Granted, we sat in that horrendous balcony, but GREY GARDENS, for me and the two folks I was with, had all the excitement and charm of the Stations of the Cross.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/9/11
Sunday in the Park with George
A Little Night Music
Leap of Faith
City of Angels
Nick and Nora
Sweeney Todd
Swing Joined: 5/31/11
^Are you serious? Whether you like Wicked itself or not, it's definitely NOT boring.
I would have to say Follies...I fell asleep 3 times during the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/30/09
Phantom of the Opera
Thoroughly Modern Millie (but I love the movie)
In the Heights
The dreadful national tour of West Side Story that I saw last year
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/10
Probably not a widely held opinion, but A LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA bored me to death.
I second A LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA. I also would like to add PASSION.
Light in the Piazza
Catered Affair
Legs Diamond
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I've sat through KELLY, IN MY LIFE, THOU SHALT NOT and MOLLY and they were so bad I could never say they were boring. I just couldn't wait for the next horrendous thing to happen on those stages!
The first preview of TITANIC was pretty boring, although the show that finally opened was significantly better. LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA had a book and a score that were constantly at odds with each other. Every musical number seemed to interrupt the story just as I was getting into it. I don't know if that classifies it as "boring'.
I was also bored out of my mind at The Light in the Piazza. The opening number was great and I said to myself, "Wow, this is really going to be something!" Then it all went downhill. I couldn't wait for it to end.
This will also make me unpopular, but while I love a lot of the score, Sunday in the Park with George is akin to watching the grass grow for me.
Holy God, that was excruciating. It was obviously produced by Lunesta.
Updated On: 6/15/12 at 08:22 PM
Intheheights2 are you serious? Whatever you think about Follies, it is not boring.
Horses for courses.
ps I was bored at Wicked. Seriously. Twice! However, I know many people who love it as I know many people who love Follies.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/10/11
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
The First Lady Suite is far and away the most boring musical I have ever sat through. No plot, not enough direction to make it worth seeing, no connections between the stories, no melody to make the music memorable, LaChiusa's often questionable lyrics...horrible.
I love 1776's music and the jokes are hilarious, but they could have taken out like an hour of those deliberation scenes and it would have been infinitely better.
Love Never Dies was pretty awful.
Once was dull, but not to the level of these other shows.
I honestly remember maybe 2 moments of LoveMusik. And we were sitting front row center. Nothing tops that for me.
So what shows AREN'T boring for you people?
haha, zeppy, I knew you were gonna write that. I remember you really loathed it back in the day.
As for me:
- Passion*
- Sunday in the Park with George*
- The Sound of Music**
- Cats+
*Funny thing is, I like the characters and stories in both, but their respective shows are so boring!
**The movie is fun and enjoyable, but it's such a snoozefest on stage.
+The only redeeming quality are the songs. I love to listen to the cast recording, but the actual show is a big who gives a fvck?!
Here are some musicals I don't think are boring...(They may not be the best shows, but they are entertaining)
Spring Awakening
Crazy for You
Lysistrata Jones
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson
American Idiot
Avenue Q
**Is that enough Wicked1492?**
Swing Joined: 5/31/11
@Wicked1492..."So what shows AREN'T boring for you people?"
Most entertaining Musicals:
#1 - In The Heights
#2 - Book of Mormon
#3 - A Chorus Line
#4 - Wicked
#5 - Spring Awakening
#6 - Spider-Man
#7 - Next to Normal
#8 - Catch Me if You Can
#9 - Rent
#10- Bonnie & Clyde (Mainly because of Jordan & Osnes)
Cool! Thanks!
I was just saying that because it seemed like most of the shows people listed are shows that I find rather enjoyable, engaging and entertaining. I know, personal opinion, to each his own, blah blah blah.
- 1776 (Love the score! It drags in between numbers.)
- The Woman in White (Has there ever been a show more phoned-in, in every single creative aspect?)
- Road Show
- Flower Drum Song
- The Pirate Queen (those who saw it - there were approximately 5 of us - cannot dispute this.)
A younger me used to use the OBCR of Passion to fall asleep to... but I've grown to love it.
THE RED SHOES is a sad story. Jule Styne had been working on it for years and as it turned out, it was to be his last musical. I was at a preview, sitting across the aisle from Jerome Robbins whose assistant was taking notes. At the intermission, Robbins sat with Jule Styne and the two did not look happy. But there is a sort of happy ending. The extended ballet with Jule Styne's music was added to the repertoire of the New York City Ballet. Styne's ballet music lives on, even if not on Broadway.