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Mandates need to end

Apple Cinnamon Candle 2
#75Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 7:17am

pagereynolds said: "If (and who knows) the variant that is currently in the UK and China heads here, we're going to get citywide/statewide mandates back by April, not just Broadway."

I doubt they will return. If Adams was smart he won’t impose them again. He’s already not liked and he’s been in office for a few weeks. 

#76Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 7:18am

Kathy Hochul is the one you want to watch, not Adams.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#77Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 7:36am

Because whether or not he's liked should come into play in decisions.    



If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Apple Cinnamon Candle 2
#78Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 7:41am

^ Really? I know she’s in outer space most of the time out there but she lifted the state mandates and it took Adams like a week or two to follow. I always thought he’d lift immediately once the state did. You know what, yes you’re right. I know she’s running for gov so I’m wondering what happens if she gets elected and if the mandates come back. I hope that doesn’t happen though. I also hope this election finally gets NY a good gov (and not her). 

Dylan Smith4 Profile Photo
Dylan Smith4
#79Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 7:58am

I get it, we all are sick of masks, but this is how this industry can stay open without the risk of an outbreak! I personally feel that we can maybe make masks optional as long as they keep the vax requirements indefinitely. I would feel more comfortable being in a theatre full of vaccinated people than unvaccinated people! That is just my opinion, but we need to be respectful and understanding of whatever decision the Broadway League makes on this matter! As long as I can see a Broadway show, I will follow whatever guidelines they require. End of story!

The idea is to work and to experiment. Some things will be creatively successful, some things will succeed at the box office, and some things will only - which is the biggest only - teach you things that see the future. And they're probably as valuable as any of your successes. -Harold Prince

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#80Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 11:49am

 Given that schools and most major sporting events are dropping their mandates, it just feels a little like theater itself at this point to be honest. And i am far from being a covid denier, i am triple vaxxed and still caught it.. My friend and I were going to see a show on tour a few weeks ago and didn't because she was in the middle of her vaxx series (not fully vaxxed yet) and couldn't get a test in time to have results back, we didn't go. Some of the touring productions that have trouble filling seats on a good day are hurt by this economically. And I've heard many stories of casts of shows not being diligent about mask wearing anyway.

#81Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 11:51am

Babe_Williams said: "Given that schools and most major sporting events are dropping their mandates, it just feels a little like theater itself at this point to be honest. And i am far from being a covid denier, i am triple vaxxed and still caught it.. My friend and I were going to see a show on tour a few weeks ago and didn't because she was in the middle of her vaxx series (not fully vaxxed yet) and couldn't get a test in time to have results back, we didn't go. Some of the touring productions that have trouble filling seats on a good day are hurt by this economically. And I've heard many stories of casts of shows not being diligent about mask wearing anyway."

This is headed here. If you want to go maskless, good luck to you, I guess.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#82Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 11:58am

With everything happening in Ukraine right now, the media isn’t even covering Covid anymore. I haven’t seen or heard one mention of it from the news to the White House, even though there’s that new variant and cases are on the rise, in weeks now. I don’t know how they can just be like “Oh yeah, I know we haven’t talked about it in a while but y’all need to mask up and lock down again.”

Updated On: 3/14/22 at 11:58 AM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#83Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 12:40pm

Actually, there are 4 separate items regarding covid on the online front page of the Times right now. Yes, we have graver concerns at the moment, but it IS being covered. That said, I agree there is not much of an appetite for renewed mandates but that can change on a dime.

#84Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 1:46pm

Jordan Catalano said: "With everything happening in Ukraine right now, the media isn’t even covering Covid anymore. I haven’t seen or heard one mention of it from the news to the White House, even though there’s that new variant and cases are on the rise, in weeks now. I don’t know how they can just be like “Oh yeah, I know we haven’t talked about it in a while but y’all need to mask up and lock down again.”"

This is correct. I found out through Twitter that Europe is currently at the beginning of a continent-wide wave with cases suddenly spiking in most countries. It's wild that people are putting their heads in the sand and shaking their fists at wearing a mask in a crowded theatre. Covid isn't going away anytime soon and we need to be taking necessary precautions to prevent future spread. 

#85Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 1:53pm

Babe_Williams said: "Some of the touring productions that have trouble filling seats on a good day are hurt by this economically. And I've heard many stories of casts of shows not being diligent about mask wearing anyway."

I've also heard many stories of people driving home from the bar when they clearly shouldn't, but I wouldn't advocate for drunk driving laws to be lifted. And if there's an outbreak in a cast, they won't be able to fill any seats even on a good day as they won't be running.

#86Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 2:37pm

The Washington Post, the New York Times, and The Guardian US all still have special blocks of coverage appearing daiu=ly on their home pages and the WSJ regularly features world updates on COVID (today, it's China) on its home page, so the coverage, while diminished, certainly is still out there.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#87Mandates need to end
Posted: 3/14/22 at 2:43pm

Of course it is. But, if you only watch Rachel or Anderson, you aren't going to get anything but Ukraine. The New York Times has always had a dedicated section on it. 
