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#200Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 10:26am

St. Elmo's fire! Laughing so hard, I just sprayed coffee all over my computer screen. That comparison is spot on.

My $.02:
-Dug the trailer, still very excited for the movie.
-Idina's line delivery (which seems to be a hot topic of discussion) - meh. I don't think that line's getting her any Oscar noms. But damn, the girl looks good.
-The re-recording/mixing of Finale B - sounds so different from the OCR. I like it though. Kind of threw me for a loop at first, but I liked it. I'll have to get the soundtrack.
-The movie voiceover man always makes me chuckle. I think he is the same voiceover man in 90% of movie trailers.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#201Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 10:33am

Just one thing I want to add, personally looved the trailer, watched it twice, tear ran down during Idina's line.

But those who are criticizing both Idina's and Adam's delivery I personally think should wait till you see the scene in context. Maybe you'll see it fits in perfectly with the rest of the scene and the mood and whatever. I just think...we should try to hold criticisms till the movie actually comes out, though personally from what I've seen...I wouldn't say the movie is going to be perfect, but I think I will love it enough to overlook and perhaps not even acknowledge the faults--Evelyn, I think that's what's going on now, and what may happen when the movie comes out. If it's a great movie, I personally am not gonna care to dwell on the faults. Then again I'm one of the few who love the Phantom movie, and I know there are faults there, don't dwell on those maybe I'm a bad example, because I do think the Rent movie will if nothing else be more critically and commercially appreciated than Phantom.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#202Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 10:36am

"But those who are criticizing both Idina's and Adam's delivery I personally think should wait till you see the scene in context. Maybe you'll see it fits in perfectly with the rest of the scene and the mood and whatever."

I think you're right, it may fight perfectly in context, but if it doesn't, and Columbus and Co. know that it doesn't, I hope that they fix it.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

#203Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 10:41am

I wasn't scrutinizing - just making an observation in response to some of the previous posts within the thread. Personally, I'm going to wait for the movie to make my final opinions.

My comments were specific to the trailer, and the trailer alone! : )

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#204Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 12:53pm

I agree about Adam and Idina's line. I realize me criticizing it at this point is kind of silly. Rent trailer....

However, my statement on Adam's acting had nothing to do with what I saw in the trailer.

#205Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 12:57pm

yea,i agree w/ the not judging anything until you see the context.kinda pointlesss(even tho i did it)

"While some feel it is a film related question, I seem to think it may be a 'I am thinking of losing my winkie' sort of question."

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#206Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 1:13pm

Alright, I only read a couple of other posts, so I'll just throw my thoughts in.

I don't see anything wrong with Adam's line delivery, if you listen to it, it's just good diction. Nothing with delivery. Also, with Idina's delivery, I agree with those posts that said she was remembering him. If you watch her expression, you can tell she's thinking about him. That's why it works.

The whole couch sequence might have just been filmed for the trailer. I know a lot of movies film extra footage to use in the trailer, so maybe that's what it's for.

Also, with the whole 'spoiling the ending' thing, even in the other trailers, they know someone dies. They just don't know who. Same with this trailer. You know someone dies, but you're left on a ledge to find out who it is if you haven't seen the show.

I really like this trailer, it's different. I like the use of Finale B, because I find it to have such a strong message, just like Seasons of Love.

So yeah .. that's my two cents.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#207Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 2:24pm

Adam's delivery sounded ok to me.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

idinarocksmysocks!510 Profile Photo
#208Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 2:27pm

I love it!!!! It rocked my socks!

you say i'm weird! look at everyone you're sitting with! and hey, those guys over there just threw napkins up in the air like they were on something! it's contajous! you can't help it!

#209Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 2:47pm

If anything, the trailer leads you to believe a GIRL has died, because Idina says "It was you, baby"...and she never says "he" or "she".

wowobball2000 Profile Photo
#210Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 2:57pm

This is entirely off topic but I just have to ask: BroadwayGirl107 where did u get that Idina quote that you use as your signature?

Thanks and sorry for the interruption, lol

"Will the world remember you when you fall?" Les Miserables

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#211Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 3:31pm

She said it at one of her concerts in Provincetown.

