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Network Rush?

HunterK Profile Photo
#1Network Rush?
Posted: 11/12/18 at 12:18am

Hi all:

Is there a rush line for NETWORK? I can't seem to find any info on it. If anyone can help I would truly appreciate it!

Thanks so much in advance!

#2Network Rush?
Posted: 12/4/18 at 4:57pm

Was wondering if there have been any rush lines during previews and where were the seats? Thanks!

haterobics Profile Photo
#3Network Rush?
Posted: 12/4/18 at 4:59pm

I saw cheaper (well, $89) PV seats for sale for this weekend, so maybe they aren't doing any rush?

the.hard.part Profile Photo
#4Network Rush?
Posted: 12/4/18 at 5:14pm

No rush that I'm aware of. There is standing room when the show is sold out though.

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#5Network Rush?
Posted: 12/4/18 at 6:09pm

I checked in at the box office last Friday around 2:30pm and asked if they "had rush or SRO". The guy at the BO said "no, we don't have rush or anything" and then another person working there started to talk to him and he then said "actually, we do have SRO for tonight!". It was $40, view was great, the main screen is totally unobstructed by the overhang for anyone worried about that.

#6Network Rush?
Posted: 12/4/18 at 10:40pm

I was skeptical of standing for any play but this was a great View .and boys in the Band too. standing also lent itself to the studio audience aspect. the live filming reminded me of Fail-Safe and I was especially floored by how they used the entirety of the theater. The Supporting Cast must have improved because I thought everyone was flawless

#7Network Rush?
Posted: 12/8/18 at 10:59pm

I went to the box office yesterday (Friday) around 5:30pm and got SRO. I agree with the previous posters that it's a great view. It seems SRO tickets aren't difficult to get for this show currently since next to me there were three standing spots unoccupied.

#8Network Rush?
Posted: 12/9/18 at 9:21am

Can you buy two SRO tickets, or just one?

#9Network Rush?
Posted: 12/11/18 at 11:39am

supersam1026 said: "I checked in at the box office last Friday around 2:30pm and asked if they "had rush or SRO". The guy at the BO said "no, we don't have rush or anything" and then another person working there started to talk to him and he then said "actually, we do have SRO for tonight!". It was $40, view was great, the main screen is totally unobstructed by the overhang for anyone worried about that."

So your slot was immediately behind the Orchestra seats?

Was there only standing in the Center?  Left?  Right?  All of the above?


supersam1026 Profile Photo
#10Network Rush?
Posted: 12/11/18 at 12:53pm

Right behind the orchestra seats. I was in the center, there looked to be spaces on the left and right as well. I'd say there are probably around 25-30 spots, but that # could certainly be off.

#11Network Rush?
Posted: 12/19/18 at 12:34am

Has anyone done SRO recently? How early did you have to show up? I’m planning on giving that a shot this Sat. Thanks so much for the input!

the.hard.part Profile Photo
#12Network Rush?
Posted: 12/19/18 at 10:01am

For last Saturday I went after my matinee so around 5-5:15 for a 7pm show and got 2 spots (last two on the right), $40ea.

A friend went when the box office opened and SRO was not available yet. Someone with a center SRO spot said she got it around 1pm.

Updated On: 12/19/18 at 10:01 AM

#13Network Rush?
Posted: 12/19/18 at 10:09am

Sorry meant to reply sooner. Went 12/9 for the 3pm show. Showed up at 2pm on the dot (big line) and got Standing room. Had at least 3 other tickets I think. First spot on the right side, amazing view plus I could lean against a column the whole time. Great to be in the middle of all the action!

#14Network Rush?
Posted: 12/19/18 at 12:23pm

Thanks so much for the replies! So I assume I don't need to show up at 10am then, as they probably won't sell out until later in the day anyway?

