Swing Joined: 3/12/22
BroadwayRox3588 said: "When it comes to discussions about covid mandates, be it on here or elsewhere, it typically devolves into a whole lot of "who shot John" monologues on both sides of the table, so I'll be as brief as I can.
I, too, am longing for the day where I can go to a theatre without a mask, and without having to worry about having my vaccination card. To long for that is not a crime. However, I'll go to a theatre with a peg leg and eye patch if I have to, if it means being able to sit in a theatre and watch art again. I remember during the shutdown, people saying "I don't care if I have to wear a mask; I just want to go to the theatre again." Personally, I'm still there. And I will be there, as long as masks are required.
I love the theatre, and long for my time there. Mask or no mask."
This is exactly how I feel. I agree with this.
Swing Joined: 11/21/19
But if the vaccinated cast and crew are getting Covid, how can you say the vaccines have protected them?
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Because they are not dead or hospitalized.
Updated On: 3/12/22 at 07:49 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Apple Cinnamon Candle 2 said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "When it comes to discussions about covid mandates, be it on here or elsewhere, it typically devolves into a whole lot of "who shot John" monologues on both sides of the table, so I'll be as brief as I can.
I, too, am longing for the day where I can go to a theatre without a mask, and without having to worry about having my vaccination card. To long for that is not a crime. However, I'll go to a theatre with a peg leg and eye patch if I have to, if it means being able to sit in a theatre and watch art again. I remember during the shutdown, people saying "I don't care if I have to wear a mask; I just want to go to the theatre again." Personally, I'm still there. And I will be there, as long as masks are required.
I love the theatre, and long for my time there. Mask or no mask."
This is exactly how I feel. I agree with this."
For my last comment on the subject--yes. I agree with this.
hearthemsing22 said: "Apple Cinnamon Candle 2 said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "When it comes to discussions about covid mandates, be it on here or elsewhere, it typically devolves into a whole lot of "who shot John" monologues on both sides of the table, so I'll be as brief as I can.
I, too, am longing for the day where I can go to a theatre without a mask, and without having to worry about having my vaccination card. To long for that is not a crime. However, I'll go to a theatre with a peg leg and eye patch if I have to, if it means being able to sit in a theatre and watch art again. I remember during the shutdown, people saying "I don't care if I have to wear a mask; I just want to go to the theatre again." Personally, I'm still there. And I will be there, as long as masks are required.
I love the theatre, and long for my time there. Mask or no mask."
This is exactly how I feel. I agree with this."
For my last comment on the subject--yes. I agree with this."
Exactly my thought. I very eagerly await the day that I can sit in a theatre without a mask on, whenever that may be. (Hopefully sooner rather than later). But as long as they're required, I'll wear one and I won't let that stop me from seeing shows.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
Mariavontrapp2 said: "But if the vaccinated cast and crew are getting Covid, how can you say the vaccines have protected them?"
If the person wearing a seatbelt is still in a car accident, how can you say the seatbelt protected them? Get it yet?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Mariavontrapp2 said: "But if the vaccinated cast and crew are getting Covid, how can you say the vaccines have protected them?"
Ugh. This thread.
Understudy Joined: 3/10/17
VintageSnarker said: Where do you get your 3M Auras, SFCowboy?
Lowe’s, Home Depot, Amazon, maybe other hardware stores. For a nonvalved N95, they’re pretty breathable. The mask part is nice. If you have a big head, though, the elastic headband might be too tight.
But if the vaccinated cast and crew are getting Covid, how can you say the vaccines have protected them?
JasonC3 said: "Because they are not dead or hospitalized."
Also, keep in mind that actors are required to get tested for Covid every day - even if they feel completely fine. If it weren't for that routine testing many of them would probably be going to work and performing while asymptomatic and Covid-positive and not even know it.
JasonC3 said: "Because they are not dead or hospitalized."
They probably wouldn't be even if they were unvaccinated considering Broadway performers are generally healthy and (mostly) younger. Not discrediting the vaccine, obviously it's important and contributes to overall health of everyone and especially those at more risk, but the suggestion that otherwise healthy people would be "dead or hospitalized" without the vaccine is a gross exaggeration.
And just to be perfectly clear before anyone jumps on me, I know they could be and someone like Nick Cordero is an example of that. That's why it's a good choice for all to get the vaccine. I'm just speaking from a statistics perspective and there's a weird perception out there that people think they automatically would be hospitalized or worse if they weren't vaccinated
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
If we don't get hammered by a new variant, I can see them removing the mandate in June/July/after the Tony Awards. It won't be before. Hadestown didn't even perform yesterday because they've run out of people who don't have COVID.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Mr. Wormwood said: "JasonC3 said: "Because they are not dead or hospitalized."
They probably wouldn't be even if they were unvaccinated considering Broadway performers are generally healthy and (mostly) younger. Not discrediting the vaccine, obviously it's important and contributes to overall health of everyone and especially those at more risk, but the suggestion that otherwise healthy people would be "dead or hospitalized" without the vaccine is a gross exaggeration.