#212Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 4:17pm

The trailer didnt make me cry like the last one, but i think that was because it was the first ever showing of any of that makes sense...

the film still looks perfect to me :)

#213Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 4:40pm

I just showed my twin brother the new trailer, and he said that it looked like "a very serious episode of Friends." He said that it doesn't look bad, but it's just not something that he would see.

And his only other comment was, "Is that Rosario Dawson? She looks hot."

Marquise Profile Photo
#214Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 4:56pm

She does.
Your twin brother has great taste.

Marquise Profile Photo
#215Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 4:56pm

She does.
Your twin brother has great taste.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#216Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 5:43pm

Rosario = UBER HOT!!!!!

I finally saw the new trailer (I have not been able to get online for a while)......oh my God. I actually teared up during the Idina line. It looks so gorgeous and I predict a high box office take in with lots and lots of new RENT fans added to the bunch of thousands already out there blasting RENT OBC in the car. Can't Wait!!!!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#217Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 8:58pm

What a wonderful present I find after returning from vacation! I honestly think it LOOKS and SOUNDS absolutely.... BREATHTAKING!

-The cinematography is simply stunning! Mad props to Stephen Goldblatt, who also (I just found out) did Angels in America! Snaps for the cinematography.

-Hearing yet another song fully mixed, I am totally at ease about the poor sound clips on the main site. This film WILL sound great!

-I was not bothered at all by anyone's line delivery at all in the trailer, although, I really liked Anthony's line at the beginning! Idina, to me, just looks and sounds like she is fondly remembering a friend who passed. I've seen the same kind of speech given at a real funeral... sad but controlling their emotions on the outside. Angel wouldn't have wanted a sad funeral anyways.

-The staging for Finale B IS slightly awkward in the TRAILER! I am totally confident that it will NOT appear in the film that way.


BTW: I'm assuming the shot of Mimi on the fire escape is OUT TONIGHT... so where are the blue Mimi pants? I've heard they made it into the movie... but where are they? lol

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#218Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/26/05 at 8:59pm

OH... and ROSARIO is gonna ROCK THE HOUSE as Mimi!

She looks HOT HOT HOT!!! Rent trailer....

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

kas Profile Photo
#219Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/27/05 at 7:22am

em-lee: yeah, my brother said the SAME thing - the Friends rference! 'course, he said "it looks like Ross and rachel are homeless and on crack". i thought that was hilarious. but he did say he would see it if rosario was indeed a stripper.

whatever gets them in the movie, you know? :)

i loved when jesse spun around on the subway. i have a feeling his performance will be one of my favorites. he's so sweet and charming.

the.hard.part Profile Photo
#220Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/27/05 at 11:09am

hey i was wondering is there a link where you can see the international trailer?

#221Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/27/05 at 12:24pm

kas- That cracked me up! Well, boys will be boys. Maybe my brother will see it too if I tell him that Rosario plays a stripper. Yeah, that would probably work.

I mentioned this over on the CB boards, but I think that the shot of the cast on the couch during Finale B just may be a type of "base shot" (sorry, I'm not familiar with film terminology) that the movie comes back to after cutting away to other shots of the cast, like Mark setting up his movie, everyone watching his movie, ect. Like One Song Glory where during the song we'll see Adam sing and also see flashbacks of his life with April. I think the same thing will happen with Finale B, only we'll see "flashforwards."

I hope that makes sense.

Marquise Profile Photo
#222Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/27/05 at 2:35pm

it makes sense to me. it may very well be the base shot, or the foundation shot that the whole scene is built around. scenes in motion pictures are shot several different ways and from many different angles. the shots used in the trailer may or maynot make the final cut, it's all in the editing and that is what i was trying to get at when i originally told everyone not to base the movie on this trailer to begin with but then a certain poster chose to "jump down my throat" anyway.
Updated On: 8/27/05 at 02:35 PM

#223Rent trailer....
Posted: 8/27/05 at 4:45pm

During Finale B, I thought they were all on the bed in the apartment were Mimi dies and comes back? Its not a couch...
