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Now Joey M in WICKED?

Amneris Profile Photo
#0Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:07pm

when are producers going to be creative for once? so sick of this american idol bway.

deeisadiva Profile Photo
#1re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:12pm

I have no idea what possesed them to put him in the show...maybe he's good...but i kinda don't have that much faith. At least I already have tickets to this one though!

#2re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:18pm

"so sick of this american idol bway."

This is one guy that where that argument doesn't hold up. His singing career came along *after* his theater work started.

Joe has been doing theater since he he was very, very little (7 or 8 I believe). He did community theater while he was growing up -- so theater isn't new for Joe at all. He was very good in tick,tick...BOOM! so I'm hoping he does well in WICKED.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#3re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:20pm

That's right! He was in Tick Tick BOOM! I heard some clips- he was quite good at that role, but I can't picture him as Fiyero. When is he starting?

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

Amneris Profile Photo
#4re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:25pm

god forbid we give "unfamous" people a chance. Why has broadway all of a sudden become this haven for pop stars? True producers want to make $$$$... but, some of these people just ruin good things. I'd much rather see 2 unknown girls play the twins in side show then have to sit through The Hilton Sisters.

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#5re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:32pm

Norbert and Kristin are leaving the same day. So much for me seeing the original cast before it leaves.

But I'm more interested in seeing Idina, Michelle and Christoper in their original roles anyway. And I want Johnathan Pryce to replace Joel Grey.

I hate how Broadway is going Pop in general...

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#6re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:37pm

Is it just me or does Joey seem too little (physically) to be Fiyero?

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#7re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:39pm

"god forbid we give "unfamous" people a chance."

God forbid we condemn famous people right off the bat because they did nothing but be....well....famous. You want no-names to be given a chance just as Joe deserves to be given one.

#8re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:52pm

I thought he was great in tick, tick...BOOM! I think he is qualified for this role. The only thing I'm worried about is his thick Boston accent coming into play.
Goodluck to Norbert with his new show!

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#9re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:54pm

who is joey m, what group was he in?

(edit) oooooo that joey. ew. Updated On: 5/17/04 at 10:54 PM

#10re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:56pm

New Kids on the Block.

Amneris Profile Photo
#11re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:56pm

boy..if i didn't know better, i'd say you were related to Joey... It's like people can't post an opinion Becky without you jumping down throats.

#12re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:59pm

"It's like people can't post an opinion Becky without you jumping down throats. "

That's certainly not what I intended. I just wanted you to think about your argument. It's pretty aggressive and venomous....not just a simple "I'm surprised they cast Joe."

junglered Profile Photo
#13re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:00pm

Perhaps Joey will sing a chorus of "The Right Stuff" during the bridge of "Dancing Through Life". 'Let's go down to the Oz-Dust Ballroom - we can meet there tonight, oh -oh -oh -oh -oh, oh- oh-oh-oh, oh -oh - oh -oh -oh,(pause).. the right stuff'. It'll be swankified!

Amneris Profile Photo
#14re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:01pm

How is it Venomous? We are all just saying that Broadway has become more than just open calls and new talent. It's become a machine. It just isn't what it used to be.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#15re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:03pm

"Is it just me or does Joey seem too little (physically) to be Fiyero?"
Almost everyone is Wicked is short. I'm sure physically he can fit right in.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#16re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:13pm

Nutter Butter-

I think that McIntyre will be an excellent Fiyero. He was incredible in "tick...tick...BOOM!" and has earned a lot more respect because of it. I'll even go so far as to saying that I think he'll do just as good as any understudy.

With all due respect, I say that you give him a chance before you start talking trash about him.

PS - I am not related to Joey.

friesgirl Profile Photo
#17re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:22pm

If they wanted to go the stunt casting route, why not Taye? Or what about Adam Garcia (Coyote Ugly) who was actually in the workshop?

Broadwaylilhead Profile Photo
#18re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:28pm

A friend in casting said that Adam Pascal was offered the role but he decided to do Aida and Adam Garcia was considered as well but he had scheduling conflicts.

Call it a regime change...

junglered Profile Photo
#19re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:30pm

Okay, now if you all seriously don't like the idea of singing a chorus of "The Right Stuff" during the bridge of "Dancing Through Life", I have another idea!!! How about Danny, Donnie, Jordie, and Johnnie join Joey on stage as he serenades Idina during "As Long as You're Mine"? They can break into the chorus of "Hangin' Tough" and do a little breakdancing to help woo the lady...ya' know what I mean! I think Elphie will really dig it, don't you?

Amneris Profile Photo
#20re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:31pm

Adam Garcia awww i love him. I remember him during the whole SNF craze.

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#21re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:59pm

He should fit right in physically. Norbert is rather short himself. I saw Joey in Babes in Arms here at Reprise in LA and he was the definition of GOOD. He was nothing spectacular, but he was competant and fine. I would really love to see Adam Garcia in this role though. I fell in love with him in Coyote Ugly and when I found out he did musical theater, I kinda lost it... turned into a bit of an obsession! :-P It would be great to see him make his Broadway debut.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#22re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/18/04 at 12:34am

Broadway was never 'what it used to be.' Anyone who thinks so is living in Candy Land.

#23re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/18/04 at 12:37am

I saw Joey in Tick Tick Boom twice. I was not at all psyched about seeing him the first time. But he surprised me. Even if he drinks a gallon of codeine cough syrup before every performance he will be better than that hideous Norbert in the role. How could he not be? Just hearing a mere mention of the hideous Norbert makes me want to break out in hives.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#24re: Now Joey M in WICKED?
Posted: 5/18/04 at 12:49am

I think people are mixing up someone with talent and a background in theatre (Joey Fatone, Joe McIntyre, etc.) with people who lack that (Mel B., Melanie Griffith, etc.)
In the "golden age" of Broadway, film "stars" did Broadway plays and even musicals as means of stretching themselves as actors and inviting a new challenge. Did Walter Kerr and the famous critics back then call it stunt casting? No.
Now, if someone like Joe McIntyre, Deborah Gibson, etc. take roles in shows and truly stink, that will be noted by audiences, people like us on this message board, critics, and the like. Just as they (and we) negatively critique when it is a bona fide musical theatre actor (and not a film celeb).
The bottom line here is, the producers of Wicked don't need to pull stunt casting, because the show has been consistently in the top 5 grossing shows each week.
I can certainly understand people's reaction to Joey McIntyre, and how it would be ideal to have a "traditional musical theatre actor" such as Max VonEssen (for example) to go into that role instead.
But I would assume he auditioned with others, and hopefully he's the best for the part.
Might I eat my words? Very possible.
But in this business that happens to have the word 'show' in front of it; as upsetting as it may be - - it will always be a business decision.
Stunt casting? I don't think that's the case this time. Updated On: 5/18/04 at 12:49 AM
