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Ms. Duff on Broadway

TheAudrey3 Profile Photo
#50re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 5:29pm

*throws ducks at Elphielives (didn't expect that, did ya? lol) *

All I know is that she seems interested in the whole singing and acting thing, and if she does a Broadway show, the only things we'll be able to do about it is not see it, not buy the OCR and rant. lol

"It does what a musical's supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue."

Marquise Profile Photo
#51re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 7:12pm

i hope she does so it can give u all just one more thing to b*tch about....

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#52re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 7:41pm

She can't be on Broadway! She's not a has-been......yet.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#53re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 8:56pm

"She has a movie coming out next month, Raise Your Voice, and if that doesn't do very well, she's in trouble. Personally, I can't stand her and am sort of hoping the movie tanks, which I know is mean, but there you go. "

Well if the movie does good and she does good, she wont be come a "has been" and try Broadway. Maybe we should be cheering for her to succeed?

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

bwaybabe87 Profile Photo
#54re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 8:58pm

ack! dont make me sick there...she is probably the most annoying person in the entertainment buisness talent wise..well..maybe not but she's top 5!

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#55re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 9:30pm

even if she WANTED to be on broadway (which i doubt, considering shes got a job 'singing', if you can call it that) i dont think anyone would take her. she cant really sing. its all digitally enhanced, and it still doesnt sound good. plus shes a major clutz who needs several takes to do the simplest scenes. sure everyone makes mistakes but you cant randomly crack up in the middle of a broadway show on a regular basis, and im pretty sure you tripping, dropping things, and forgetting lines would not be appreciated by most directors. im pretty sure she wont be hitting broadway anytime soon. ::crosses fingers::

#56re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/3/04 at 10:16pm

Since when is a lack of talent an obstacle to "celebrities" who want to be on Broadway? And I'm sure the leading ladies of Wicked would contradict you on the effects of being unprofessional on stage.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#58re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 4:29pm

No! But I have a feeling that is something they will do.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#59re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 6:12pm

Christy Carlson Romano is a Disney Channel "star." Basically what Duff started out as before she "branched out." Disney Channel, Disney Theater- it must have seemed like a perfect case of corporate synergy. Sadly, I think it might have worked, BO-wise.

Hey, did I mention I'm glad Eisner stepped down?

#60re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 7:13pm

excuse me, but It's not like christy said "here i am, put me in your show". She wanted to try broadway again,and tried out for other new shows *cough*wicked*cough* but it's really not fair on christys part to say "she got on her start on disney" you might know her best from there but she was a stage girl to begin with. Unfort. for most people it didnt work for Ms.Romano. and She is totally different from Hilary putting her in the same catergory is a huge insult.

aside from that, I don't think you'll find hilary on broadway anytime soon..especially since her managers believe she's worth more than she actually is.

BroadwayMonkey Profile Photo
#61re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 7:17pm

*cries* Why must you torment me so?

Real men are tenors.

#62re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 9:49pm

I think... Oh gosh I can't think about it anymore. I think I'm gonna puke.
*Runs out of room and has to lie down*

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#63re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/13/04 at 11:58pm

I honestly don't get what the appear about her is? Obviously not to us, but to younger.......teens...OMG she's corrupting little girls! AHHHHH!

FOCI Profile Photo
#64re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/14/04 at 12:10am

re: christy carlson romano
Posted On:8/28/04 at 06:13:11 PM

ok I hate to have to do this but I must defend Hilary Duff. I too, wouldn't go near her before I knew her and I just thought she was the most talentless thing ever...then, of course, one of my good friends becomes good friends with her and I ended up hanging out with her a couple times.You have to give the girl credit. She is a people person, and she kicked the crap out of her concert when i saw it. So she may not be broadway-but she does actally have talent and is incredible at interacting with her fans. you think idina has it bad at the "wicked" stage door on her bad days and such? just try walking down the street with hilary duff and what she has to go to and how nice she is to every single person-even when they might say something rude to her!

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray

FestiveCheez Profile Photo
#65re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/14/04 at 1:08am

Awww...she's a cutie. I still don't want to see her on Broadway, but I wouldn't hesitate to tell her she'd be great. re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
*note to self: burn that book and score for "Lizzie McGuire - The Musical" I've been working on*

#66re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/18/04 at 2:54am

excuse me, but It's not like christy said "here i am, put me in your show". She wanted to try broadway again,and tried out for other new shows *cough*wicked*cough* but it's really not fair on christys part to say "she got on her start on disney" you might know her best from there but she was a stage girl to begin with. Unfort. for most people it didnt work for Ms.Romano. and She is totally different from Hilary putting her in the same catergory is a huge insult.

The only big role she really ever had before her Disney fame was Mary Phagan in the OBC of Parade.

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#67re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/18/04 at 10:00am

I'm glad you were just kidding..... I don't think she'd make a good anything.

Facebook...ME !!!

kangaroo Profile Photo
#68re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/19/04 at 9:19pm

I saw this topic and I thought I was going to hurl. I cannot stand Hilary Duff at all. Her and her sister have absolutely no talent, and they don't deserve what they have.
Anyway, I would like to defend Christy Carlson Romano, because although she is a Disney star...she has been in theatre BEFORE. And plus, she has much more talent than Hilary. Also, she is around 20 yrs old, so she is old enough to play Beauty.
Anyway, I just know that if Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff, Raven, ect. EVER try to go to Broadway... yea right, they wouldn't even make it. None of them can sing or dance or act.

NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.

#69re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/19/04 at 9:38pm

Ew. gross.
I'm sorry, but that's all I have to contribute to this.

#70re: Ms. Duff on Broadway
Posted: 9/20/04 at 6:20pm

brunettebabe, that's right. (excuse me, but It's not like christy said "here i am, put me in your show". She wanted to try broadway again,and tried out for other new shows *cough*wicked*cough* but it's really not fair on christys part to say "she got on her start on disney" you might know her best from there but she was a stage girl to begin with. Unfort. for most people it didnt work for Ms.Romano. and She is totally different from Hilary putting her in the same catergory is a huge insult.)
She couldn't make it into any other Broadway show, that's why she did Disney. I think putting her in the same category as Hilary is an hilary. Christy didn't belong on broadway and hilary never mentioned she wanted to be there.