And just to be perfectly clear before anyone jumps on me, I know they could be and someone like Nick Cordero is an example of that. That's why it's a good choice for all to get the vaccine. I'm just speaking from a statistics perspective and there's a weird perception out there that people think they automatically would be hospitalized or worse if they weren't vaccinated"
I never said they would be automatically hospitalized or dead and it is disingenuous to insinuate that was what I meant.
But the statistics clearly show (as I linked to earlier) that of those hospitalized or dying, it is the unvaccinated who are over-represented.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Sorry just one more thing and not to start up anything with anyone, just something I realized. Just like with reopening the city, if Broadway does ease up on restrictions and requiring masks or proof of vaccination, it will be one of the last places/businesses in New York to do so.
Updated On: 3/13/22 at 04:44 PMFeatured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
hearthemsing22 said: "Sorry just one more thing and not to start up anything with anyone, just something I realized. Just like with reopening the city, if Broadway does ease up on restrictions and requiring masks or proof of vaccination, it will be one of the last things in New York to do so."
Broadway relies heavily on tourists, older people with money and families. None of those populations are going to attend a Broadway show without a mask mandate at this time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
pagereynolds said: "hearthemsing22 said: "Sorry just one more thing and not to start up anything with anyone, just something I realized. Just like with reopening the city, if Broadway does ease up on restrictions and requiring masks or proof of vaccination, it will be one of the last things in New York to do so."
Broadway relies heavily on tourists, older people with money and families. None of those populations are going to attend a Broadway show without a mask mandate at this time.
Very good point!! That too.
pagereynolds said: "Broadway relies heavily on tourists, older people with money and families. None of those populations are going to attend a Broadway show without a mask mandate at this time.
This is simply not true. Tourism continues to grow as mandates end, and family films have been among the highest grossing at the movies throughout the pandemic. As much as this board doesn’t want to admit it, ending mandates will likely only help the Broadway box office. Those who want to wear masks always can. But those willing to attend without mandates will outweigh those who will only attend with.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
VotePeron said: "pagereynolds said: "Broadway relies heavily on tourists, older people with money and families. None of those populations are going to attend a Broadway show without a mask mandate at this time.
This is simply not true. Tourism continues to grow as mandates end, and family films have been among the highest grossing at the movies throughout the pandemic. As much as this board doesn’t want to admit it, ending mandates will likely only help the Broadway box office. Those who want to wear masks always can. But those willing to attend without mandates will outweigh those who will only attend with.
It ain't gonna happen this season.
um... producers of tourist shows are the ones hankering to lift the mandates because it is hurting their business. I expect that, when the blanket mandates are lifted, it is likely some theatres will continue to have them. Mandates are about business (both ways), not public health.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
HogansHero said: "um... producers of tourist shows are the ones hankering to lift the mandates because it is hurting their business. I expect that, when the blanket mandates are lifted, it is likely some theatres will continue to have them. Mandates are about business (both ways), not public health."
Just wanted to add a note here that yes, touring venues are dropping vaccination proof mandates. They are still requiring masks (for now, at least!).
Swing Joined: 3/12/22
hearthemsing22 said: "HogansHero said: "um... producers of tourist shows are the ones hankering to lift the mandates because it is hurting their business. I expect that, when the blanket mandates are lifted, it is likely some theatres will continue to have them. Mandates are about business (both ways), not public health."
Just wanted to add a note here that yes, touring venues are dropping vaccination proof mandates. They are still requiring masks (for now, at least!)."
Not necessarily. Hershey has never had a vaccine or mask mandate. And Orlando just lifted their mask mandate (however Broadway in Orlando still requires). Philly is reevaluating April 1 on mandates.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/15/05
Indeed, on tour it's harder to measure. Some venues (few that I've encountered, except in Florida and parts of the midwest (Indiana mostly)) have lifted mask requirements, but a majority still have them. To be fair, though, many have done away with mandates BUT the presenter bringing the show in (specifically Broadway Across America) can and usually does require masks and the venues must comply.
Swing Joined: 3/12/22
tourboi said: "Indeed, on tour it's harder to measure. Some venues (few that I've encountered, except in Florida and parts of the midwest (Indiana mostly)) have lifted mask requirements, but a majority still have them. To be fair, though, many have done away with mandates BUT the presenter bringing the show in (specifically Broadway Across America) can and usually does require masks and the venues must comply."
Right. Like the Orlando theatres have dropped the requirements but Broadway in Orlando is requiring masks (I’m not sure on vaccines though) for their shows. I remember reading this is connected to Equity somehow or it’s part of the Equity contract allowing shows to tour? Maybe I made that up but that was my impression anyway.
Duplicate. See below.
Updated On: 3/14/22 at 06:55 AM
I'm still required to wear a mask in any common area of my apartment building - meaning I have to put a mask on to do laundry or take the trash out. I don't understand what harm it does people to wear a mask for a couple of hours while watching a Broadway show. And while, yes, some vaccinated cast members have gotten Covid, we will never know what the impact would have been had these mandates not been in place. Vaccine and masks, while not fool-proof, still reduce risk. Seems like a small price to pay for an entertainment we didn't have for a year and a half.
Furthermore, if chose not to get vaccinated, the rest of society owes you exactly nothing.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
If (and who knows) the variant that is currently in the UK and China heads here, we're going to get citywide/statewide mandates back by April, not just Broadway.