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Movies of Aida and Footloose...- Page 2

Movies of Aida and Footloose...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#25re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 7/19/07 at 9:46pm

Why Aida? UGH.

another_reprise Profile Photo
#26re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 7/19/07 at 9:49pm

I'm not sure how I feel about an Aida movie... there's a lot that can go very wrong that makes me nervous. The only thing I'm sure of is that "A Step Too Far" would make a killer montage. And that's pretty much how I feel about that.

Does the sun really rise in the east?
Does the earth really spin around the sun?
What's it matter in the least?
What's real to me ain't real to everyone.

Chloe Profile Photo
#27re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 7/19/07 at 10:42pm

It's always fun to speculate about these things, but a movie of Aida is very far from reality at this point. So far just about everything is based on one mention in a gossip column, and I wouldn't be surprised if that included most of what's on the IMDb page. I took a look at it, and it's rife with the usual inaccuracies. Verdi is listed as a composer along with Elton, and the "official site" is for a puppet version of the Verdi opera, to be released in 2008. Although Disney is on there, the other production company and distributor is for the puppet project. Pretty inexcusable.

#28re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 8:45pm

Has anything new happened in the development of either of these films? Is Zac still doing Footloose?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#29re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 9:04pm

"Beyonce simply can't do Aida. She's not a strong enough actress to play a complex enough character."

Did you happen to see Simone, Toni Braxton, or Michelle T. Williams on Broadway? None of them were strong actresses either.

If they film this show, I imagine much of the concept would have to be changed. They could stick with the museum, book-end thing, but the parts set in ancient Egypt would actually probably have to resemble ancient Egypt somewhat.

If they're going to film this, they really should just cast singers with really strong voices, and sell it more like a concert than a film. I love the show, but the dialogue is beyond cheesy, and the real attraction is the score and the singing.

#30re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 9:18pm

Aida will never be made. Period. No way no how.

#31re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 9:27pm

My dream cast for an Aida movie: Anika Noni Rose as Aida, and Brittany Murphy as Amneris.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Chloe Profile Photo
#32re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 9:30pm

I've copied below what is on the IMDbPro page for Aida 2010. For a while some Disney credits were mixed in with these, which I suspect was just an over-eager fan's mistake. Maria Callas was on there for a while too, but she may have been removed because she's no longer alive. This is animation though, as you can see from the official site I've linked, and they would just be using her voice.

It's always important to remember that IMDb is not official or infallible. Anyone can post info there, and in my experience the more obscure titles are not checked very carefully.

Contact: Alpha Line Production
Boulogne Billancourt, France:
16 Boulevard
De La Republique
Boulogne Billancourt, Hauts de Seine 921100
Phn: 33 155200530
Fax: 33 146219826
Production Co: Alpha Line Production
Genre: Musical / Romance /
Summary: An Ethiopian princess, Aida, is enslaved in Egypt where she falls for a young warrior, Radames, who is being pursued by the Pharaoh's daughter.

Filmmakers: Guillaume Hecht - Director / Writer (writer), Hisham Abdel Khalek - D
Cast Kurt Baum ... Radames

Directed by
Guillaume Hecht (attached)
Hisham Abdel Khalek (attached)
Guillaume Hecht Writer
Hisham Abdel Khalek Writer

Production Companies
Alpha Line Production

Aida the Movie

HoshiForever Profile Photo
#33re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 9:52pm's for the opera....and it's animated.....not the broadway version.

I personally would love to see Heather do it. They could cast a big name as Amneris. As far as Radames...I would love to see Adam, but I know it will never happen, so I hope they can get someone who can do justice to the part.

#34re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 10:04pm

If Beyonce does AIDA, I don't even know what I'll do with myself.

First, cry.

Then, scream.

Lastly, um, jump off something very high?

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#35re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 10:11pm

I'm sorry, but Aida is essentially a sappy, cheesy, cliche show. I can't imagine any of that will really get any better on the big screen.

It does have a few great songs though, and the OBC was pretty phenomenal.

LifeofTheParty2 Profile Photo
#36re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:02pm

I loved Aida as a musical, it was a lot of fun and the OBC was fantastic. HOWEVER I seriously have reservations about the movie. Especially with Beyoncé as the lead. Her vocal range just isn't right for it IMO. Also, am I the only one who would be irritated by the Caucasian Egyptians?

#37re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:09pm

I wouldn't object to Beyonce as Aida. She would sell the songs big time. And Amneris is the character who really arcs--Aida just has to wander around looking sad and determined. Frankly, I think Beyonce's work in DREAMGIRLS was undervalued. She's clearly not a trained actress, but her instincts in that movie (no doubt encouraged by Condon) were very good.

