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Posted: 11/19/24 at 2:05pm

So grosses are in this week and MHE got a very modest bump with their official opening and reviews (up $160,860 from last week). Capacity is up by less than 5%, which is not great given the reviews. The show is still pulling in far beneath its operating costs and the average ticket price is one of the lowest on Broadway. They beat out Tammy Faye and Swept Away, but that's not saying very much. The fact that the show is not able to make back its operating costs, let alone start paying back the investors, can't be ignored. How much of this is due to the tickets being sold at such a low price vs real interest in the show won't be known until they stop discounting tickets so much.

I checked the ticket availability for this Friday and Saturday (evening performances) and the theaters are still at least 1/3 unsold. We need to see them selling tickets at face value and keep up on the capacity for them to start digging themselves out of this hole. The news is better, but not exactly good.

I don't have morals. I do have standards.

Fan123 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/24 at 3:28pm

The show has at least released a decent sampling of footage of the production itself, at last:

Posted: 11/19/24 at 4:57pm

3 shows on TDF now available.

TotallyEffed said: "Taking this off TDF is a choice"


CoffeeBreak Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/24 at 5:04pm

Shows are up for Tammy Faye

CoffeeBreak Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/24 at 5:07pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "CoffeeBreak said: "The Schuberts are not known for keeping a good reviewed show open with poor sales. We guess they have a tenant for the spring already signed with the way this has sold and poor advanced sales."

You would be correct. It’s so bleak that saidtenant has apparently been signed since before MHE even started loading in.

EDSOSLO858 is 1 for 2 so far on closing announcements, having said Tammy Faye would close Dec. 8.

Posted: 11/19/24 at 5:40pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "Hearing December 1 closing date."

You were right about Tammy Faye closing on 12/8 so you might be right abaout MHE too

Posted: 11/19/24 at 9:48pm

I’m just sick about all this.  As a huge fan of Darren’s, I’ve had full price tickets for 2 shows in mid December since they went on sale. I’m coming all the way from far Northern California primarily to see this show.  The idea that it may very well not make it that long after all my anticipation is heartbreaking. I really hope they can give it a little longer (but of course understand if they can’t). Fingers crossed. 

ardiem Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/24 at 10:45pm

For those who can't get enough of this show (myself included), Michael Arden did an AmA on Reddit this afternoon:

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/24 at 10:47pm

ardiem said: "For those who can't get enough of this show (myself included), Michael Arden did an AmA on Reddit this afternoon:"

Desperate times = desperate measures. This is pretty much code for “come see us before we close.” 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

CoffeeBreak Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/24 at 1:44am

EDSOSLO858 are you still hearing a Dec. 1 closing?

Updated On: 11/20/24 at 01:44 AM

Posted: 11/20/24 at 2:01am

What would possibly be the advantage to not announcing a closing date if it was in fact December 1st which is in like, what, 12 days from now? Why would they bother releasing new footage and doing things like AMAs if it was a done deal? I definitely don't think the show is long for this world, unfortunately, but there would be no financial benefit to delaying an announcement, as a closing notice would at least cause more people to try and see it while they can.

Posted: 11/20/24 at 4:06am

One of three things is going to happen for MHE over the next few weeks. First, it's going to run out of money and the producers won't be able to keep it open any longer and will cut their losses. Two, the theater has a clause in their contract that if the show isn't making a minimum amount of money that they have the right to cancel the lease. Or three... the show picks up and starts earning enough revenue to keep the lights on. Whatever attachments people might have with this show, in  the end it's going to be a business decision about keeping it running. There is a remote fourth option in that they find an investor who really believes in the show and has deep pockets and willing to swallow losses until awards season but given the track record, I don't see that happening.

The moderate improvement that we saw this week will give them a little bit more runway to try to get off the ground, but the realities of the business have not changed. Advance sales are weak in that they can't sell out a show even a few days in advance so it's going to be a week by week wait to see how long MHE survives.

