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Most Boring?

Sasha3 Profile Photo
#25re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 1:40pm

It's not current, but I actually fell asleep during "Little Women". Yikes. That one was pretty dull; even Beth's death was boring.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#26re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 3:01pm

THE LION KING, for me. Felt the same way about the motion picture, though.

#27re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 3:06pm

I'll say Wicked. I love the show, but I'd been following since it opened and I saw it last October. Too predictable.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#28re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 3:11pm

Peter Pan was the only show I have seen that I stuggled to stay awake for. Its great for little kids I guess, but I was completely bored.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#29re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 3:17pm

west end artist, you're ignored. I can't put up with your ill written, no punctuation, no grammar posts anymore.

As that one British lady once said, "Good bye!"

Do the schools in England not teach your proper English?

ETA: Question, how does one block another? Updated On: 7/6/06 at 03:17 PM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#30re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 4:31pm

Hey, don't mess with my British BF-
He is here to stay!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 04:31 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#31re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 4:33pm

I saw The Lion King on tour, so it technically counts. The costumes were fantastic, as were the perfromers, but it dragged on in points and I was quite bored.

This isn't on Broadway and most likely never will be, but I also saw Dr. Dollitle, and that was boring as hell.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#32re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 4:52pm


#33re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 4:56pm

I'm not entirely sure, but I really think I fell asleep during Oliver Platt's five hour story in Shining City. Profile Photo
#34re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 5:02pm

Rent & Lion King.

#35re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 5:40pm

Not on B'way anymore, but THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA.

#36re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 5:41pm

The Lion King

What the puck?!

#37re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 6:08pm

Least boring is Rent and Hairspray. Most boring is Lion King and Phantom.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#38re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/6/06 at 6:11pm

From what others have said on the board, it may be The History Boys

One of the biggest bores for us was Copenhagen - We left @ intermission . The guy next to us did not as he was sleeping thru the first act & was still sleeping when we left. We were not the only ones who left @ intermission

Poster Emeritus

#39re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/7/06 at 12:03pm

While I enjoy Phantom, I think it's the most boring show currently on broadway. Ballads and arias, while great artistically, can be a drag sometimes. Music of the Night and Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again are the main culprits for me. However, most boring show I've ever seen would have to be Lestat.

Hillary is Cool Profile Photo
Hillary is Cool
#40re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 8:28pm

the only show i have fallen asleep in is Peter Pan and LES MIZ only because i didn't know what was going on and i was like 11. but other than that i havent fallen asleep or have gotten bored during a show.

#41re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:03pm

Bklyn......NEVER GO SEE IT!!! i saw it last night and if there was an intermission i would have left. it was a rent rip off....but horrible. complete over-kill. don't ever waste your money and more importantly your time

#42re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:12pm

Phantom of the Opera, in my opinion.

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#43re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/14/06 at 11:10pm

But how is Diana? I'd see BKYLN for her.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#44re: Most Boring?
Posted: 7/14/06 at 11:30pm


Renthead#1 Profile Photo
#45re: Most Boring?
Posted: 10/30/06 at 11:23pm

The Producers i know you guys are going to kill me but I found it very boring.

Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall

#46re: Most Boring?
Posted: 10/30/06 at 11:29pm

I agree. Phantom.

alterego Profile Photo
#47re: Most Boring?
Posted: 10/31/06 at 7:04am

Les Miserables, tiresome and way, way too long.

#48re: Most Boring?
Posted: 10/31/06 at 8:15am

TARZAN (Although the cast is great and the music is beautiful the book sucks.)
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (Boring....just....boring)
RENT (It's a great show but it has gotten old.)
CHICAGO (Although I love the show I feel that this production is VERY overrated. And although I don't like this particular production I'm still going to see it before Rob Bartlett leaves.)
MAMA MIA! (I just don't like this show.)
HEARTBREAK HOUSE (Although I LOVE Shaw I hate this show.)
LES MIZ (Beautiful music, brilliant cast, but the show is waaaayy to long.)
THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING (This show shouldn't of happened. great cast and choreography but

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#49re: Most Boring?
Posted: 10/31/06 at 8:43pm

Most Boring: Tarzan

Least Boring: The Drowsy Chaperone

I'm surprised that some of you thought that Phantom was the most boring. The Phantom of the Opera has always been a classic broadway show to me. It doesn't bore me at all.
