Knemickas said: "similarly, Olivia Valli (understudy from 2NT) has been hanging out with GC and MK today, so could it possibly be her? She’s not new to the role per se, but I don’t think she’s been on broadway before either"
I just saw that on their Insta stories!! We are on the same trail, trying to figure this out . . . lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
anislander said: "Not Chelsea. Not Olivia. Not Shoshana. Not MK. Not Alison."
Do you work in casting, is this how you know who it is?
Can somebody crack the code or give another clue? I don't have time to look at every single Broadway female's Instagram.
All I know is that I checked Liza, Bernadette, and Chita's Instagrams, and its not, does it really matter at that point?!
Stand-by Joined: 5/17/17
Ariana Grande mentioned Jess on her Instagram story last night......
hamiltonstradition said: "Ariana Grande mentioned Jess on her Instagram story last night......"
Oh please noooooo! Not AG
Ariana has a world tour this year. Don’t worry.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
Ariana started out her career in 13 on Broadway in 2008, so thank u next
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
Ariana started out her career in 13 on Broadway in 2008, so thank u next
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
Just to Recap, All We Know Is (still!)
- Not A Celebrity
- Never in Wicked
- Known Name
- Broadway Debut
- Has an Instagram Account and recently hinted at Wicked (new clue)
wicked4l said: "There’s a hint on the new Elphaba’s Instagram."
Well if they’ve hinted at it publicly, why can’t you share that with us?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
LesWickedly said: "wicked4l said: "There’s a hint on the new Elphaba’s Instagram."
Well if they’ve hinted at it publicly, why can’t you share that with us?"
We found out Ginna Claire in January it's beyond me that we've been speculating for a month and still haven't found out who it is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
Chelsea, Olivia, Anne Brummel and a bunch of others were posting because it was the tours 10th year anniversary.
I’m beginning to think this is some massive troll
Stand-by Joined: 7/23/13
James Kerrigan2 said: "Just to Recap, All We Know Is (still!)
- Not A Celebrity
- Never in Wicked
- Known Name
- Broadway Debut
- Has an Instagram Account and recently hinted at Wicked (new clue)"
Known name but not a celebrity? I think whoever's posting this information is messing with our minds and the new Elphaba is.....Cher!!!!!!!!! Because she doesn't feel like performing in her own show.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
I'm starting to have doubts as well about whoever started the rumour about the new Elphaba and since that other post stated about how the new Elphaba hinted it on Instagram I don't understand why they can't tell us who it is.
We have been so patient with this and didn't even consider the possibility of the blogger is wrong and the new Elphaba being Christine Dwyer (please come back).
Stand-by Joined: 7/23/13
James Kerrigan2 said: "I'm starting to have doubts as well about whoever started the rumour about the new Elphaba and since that other post stated about how the new Elphabahinted it on InstagramI don'tunderstand why they can't tell us who it is.
We have been so patient with this and didn'teven consider the possibility of the blogger is wrong and the new Elphababeing ChristineDwyer (please come back)."
Whoever started the rumor is reading all of these posts and laughing, thinking to themselves, "Wait til they find out it's Jackie Burns again!" Which wouldn't be a bad thing at all, she's phenomenal, just totally different from what we thought.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
Bell0708 said: "James Kerrigan2 said: "I'm starting to have doubts as well about whoever started the rumour about the new Elphaba and since that other post stated about how the new Elphabahinted it on InstagramI don'tunderstand why they can't tell us who it is.
We have been so patient with this and didn'teven consider the possibility of the blogger is wrong and the new Elphababeing ChristineDwyer (please come back)."
Whoever started the rumor is reading all of these posts and laughing, thinking to themselves, "Wait til they find out it's Jackie Burns again!" Which wouldn't be a bad thing at all, she's phenomenal, just totally different from what we thought."
I say we just ditch the rumour until we have ACTUAL EVIDENCE that confirms them and just start to speculate who we think it is or want it to be.
I think there is a high chance of Christine Dwyer coming back after the waitress tour and I would also love Laurel Harris to take over the role full-time.
Well I think this is it. Hannah Corneau. The comments suggest she is hinting at it. If true, so great to see a fresh face!
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
LesWickedly said: "Well I think this is it. Hannah Corneau. The comment suggests she is hinting at it. If true, so great to see a fresh face!"
I could see her doing it I've never heard of her though so I'm gonna listen to her voice.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
What if Mandy Gonzalez finally leaves Hamilton to go back to Wicked ,lol
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
I wish Donna Vivino can come back to Wicked on Broadway Full - Time.
LesWickedly said: "Well I think this is it. Hannah Corneau. The commentssuggest she is hinting at it. If true, so great to see a fresh face!"
I would love this. She was fantastic as Yitzak on the Hedwig tour. I saw her twice.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
It’s Hannah. Can everyone chill now?
Am I supposed to know who Hannah is? For a "Broadway name" I have no idea.