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Mandates need to end

#1Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 10:09pm

I don’t mind a mask (even though I think it should be your choice) but it’s time to end the requirement to show proof of a vaccine.   Everyone else has, why can’t they? 

Updated On: 3/11/22 at 10:09 PM

#2Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 10:15pm

Because the industry likes to make these kind of moves and changes as a whole. Rather than let each company/theater/landlord decide on their own and have a fractured-and therefore confusing to the guests-policy.

The Broadway mandates are slated to end in just over 2 weeks. The League may be meeting to discuss things before that, but I'd venture that's as long as things will go.

#3Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 10:32pm

kaykordeath said: "Because the industry likes to make these kind of moves and changes as a whole. Rather than let each company/theater/landlord decide on their own and have a fractured-and therefore confusing to the guests-policy.

The Broadway mandates are slated to end in just over 2 weeks. The League may be meeting to discuss things before that, but I'd venture that's as long as things will go.

*6 weeks (they're meeting in 2 weeks to discuss whether to extend them beyond April 30th or not, but barring something unforeseen they'll be in place at least through the end of April).  And remember, two years ago tomorrow, Broadway shut down and everyone was out of work for a year and a half.  So no matter what everyone else is doing, there is zero chance they will remove their mandates until they are 100% certain we're through the worst of everything.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 10:48pm

Show me on the doll where the showing proof of vaccine before entering the theater touched you. 

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#5Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 10:49pm

You don’t wanna do your part to end this nightmare? Don’t go to a show then. Thousands of people are still dying every week, but sure, do as you please and act like things are fine. 

Grow up. 

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#6Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/11/22 at 11:05pm

Spring break is upon us and these mandates are critical to keep our industry afloat. 

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#7Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 12:10am

I’ve been to 4 venues this past week and proof of vaccination and mask was required at each one.  Entertainment venues will keep this policy going way past April 30.  Trust me on this and I have no issues whatsoever.  I wear a custom-made 5-layered mask unlike you whiney b**ches so I have zero discomfort and can tolerate my mask for 10 hours if needed.  That’s how you remedy a situation.  Whining and b**ching doesn’t take care of things.  

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#8Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 12:13am

The Broadway mandates are slated to end in just over 2 weeks. The League may be meeting to discuss things before that, but I'd venture that's as long as things will go."


Op, don't like our mandates? Go somewhere else. We are cautious, awesome and strong AF. We are New Yorkers. Period.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#9Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 12:19am

jacobsnchz14 said: "Spring break is upon us and these mandates are critical to keep our industry afloat."

Awesome comment, Jacob. Clearly lost on Indiana neck beard.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#10Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 12:35am

We should also stop checking IDs to get into clubs or make purchases at liquor stores. And let people drive intoxicated whenever they want and make seatbelts 100% optional. Also people should be allowed to walk around naked in public and kill at least one person on their birthday, as a special treat. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

Back Row
#11Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 1:20am

There was a time in this country when we were able to do great things because we had the character to embrace shared sacrifice for the greater good. Perhaps the most heartbreaking revelation of this pandemic is that it has provided absolute proof that our country can longer claim that moral high ground. However, on a micro level, some communities have managed to demonstrate that level of character, and Broadway should be proud that it is among those communities. The mandates should end when it is the responsible thing to do, and not because of demands from the “got mine, up yours” crowd. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#12Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 1:47am

Mandates will eventually end... right now I think it will be towards the end of the 2022-23 season. There will be some people, however, who will choose to err on the side of caution by wearing masks inside theaters and other indoor public spaces forever (including me).

Please respect all those who wish to stay cautious as mask mandates have begun to lift once again across the country.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#13Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 1:50am


kick rocks you selfish person

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#14Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 5:07am

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Also people should be allowed to walk around naked in public."

I see no issues with this LOL

#15Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 7:13am

This type of thinking makes me sick. People like you are the reason the pandemic has lasted so long. If you and your ignorant self don’t like the rules, I won’t expect to see you in a theatre anytime soon. 

Mods should delete this thread tbh 

#16Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 7:51am

Also remember that it's very important for this particular industry to keep its STAGE PERFORMERS safe from the hundreds of audience members who are facing them and, we hope, cheering them heartily every night. Hence, some extra caution seems warranted. 

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#17Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 8:21am

justherehanging said: "I don’t mind a mask (even though I think it should be your choice) but it’s time to end the requirement to show proof of a vaccine. Everyone else has, why can’t they?"

The cast of Hadestown would like to have a chat with you.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#18Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 9:42am

How interesting that you find showing a tiny card, or a pix on your phone to be more cumbersome than wearing a mask.   What exactly is the hardship?  The doors open earlier now, which has eliminated all the waiting ouiside and being moved like cattle in less than 30 minutes.  I've found this way to be much more accommodating and relaxing, truth be told.   

The only reason I can think the current mandate bothers you is that you have chosen not to be vaccinated.  Well thank goodness I don't have to risk sitting next to you.

If there is another reason, I'd love to hear it.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#19Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 10:20am

Ahh okay so you didn’t hear about how Patti Lupone was out because she had COVID? You think the pandemic has ended? You’re so incredibly important that you shouldn’t have to show proof that you care about others? If you don’t like it, don’t go. Wait until restrictions are totally lifted. I agree with everyone else’s comments. It’s not up to you to decide when these measures end. Unless, of course, you want actors to be out of work because there was an outbreak? You’re selfish. Don’t go to the theater. 

#20Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 10:37am

The question merits responses based on data and logic. 

As you point out, vaccine mandates are ending in most areas and venues. 