I don't have morals. I do have standards.

inception Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/24 at 7:39am

I've done a few NY trips at X-mss, and while it may be the most convenient travel wise, it is hit or miss for what you will be able to see.  This won't help you out now, but for future years, traveling earlier gives more opportunities to see shows.

Spikesgurl said: "I’m just sick about all this. As a huge fan of Darren’s, I’ve had full price tickets for 2 shows in mid December since they went on sale. I’m coming all the way from far Northern California primarilyto see this show. The idea that it may very well not make it that long after all my anticipation is heartbreaking. I really hope they can give it a little longer (but of course understand if they can’t). Fingers crossed."



Posted: 11/20/24 at 8:04am

Have they done any tv ads for the show?  I’m not sure how much impact they have on box office, but at this point, it couldn’t hurt. 

I also don’t recall seeing any performances on the morning shows. That’s another avenue to get the word out there (I’m sure they’re wishing that they had secured a spot on the Macy’s parade right now).

Posted: 11/20/24 at 8:35am

CoffeeBreak said: "EDSOSLO858 are you still hearing a Dec. 1 closing?"

My best guess is that we won't hear anything confirmed about the show until after the Thanksgiving holidays. They'll want to see if the normal holiday crowds boost them enough to keep the doors open. But if they're still making under $100 a ticket, then it's going to be hard to justify keeping the show going. Union rules protect the cast and crew from a sudden closing, so they'll likely get at least 2 weeks notice. Sad that we're talking about when the show is likely to close rather than if it will.

I don't have morals. I do have standards.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/24 at 8:36am

OuttaTowner said: "Have they done any tv ads for the show? I’m not sure how much impact they have on box office, but at this point, it couldn’t hurt.

I also don’t recall seeing any performances on the morning shows. That’s another avenue to get the word out there (I’m sure they’re wishing that they had secured a spot on the Macy’s parade right now).

Linear TV advertising is expensive and not usually the best use of money when the budget is limited. Things like YouTube advertising or social video advertising can be a better use of money because you’re actually targeting the viewer based on viewing history, instead of trying to reach a ton of people at once.

For the MHE video ads I have seen, I think the music bed is not good.

Performances on TV are press, they’re not bought. Meaning it’s entirely at the liberty of the bookers of those shows. Now that reviews are out there may be a greater interest in booking the show, maybe not. Same with Darren on talkshows. I also think a number would translate pretty poorly to live TV. And if it’s Helen at a mic singing a ballad, that’s not the most dynamic thing for television.

Posted: 11/20/24 at 8:56am

EDSOSLO858 said: "CoffeeBreak said: "The Schuberts are not known for keeping a good reviewed show open with poor sales. We guess they have a tenant for the spring already signed with the way this has sold and poor advanced sales."

You would be correct. It’s so bleak that saidtenant has apparently been signed since before MHE even started loading in.

If true, I will be very disappointed, as I was hoping to see MHE on my Broadway visit first week in January. That said, any chance that the new tenant might be "Motive and the Cue", which has consistently been teasing a Spring 2025 opening at a Shubert theatre?


EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/24 at 8:59am

TarHeelAlan said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "CoffeeBreak said: "The Schuberts are not known for keeping a good reviewed show open with poor sales. We guess they have a tenant for the spring already signed with the way this has sold and poor advanced sales."

You would be correct. It’s so bleak that saidtenant has apparently been signed since before MHE even started loading in.

If true, I will be very disappointed, as I was hoping to see MHE on my Broadway visit first week in January. That said, any chance that the new tenant might be "Motive and the Cue", which has consistently been teasing aSpring 2025 opening at a Shubert theatre?


