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Musical Moments That Make You Cry- Page 3

Musical Moments That Make You Cry

#50re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:35am

so i cry way too often for my own good at the theatre. really any great emotional moment will have me in tears. i cry at joy, pain, saddness. yes, i'm a loser. but what takes the cake for the thing that had me the most bawling i will ever be in a theatre is at the end of ragtime at tateh's monologue about 'a gang of children' and little coalhouse runs out. well if a boy was ever going to lose it in a theatre that just did me in. it was the most incredible feeling i've ever had in a theatre. EVER.

Popular Profile Photo
#51re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:37am

For me and Ragtime, it's definitely the Gliding song...don't know why.

#52re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:41am

apdarcey - I REFUSE to believe that your willingness to fully experience the breadth and scope of your emotions makes you a 'loser'!

As for me, my ultimate meltdowns come during 'straight dramas'. I couldn't breathe at the climaxes of several plays - most notably among them:

The Elephant Man & Bent.
Updated On: 2/15/05 at 03:41 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#53re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:54am

Rent- Without You through curtain call. Yeah, I'm a total wreck. I can't even listen to the I'll Cover You Reprise on my CD, because I start to cry.

Wicked- Defying Gravity and For Good, and when Chistery speaks and gives Glinda the bottle.

I know there are many more, those are just the ones that have happened recently.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#54re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:55am

oh yes. some straight dramas i just don't want to move or breathe or anything because they are just so gripping. among them were my friends' productions of the goat (stevie's breakdown) and the shape of things (during evelyn's final monologue). there are so many others too but i thought i would mention those because they were recent productions by friends! but the title of this thread was musical moments. so the end of ragtime it is. i just died. even though i knew exactly what was going to happen every time i've seen it.

i should say that right now i'm in a show called 'shakespeare on love' depicting differetn visions and types of love in shakespeare's plays and the scene that really has me so caught up is between cleopatra and the messenger when he tells her that antony is married to someone else. she is so off of it that i am totally taken aback. and guess who's playing the messenger? well needless to say it is one of the biggest acting challenges of my life!

dapapabear2 Profile Photo
#55re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 4:44am

Suddenly Seymour gets me every time, Somewhere Green can do it too
I saw a tour production of Miss Saigon this weekend and a number of songs hit me pretty hard even though overall the production was lacking.

Elaborate Lives - I reacted much more with Will Chase singing than with er.. what's his name?

The first time I saw Rent I cried through most of it.

Normal Heart, I stopped breathing a few times. I was too overwhelmed by it to cry.

And if I see a well performed dance number I will tear up.

"They said the war by now would all be over They said one day our land would be reborn But looking now at all that we have sacrificed There's nothing left but a world forever torn" Justin Murphy

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#56re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 5:05am

The last 10 minutes of Once on this Island.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

#57re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 6:15am

THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA - the finale always gets to me. That "Christine, I love you!" is heartbreaking...

THE KING AND I - the final moments when the King dies and no-one but Anna notices and "Something Wonderful" crecendos to its climax...

SHOW BOAT - "Bill", when peformed well I'm a mess!

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - "If I can't love her"

#58re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 9:18am

I still have more...

Kiss Me and Ladies in Their Sensitivities (Sweeney Todd) - Expecially during the last part of the second song, with the quartet and the orchestra. Wow! I find this the best musical theatre scene, [I]ever[/I]

Finale B (Rent) - The different melodies are both energetic and hopeful, and meaningful to what happened in the past.

Finale (A Little Night Music) - Not the whole song, but the beginning, when they kiss and the woman dies. Oh!

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#59re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 9:43am

When Freddie (I think that's his name) reprises "Old Red Hills of Home" at the end of Parade.

And anytime I hear "How Could I Ever Know".

#60re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 11:49am

papabear, you're right. Will's Elaborate Lives was to die for. so was Jeremy Kushnier's. hell, so was Adam's...all three sang it so differently.

As far as my crying moments, I'll name only a few since I cry all the time
-"Tell me its not True" Blood Brothers...the first time I ever cried in a theater, and I was pretty inconsolable...sooo good!
-Ragtime finale when little Coalhouse runs out and they start singing "Wheels of a Dream"
-Saigon Finale "What have you done Kim? Why?..." ripped my heart out.
-Secret Garden "Lily? Is that you?" into How I could I ever know?
-Aida: from Mereb's death "Aida, take me home" to the end.
-Little Women "Some things are meant to be" and "Days of Plenty"
-The first time I saw Rent on Bway, I cried thru the whole thing, cause I was sitting in the lotto seats and was so completely overwhelmed. Now, Mark Richard Ford never ceases to make me cry with his I'll cover you Reprise
-The End of Last Five Years: the complete joy in Sherie's "Goodbye until Tomorrow" and the devastation in Norbert's "I could never Rescue You" was heart wrenching.

