Has anyone been at N2N rush within the last two weeks? I know there are plenty of rush threads, but I know the times keep on changing. How early is it getting? Anyone know?
There are several threads on THIS topic....check the N2N love thread.
But it's been crazy.
Really. Really. Really. Early. Like 4am or bust early. But read the other threads for more details.
Has anyone rushed on a Monday? I'm thinking of doing it on a Monday next month as I get into NYC on the Sunday afternoon and will be jetlagged to get up really early (coming from UK) so thought this would be the best day. What time would you reccomend for Mondays (Will be August 24th)
Chorus Member Joined: 9/26/04
I rushed this past Monday and got there around 7:20 and was 7th in line. And no one came after me for another 20-20 minutes. So I would suggest around 7:30 or a little earlier to be safe. Good luck :)
Chorus Member Joined: 12/31/69
Yeah, I rushed this past Monday as well. I got there at 6:20ish and was 4th in line. No one came for a good 30-40 minutes after us.
anybody planning on rushing on Monday the 20th?? I was there two weeks ago alone and got quite bored w.out someone to talk to...just wondering. :)
Ok thats cool, Will aim for 7AM :).
I read there are 26 ticks avaliable?? How many of these are front row and how many are boxes/other places?
Updated On: 7/11/09 at 06:10 AM
I did it last Friday, and the way they gave out the tickets was weird. I was 7th in line, and they gave a couple people in front of us the box seats, as well as my friend and I. It was weird. I thought they gave out front row first.
How is it on Wednesday matinees? I was thinking maybe I could get there around 7:15 cause there are two shows that day. I want to see the matinee.
How is it on Wednesday matinees? I was thinking maybe I could get there around 7:15 cause there are two shows that day. I want to see the matinee.
They don't perform on Wednesdays at all. Don't get there at 7:15, or at any time. There's nothing to line up for.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
"I read there are 26 ticks avaliable?? How many of these are front row and how many are boxes/other places?"
10 in front row center, four in front row sides (two on each side), and 6 in each box.
Are you able to request where you want your rush ticket to be?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
Hmmm, I haven't tried, but i wouldn't want to piss off the box office people at the Booth lol. Once someone in front of me who was supposed to get a front row seat paid with a card, and the box office person didn't appreciate that so she gave him a box. Shady!
I just assumed that they gave out the seats in the order in which you arrived. I was the 3rd person in line and the 4th seat in the 1st row (girls in front of me got 3 tix together). We all were seated pretty much in the order of the line. That's so shady about the box seats. I dunno...maybe it depends on who's at the box office. Still seems odd though.
Another weird thing that happened was that a girl a few people behind us asked my friend if she could buy her a ticket since she was closer in line. She agreed. My friend got two box seats. My friend gave her the box ticket. At the show, we see the girl sitting in front row center. We were really confused.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
A separate time, I got a seat in the middle of the front row and the girls behind me got box seats. These incidents are really surprising because both times, the box office woman was very nice and pleasant to me.
No show on Wednesdays at all....they are one of the very few shows that perform on both Sunday AND Monday nights.
Maybe there is never an order to the way they give seats out. I think that for tickets that cheap, there should be no complaining about where you end up sitting.
It depends on who is working the window that morning.
The heavy-set man is VERY NICE, but VERY SLOW. He goes through each transaction individually, and is happy to give you a seat you request. He sits for inordinate amounts of time punching away at his computer. He will also happily take credit cards.
The red-haired man with the beard is at the opposite end of the spectrum. He has all the tickets printed out ahead of time, in a pile in front of him. He just takes the next set of seats from his pile, and does not allow you to request anything. He also insists on cash only. The line moves VERY quickly when he is doing it.
Somewhere in the middle is the lady, who seems to give out her seats on a whim. Apparently, she will accept a card, but isn't happy about it.
I'm gonna be in NYC this week, how early is the Thursday Rush line?
I'm gonna be in NYC this week, how early is the Thursday Rush line?
I went on the Thursday before July 4 and got there at 6:45am. I was one of the last to get tickets & the people behind me showed up before 7am.
Just updating everyone.... i rushed on friday morning (July 10th) got there at 5:50 and was the 6th person in line! I got two tickets for the middle section in the front row! I am pretty sure they did it in order of when you got there! Atleast thats the way it seemed for me! The people who were there first were there between 4 and 430 and the girls in front on my said they were there about 5 minutes before me!
If anyone is considering maybe doing rush DO IT! It was so worth it!
What time do they begin selling the rush tickets?
At 10 AM, when the box office opens. (Noon on Sundays.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/3/09
They sell the rush tickets when the box office opens which is 10AM Monday-Saturday and 12PM on Sunday. (The last 2 times I've been by the Box office they've opened 25 minutes late)
I'm going Monday 7/20, and plan on getting there 7:10, which sounds about right going by what people have said. That still true?