As for FOOTLOOSE, I LOVE seeing that show live (corny dialogue and all) but I can't imagine it as a movie musical, particularly one that has to compete in people's minds with the Kevin Bacon version. Most of the songs added for the stage musical were beyond awful.

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

Chloe Profile Photo
#38re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:16pm's for the opera....and it's animated.....not the broadway version.

Right, that's my point. This is the only IMDb listing for an upcoming Aida. There are no details on the non-Pro page, so people assume that it's for the Elton John version. Since I have access to IMDbPro, I copied the info for people so they can see it's not the Broadway musical.

HoshiForever Profile Photo
#39re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:27pm

ah sorry. I misread your other's been a long day.

Chloe Profile Photo
#40re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 12:56am

No problem. Long day for me too.

Ivan2 Profile Photo
#41re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:55am

Aida I guess is already in negotiations to play Aida.

Rumor has it that Disney wants Christina Aguilera as Amneris. I know Christina could definately fulfill the vocals of Amneris, I could see some unecessary and overdone riffs and other ornaments on different songs. (As it's very HEART and soul) Meaning she would go up a third or whatever there. But I don't know if they can sing. The songs will be poppy, yes. I would hope they would get Elton to write in whatever songs they wanted to add, at least that would fit in more.

Beyonce and Christina could sell a movie pretty well, but what about Radames, I'm nervous for that role. It has to be a guy in his late 20's I would think, but who? Johnny Depp was fine for Sweeney, but I think I'd bury myself alive if they tried getting a great actor with a decent voice for this part. They need someone who can sing AND act amazingly, especially if you have two mediocre actresses. I couldn't think of who could do it. Thoughts?

And finally, cuts.

What songs do you think might have to be cut, why, and how would you try making it work? I've never seen the show so I can't say for sure what parts would be cut, but I think Every Story could be kept intact, as could Fortune Favors the Brave (at least 4/5 of it, as it gets long at parts.)

#42re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 1:44pm

I guess Russell Crowe is too old, and Hugh Jackman too clean-cut (I can't imagine him running an army)--it's hard to think of someone "just right" for Radames in this metrosexual age--it really needs brash macho ego. If Aida and Amneris were both pop stars, maybe they could take a risk on a young, unknown, Broadway type for Radames. Cheyenne Jackson? Nah...

As for cuts--"Build Another Pyramid", definitely, and probably most of Mereb's solos...keep "Like Father, Like Son", but without the backup soldiers..."A Step Too Far" would probably have to go, unless they did a montage/voiceover staging. I don't know, it's an awful lot of solos and duets, apart from "Strongest Suit."

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

me2 Profile Photo
#43re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:01pm

Hearing Beyonce take on AIDA is almost painful. I love this show so much that seeing it ruined would be the worst thing ever. Did anyone see that footage from BET of fellow Destiny's Child Michelle Williams (sp?) taking on the role . . . horrendous and pathetic come to mind. No doubt very talented but not the right person for the role.

If no Adam Pascal for Radames, then they should get Chris Daughtry.
Broadway Blog: Memoir: What I Did For Love

#44re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:21pm

What about Scarlett Johansson for Amneris? She can sing, and would have the acting chops.

#45re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:46pm

She's not that good of a singer.

Again, I'd like Brittany Murphy.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#46re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 3:02pm

A movie of Aida - sounds good.
But the real Aida by Verdi.

Not the recent Broadway schlock with the horrible Elton John score.
This piece of crap should go away and never come back, unless as a joke, which is what it is.

Chloe Profile Photo
#47re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 3:12pm

That Coming Soon story is from last July and came from the same source this thread originally did, Jim Hill Media. Coming Soon is simply reporting what he said, not giving any new or supporting information.

Ivan2 Profile Photo
#48re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 4:05pm

Whoops, I didn't see that. Sorry.

I think Another Pyramid could be left in, not in it's entirety, but the majority. The whole song is kind Zoser thinking, so why not just have the song end up going into his mind, showing what he's thinking. Almost a sort of music video of you know what I mean. Take out the dance breaks in almost all songs though. I love Step Too Far and it would be awful for them to remove. I think that it could be left in as a sort of cut between all of the characters and end with them in the same place or something. I think that song could work surprisingly well. The Gods Love Nubia could be left in but probably cut down quite a bit, as no action really happens here.

#49re: Movies of Aida and Footloose...
Posted: 1/27/08 at 4:20pm

I agree that both of the father's songs would be cut, but everything else could and should be left in.

"Every Story" will most likely be the opening credits song anyway.