They’re circling the Longacre

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

Posted: 11/20/24 at 10:15am

I forget where I saw it (possibly reddit), but I think they actually do a have a slot to perform on one of the talk shows for tomorrow (Thursday 11/21). Don't quote me though, I can't even find where I saw that information 

Posted: 11/20/24 at 2:49pm

So now I’m on the fence


everyone seems to really like the show but pre-purchasing tickets in advance. For example I can get a great orchestra seat for 179 or I can wait and go to TKTS or the box office and hope for something good but I don’t know what to do

pre-purchase for a show this weekend at 179 for a great seat or risk it and go to the box office and end up on a side

Posted: 11/20/24 at 3:12pm

justherehanging said: "So now I’m on the fence

everyone seems to really like the show but pre-purchasing tickets in advance. For example I can get a great orchestra seat for 179 or I can wait and go to TKTS or the box office and hope for something good but I don’t know what to do

pre-purchase for a show this weekend at 179 for a great seat or risk it and go to the box office and end up on a side

I would suggest taking the sure thing:  it looks like you probably won’t have another opportunity, and a year from now you won’t really remember an extra $100, but you will remember the disappointment of an obstructed view.  Just my two cents :)

CoffeeBreak Profile Photo
Posted: 11/20/24 at 3:30pm

justherehanging said: "So now I’m on the fence
 For example I can get a great orchestra seat for 179 or I can wait and go to TKTS or the box office and hope for something good but I don’t know what to do

pre-purchase for a show this weekend at 179 for a great seat or risk it and go to the box office and end up on a side"

Definitely go to TKTS. It's been up all week and will all weekend.  The extra money isn't worth it.  Ask where seat it before buying.  They've given us options.  If you don't like what they offer move on and purchase what you want.  There is no demand for this one.

The director and team didn't think, or care, about the people on the sides when directing/designing it (much like their Christmas Carol at Nederlander) -- but you won't miss much if you aren't too close.  Sides mid orchestra and back are fine without going too far out (last 3-4 seats on each aisle), as are mezzanine and you don't miss too much other than a projection or two on interior walls that you can see half of - and aren't important - just more "extras" / burning cash.  Or better, see Sunset Blvd.

Updated On: 11/20/24 at 03:30 PM

Posted: 11/20/24 at 3:38pm

justherehanging said: "So now I’m on the fence

everyone seems to really like the show but pre-purchasing tickets in advance. For example I can get a great orchestra seat for 179 or I can wait and go to TKTS or the box office and hope for something good but I don’t know what to do

pre-purchase for a show this weekend at 179 for a great seat or risk it and go to the box office and end up on a side

While I do think you would most likely be able to get a TKTS ticket day of, you can't guarantee the seat. After having seen this from the last row balcony, I would probably say it's better to just buy a good seat in advance. You won't regret having a great view, but you may regret having a terrible one. I went back to pre-purchase tickets to bring my whole family next month (hoping it's still open) and opted for center mezzanine row E. My family having a great view, and thus hopefully a great time, was worth the extra money in my opinion.

Posted: 11/20/24 at 4:57pm

I just checked Telecharge for the remainder of this week and sales are still abysmal. I don't see this picking up

Posted: 11/20/24 at 5:53pm

pablitonizer said: "I just checked Telecharge for the remainder of this week and sales are still abysmal. I don't see this picking up"

Agreed that ticket sales aren’t picking up as much as they need. I will say, I have been tracking it daily and as show time approaches, it becomes either sold out or quite close to sold out almost every time. The exception being today’s matinee, but I would imagine weekday matinees are the least sold performances for almost any show since a lot of people work or are in school. Also, and this is anecdotal, but I keep seeing so many reports and comments from people on Reddit saying that they’ve purchased tickets for next month or Jan, Feb, and March. Have even seen people trying to reserve 30+ tickets for various groups but also in the future. Obviously that’s all great, they need all the advance sales they can get, but it makes the current week look awfully unsold. Critic reviews are great, word of mouth is relatively strong (at least in the Reddit bubble), and they’re doing what they can to improve their marketing. It’s a little baffling how and why it’s not picking up a little quicker. Fingers are crossed that it continues on!