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#15Network Rush?
Posted: 12/28/18 at 1:21am

Anyone done this lately?

wish i were here2 Profile Photo
wish i were here2
#16Network Rush?
Posted: 12/28/18 at 12:37pm

I tried to get standing room on 12/26 for the 2 PM show. I got to the theatre at 1:15 PM and the man at the box office said they didn't sell out yet, so there was no standing room. I was able to get a rush ticket to The Waverly Gallery instead, so I'm not sure if Network eventually sold out and started selling standing room or not.

#17Network Rush?
Posted: 12/28/18 at 6:54pm

I tried to go to the 7pm show on 12/21 - I work in the area so I checked at 1:30pm and 5:30pm and then eventually at 6:45pm was told that there would be no standing room sold that day.

#18Network Rush?
Posted: 1/11/19 at 5:16pm

Hi.  Has anyone rushed lately?  I wasn't sure what types of seats were given out or how early people arrived. 

#19Network Rush?
Posted: 1/11/19 at 7:43pm

They didn't have any SRO for either show on Wednesday, and I heard not for a few days. One lady was arguing with the box office about being told they would be available, but the show wasn't sold out. There were PV box seats on the Mezz level that I would try if I were to go again, maybe $69? 

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#20Network Rush?
Posted: 1/11/19 at 7:54pm

I was going to go tomorrow. The show will probably sell out by showtime right?

Wick3 Profile Photo
#21Network Rush?
Posted: 1/11/19 at 9:55pm

It is odd. On Wednesday afternoon I checked Telecharge before leaving work at 5pm and saw there were only 2 seats (both premium) left so I thought they might sell SRO. I was at the box office by 530 and the box office guy said no SRO yet and that they have a lot of seats still to sell. Not sure which seats though but Im guessing box seats?
Either way I opted not to see it. I live in nyc and figure can go another day.

Megsamegatron Profile Photo
#22Network Rush?
Posted: 1/12/19 at 6:02pm

My experience was interesting with this box office. I went at 10:30 the BO attendant A said no we still have tickets so no SRO for either show. Went back around 11:45, same attendant, said no SRO still had tickets. Seemed like he forgot like he talked to me an hour ago but Im sure he gets the question a lot. I went back at 1 and that attendant A was helping a customer so I went to different window. They said there would unlikely be SRO for either show today. At this time attendant A and the other customer are now yelling about if they have a cancellation line that reduces premium prices to less then $200 which they dont. So my attendant was nice an offered me pv front mezz for $59 so I took that because Ive tried several times unsuccessfully.

Flowerlovestage5 Profile Photo
#23Network Rush?
Posted: 1/13/19 at 1:38pm

Its sunday, 1/13 - there were no SR spots at 12:30pm when I went to the BO

I just came back now, approx 1:30 - the gentleman said hed have to check and gave me a spot. Three other people came in after me and were given SR as well...

Good luck....

#24Network Rush?
Posted: 1/13/19 at 9:35pm

I was there around the same time today and asked about partial view seats first. Was offered $59 for balc, $79 for mezz, or $40 standing. Went with balc and then regretted it realizing full view balc seats sell for $49-69. This was row B so it was a $10 savings from the usual $69 price for the first two rows. But then again the balc seats are already sold out for most dates anyway, so whatever.

It was the last seat on the right where the box blocks the view of half the main screen and all of foodwork. But the other screens picked up anything that was obscured. The right side is the side to be though with a full view of the control booth. But overall I was bored by the play so probably was better I didn't stand where I would have felt even more restless.

socjoc1107 Profile Photo
#25Network Rush?
Posted: 1/13/19 at 11:33pm

After seeing only two premium seats left on Telecharge, I went to the theater at 1:37 PM on Saturday, January 12 in the hopes of securing a SRO ticket for the evening show. The gentleman behind the counter said they were no SRO spots available for the evening show (he did not clarify if they had sold them already or if the show had not sold out yet), but they had ~four SRO available for the matinee show that was starting in 20 minutes. 

After checking the board to confirm all actors were in, I purchased one for $40 on the spot! It was worth every penny -- the acting was incredible, and I encourage all to see, if possible!

Hope this helps :)

Updated On: 1/13/19 at 11:33 PM
