE people who like this show. That's why I made this thread, so we could all come together and just gush about it. Hee!
thespian geek: haha it is a party on your iTunes! one big 80's party.
"Tonight we're gonna partay like it's 1986!!!!!!!"
So. adorable. Haven't seen him, but Stephen Lynch is such an excellent choice.
LOVE this show!! Seeing it tomorrow night and Saturday night!!
Stand-by Joined: 5/18/06
Question for everyone really quickly. . .does the hard copy of the CD include the lyrics? I have the itunes version and someone was asking me. . .
Leading Actor Joined: 2/21/05
The hard copy does have the lyrics and pretty pictures to go along with it :P
every time i've seen this show, the entire cast seems and acts ECSTATIC to be there. genuine love for performing radiates off that stage. that's one of the main reasons i enjoy TWS so much.
Infinite, I couldn't have said it better myself. I think that's really a good chunk of the reason the shows box office sales trippled the day after the Tony's! I mean, besides the fact that that number was PERFECT to do, but everyone just always looks like they have a ridiculous amount of fun up there and they're all so energetic. Not to mention I know they're all real proud of it. :)
Leading Actor Joined: 2/21/05
They are one big family. if you've seen them all outside of the Hirschfeld (meaning away from the theater/stage door)you can tell immediately. thats one of the things I love about this cast, their connection with each other.
I remember Lynch saying on the Today Show that he was having so much fun coming into work every day with people he loves. and of course the cast being as corny as they are all awwwwed in the background.
too cute
Updated On: 7/30/06 at 10:43 PM
I need to learn to play poker just so I can sit in on one of their between-shows-poker-games some day.
The stage door of this show is so much fun!
There is a promotion on www.broadwayoffers.com Orchestra seats for $ 66.25 using the code WSPBX78, but it's good only till July 17th.
Stand-by Joined: 5/23/05
If the soundtrack includes more bonus tracks...like "Wonder","Right on Time" and "Awesome"...I will love it MORE and MORE.
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 11:15 PM
Swing Joined: 7/6/06
I absolutely love "The Wedding Singer". (But most people knew that.) I've seen it seven times (*blushes*) and it's not for just one thing.
I adore the cast. They're one of the hardest working, most talented, most fan-friendly casts I've ever run into.
I adore the music. I'm a baby of the '80s and I grew up on Culture Club and Cyndi Lauper, so it's like I'm...two again. LOL.
I adore the story. Call me a twisted romantic, but any love story that has the good guy stealing the girl from her jerk-off of a boyfriend is a definite favorite.
I love that no matter how many times I see it, I find something different about it. Whether it's a line, or a joke, or a quick movement or improvised gesture... It never gets old.
Whether it's a line, or a joke, or a quick movement or improvised gesture... It never gets old.
Haha, I've only seen the show once and I can definitely vouch for this just based on who's in the cast. I love it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I love it because I get to see Kevin sing that one line. That makes my life.
"Bust a mooooooooooooooove" :)
You say Kevin and I immediately think Kern, even though I know you meant Cahoon. Oy, my mind... LOL
Felicia Finley is crazy! I love her, and she is drop dead gorgeous, and i love when she says "Suit yourself Jennifer" in the show, she got raves from every newspaper for her portrait of Linda. Also Wicked original cast member Adinah Alexander, gets to act a lot in TWS and she really gets comedy and has a fantastic voice.
*Waiting for Phantom2 to talk about Julia Sullivan Standby Tina Maddigan*
Tina Maddigan is phenomenal as Julia. Friggin' amazing!
Who's Tina Maddigan? OH! You mean the pretty blonde girl singing with Kevin Kern in this picture? Hahaha.. I honestly don't know much about her other than she's the stand-by for Julia and was in Mamma Mia. So, Phantom2, get to work!
i love love loveee this show. i had such a great time when i saw it and i, too, have been listening to it non-stop!
To be honest, The Wedding Singer CD is the one that gets me through the day at work. I listen to it in the morning to wake myself up, then I move on to a couple of other CDs, but before the day is through I've ended up listening to it at least 3 times.. sitting at my desk, bouncing around in my seat. I'm sure I look like a moron. Haha.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/26/05
I'm listening to the cast recording right now. And singing, despite my family being asleep. Oh well.
And Kevin Kern is one good looking man. Ugh.
See, I was going to take a break since I'm like, EVERY OTHER POST on this thread... but..
And Kevin Kern is one good looking man. Ugh.
Um, .. word. Hee.