Say if an  person lives out west somewhere and attends an indoor sports event with thousands of others, then gets on a plane and flies for several hours in close proximity to a couple of hundred other people....he/she doesn't have be vaccinated to do either of those, but once he/she gets off the plane and hits a Broadway show...vaxx proof has to be shown? 



#21Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 10:42am

There is no scientific rationale to prove vaccination status before entering an establishment.  People who are vaccinated get and spread Covid.   The only purpose for requiring proof of vaccination is to punish those who have not been vaccinated. Since many who have refused vaccinations are doing so for religious or health purposes, I'm surprised there have been no lawsuits challenging these vaccine policies. 

Unless you are wearing an N95 or something similar, to quote CNN's medical consultant Dr. Leana Wen, "cloth masks are little more than facial decorations".  And most people who still wear masks are wearing cloth masks.  The size of the aerosols that carry flu-like viruses, including Covid, are 3 to 5 microns.  The size of the openings in your cloth masks are 10 to 20 microns, so the aerosols pass right through.  So again, there is no scientific rationale for mask mandates unless you are requiring medical grade quality masks and intend to stand at your entrance and inspect masks. 

The bottom line is we had therapeutics that decreased hospitalizations and deaths from Covid, and we had them within the first few months of this pandemic.  Unfortunately, these medications were no longer under patent and therefore would not increase the profits of big pharma, so, with Dr. Anthony Fauci leading the way, anyone who touted these therapeutics got "canceled" to make way for the new vaccines that would make the pharmaceutical companies billions.   Fauci knew that if there were already medications on the market that effectively treated Covid, then the new vaccines would not be able to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).   He basically followed the same path he did back in the late 80s and early 90s when AIDS was wreaking havoc on the world and he was pushing AZT.  

But I agree with the OP, time for the mandates to end. 

And to the person who asked that we please respect the wishes of those who continue to mask, I only wish that people had been equally respectful to those who, over the past two years, did not feel the need to mask. 



#22Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 10:49am

"There is no scientific rationale to prove vaccination status before entering an establishment. "

Scientific reports have consistently provided data showing that vaccinated individuals who contract COVID experience far less significant health complications and usually do not require hospitalization unless they have comorbidities.

Updated On: 3/12/22 at 10:49 AM

#23Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 10:50am

mikey2573 said: "And to the person who asked that we please respect the wishes of those who continue to mask, I only wish that people had been equally respectful to those who, over the past two years, did not feel the need to mask."

I have zero respect for anyone who did not feel the need to mask over the past two years. If you chose not to mask and put millions of lives at risk because of your own selfishness, you have not earned any respect from me.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#24Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 11:32am

mikey2573 said: "There is no scientific rationale to prove vaccination status before entering an establishment. People who are vaccinated get and spread Covid. The only purpose for requiring proof of vaccination is to punish those who have not been vaccinated. Since many who have refused vaccinations are doing so for religious or health purposes, I'm surprised there have been no lawsuits challenging these vaccine policies.

Unless you are wearing an N95 or something similar, to quote CNN's medical consultant Dr. Leana Wen, "cloth masks are little more than facial decorations". And most people who still wear masks are wearing cloth masks. The size of the aerosols that carry flu-like viruses, including Covid, are 3 to 5 microns. The size of the openings in your cloth masks are 10 to 20 microns, so the aerosols pass right through. So again, there is no scientific rationale for mask mandates unless you are requiring medical grade quality masks and intend to stand at your entrance and inspect masks.

The bottom line is we had therapeutics that decreased hospitalizations and deaths from Covid, and we had them within the first few months of this pandemic. Unfortunately, these medications were no longer under patent and therefore would not increase the profits of big pharma, so, with Dr. Anthony Fauci leading the way, anyone who touted these therapeutics got "canceled" to make way for the new vaccines that would make the pharmaceutical companies billions. Fauci knew that if there were already medications on the market that effectively treated Covid, then the new vaccines would not be able to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). He basically followed the same path he did back in the late 80s and early 90s when AIDS was wreaking havoc on the world and he was pushing AZT.

But I agree with the OP, time for the mandates to end.

And to the person who asked that we please respect the wishes of those who continue to mask, I only wish that people had been equally respectful to those who, over the past two years, did not feel the need to mask.


I'm suppose to respect the choice of someone else that puts ME and my loved ones at higher risk?  Hell no.   You don't want to wear a mask where (and when) it was required, stay home.  Plain and simple.  I wear a mask for OTHER'S safety - the benefit is far greater TO you than it is to me.


And I haven't seen people in cloth/homemade masks in months, so no...MOST people are not still wearing them.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#25Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/12/22 at 11:38am

mikey2573: Since many who have refused vaccinations are doing so for religious or health purposes, I'm surprised there have been no lawsuits challenging these vaccine policies.

i don't think i've ever seen so many bits of misinformation packed into one sentence -- congratulations.

(1) only a very small percentage of anti-vaxxers cite religion as their basis (employees occasionally tried to hide behind this in response to employer mandates, admittedly with some success -- but that doesn't make the claims legitimate). moreover, no mainstream faith organization has claimed a religious basis for refusing to get jabbed (except for a few Catholic dioceses, who only ruled out certain vaccines for unrelated reasons), and several bodies have publicly stated there is no religious basis for refusing. so, religion is both a minor and unacceptable basis for refusing.

(2) similarly, legitimate health reasons for not getting vaxxed are a sliver of the population. "many" just don't fly ...

(3) there have been literally DOZENS of lawsuits challenging vaccine policies; with a couple of notable exceptions, they failed. wonder why???

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)
Updated On: 3/12/22 at 11:38 AM