Many more...but those stand out in my mind the most

chess12 Profile Photo
#61re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 12:52pm

The first time that I saw LES MISERABLES in London from the third mezzanine watching through binoculars that I paid 50p to use. The binoculars were soaking wet by the end of the show.

#62re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 2:57pm

the overture and rising chandelier in THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA

the final scene in FALSETTOS

The Music and the Mirror from A CHORUS LINE

Solo Saxophone from MISS SAIGON

If He Walked Into My Life Today from MAME

Before the Parade Passes By from HELLO DOLLY!

Tradition from FIDDLER ON THE ROOF

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

#63re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:14pm

Ohh man Shivers and crying at shows lets me know the show was GREAT! there have been many. I'm surprised more people didn't put this with all the Ragtime talk

Ragtime ACT I finale: Till we reach that day is heart wrenching

Caroline or Change: Lots Wife, Salty Teardrops, Epilogue

Passion: Loving you and the End

Wicked: I hate to say this but For Good. I was so pissed that I knew what Schwartz was trying to get me to do and it WORKED. I was like damn it I am NOT crying...where's my tissue.

Sunday in the Park: Act I finale, Lesson #8 and Move On

Night Music: Everyday a Little Death (that's weird)

Once On this Island: I'll just say the show

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#64re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:16pm

The final moments of Days of Plenty - LITTLE WOMEN.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#65re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 3:44pm

"What Makes Me Love Him?" from THE APPLE TREE and "Fifty Percent" from BALLROOM.

mikelg80 Profile Photo
#66re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 5:45pm

Oh ym god yes - When Coalhouse JR runs on from the wings i actually cried out loud. Also the Act One Finale of Ragtime.

Falsettoland - Four Unlikely Lovers through to the bows

Carousel - Final You'll never walk alone

Witches of Eastwick - after the opening number, East wick Knows, I was blown away.

I am such a wuss though, will cry at the drop of a hat!

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#67re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 5:46pm

the phone call scene in bare (and the scene after too reminiscent of my time coming out to mom)

do you hear the people sing from les mis (i sang it at a friends memorial ceremony so too many memories there)

taboo il adore (i was bawling like a baby)

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#68re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 7:26pm

The ending of Phantom: I saw it first when I was 15 and was so impacted! I saw it again many times after that but could never muster the tears like it did the first time.

I saw Rent in San Francisco. I cried hard during I'll Cover You. Oh my gosh ~so many people in the theater where crying. You could hear the heavybreath and sniffling everywhere!

And last, Les Miz: when the Gavroche got killed, it set me up for a cry when a few moments later they showed the entire barricade filled with the fallen.

God, I love theater!!!!!!! Updated On: 2/15/05 at 07:26 PM

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#69re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 7:41pm

Oh god, if and when I see RENT live I will be bawling my eyes out. Knowing me, I'd probably start sobbing while seeing the movie.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#70re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 7:50pm

The whole finale of "Les Mis," starting with Valjean slipping out of Marius and Cosette's wedding to be alone through the curtain call.
And after I saw CATS at the Winter Garden, I spent a good part of the next day in tears, I guess because I was so thrilled to have actually seen it on Broadway before it closed.

#71re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 7:52pm

"Les Miz"-- "I Dreamed A Dream" & the finale.

"Sunset Blvd."-- "With One Look" and seeing Betty Buckley sing the hell out of that song in London.

SummerInOhio Profile Photo
#72re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 7:56pm

"All the Wasted Time" from Parade made me cry this past weekend when I saw it at NYU.

"There are mouths to be kissed before mouths to be fed, and there's many a tryst and there's many a bed. There's a lot I'll have missed, but I'll not have been dead when I die! And a person should celebrate everything passing by."

#73re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 8:49pm

In The Fantasticks - after "They Were You" - the Fathers enter:
Look! - They've come back!"

In Falsettos - the duet section of "What Would I Do?"

In Sweeney Todd: "OH NO!!!!" - Sweeney realizes who the Beggar Woman (who he just killed)really is.

And finally, the tableau at the end fo Act 1 of Sunday in the Park with George.

Updated On: 2/15/05 at 08:49 PM

#74re: Musical Moments That Make You Cry
Posted: 2/15/05 at 9:50pm

Movin Out: Elegy
