What do you think is the most boring show currently on Broadway?
What's with the negativity??? And I don't think anything currently running is boring.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/05
The Lion King. I know everybody loves it but after the first five minutes where you think "oooh what innovative costuming" I felt it was a massive snorefest. I found myself about to nod off several times and felt awful...until I saw the woman behind me wake up during intermission and the man two seats to my left get elbowed to wake up by his wife in act II.
I can't believe that i agree with ZONACE! I also agree about TLK. Ugh.
the phantom of the opera
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Phantom and/or Sweeney. ("Sweeney Todd boring? Are you kidding me?" No, just the music bores me. Plot-wise, it's plenty thrilling.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/05
ok never speaking to you again
Just because I don't want to say anything negative about any show, I will list the shows currently on Broadway that WERE NOT boring to me:
-Jersey Boys
-The Wedding Singer
-Mamma Mia
-Spelling Bee
I think that RENT is the least boring show. It is filled with energy.
Hey, I said it is NOT boring, I love Rent, I've seen it 5 times on Bway and once on tour.
Haven't seen all the shows on Broadway currently, but I wasn't bored with any that I saw, which were DRS, RENT, Sweeney, Spelling Bee...and sadly the other ones I saw are closed now (mainly LitP)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Rent is over rated and can be sleep inducing!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
None of the shows on Broadway right now have bored me. The only one I've actually had trouble keeping my eyes open in was the Fiddler Revival.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
The Wedding Singer and most of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
The Producers.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
^Definately agree with you there...it knows how to drag in the oddest places.
Ahh for once I agree with Muscle the Lion King was soo boring.
I had trouble staying awake during the Fiddler revival too...both times I saw it! (had to go back to see Rosie)
I have fallen asleep at Phantom both times I have seen the show. And was rather bored at Spamalot (but I am not a huge Monty Python fan).
Rent has places that the show drags on as well, but I did stay awake both times I saw the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
I fell asleep during The Lion King
im in new york at the moment and have just seen Hot Feet and that was REALLY boring as was Tarzan
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 01:37 PM