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OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!- Page 8

OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!

#175OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/4/12 at 1:50pm

Promises was, thus far, the only time I've done a second edition - I did it because one of the previous CD companies who released it was already nosing around and I wasn't about to let that happen. I knew the second 1000 would take a while to sell and so far it has - and again, I simply tied it up for three years. And I have the option to do it again. Believe me, I don't put forth this much work to let others benefit - Capitol is one thing - they own the album - but another label licensing my work? No. And that's what's evolving here - how that will be handled.

broadwaybabywannabe2 Profile Photo
#176OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/4/12 at 2:01pm

let me join in and thank you BK all your hard work in bringing us the TERRIFIC sounding remaster...i have been enjoying mine this whole sounds so new and fresh, and brings me back to when i saw this on Broadway in the Summer of 1971...


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#177OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/4/12 at 5:09pm

Bk, sorry for all the questions--but if they did license your version would you still get some profit, or would that all go to the original owner label?

#178OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/4/12 at 11:36pm

It's evolving as we speak - but no one's going to be licensing this mix for some time.

devonian.t Profile Photo
#179OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 12:37pm

Follies has hit the shores of England, and is a greater triumph than USA in the Olympic pool!

It's like with been listening through fog all these years! What a triumph!

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#180OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 3:25pm

Not technical here so am amazed that even I can hear the difference. Particularly noticeable (to me) in Waiting Around for the Girls Upstairs, Who's That Woman and You're Gonna Love Tomorrow where I immediately heard it was the guy from The Baker's Wife recording - I knew intellectually that he (Kurt Peterson) was in there somewhere but I actually recognised his voice this time.

And when it came to Losing My Mind I had to stop what else I was doing and devote my whole attention to Ms Collin's performance - it was absolutely commanding.

best12bars Profile Photo
#181OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 4:58pm

Yay! Glad the lads from across the pond are pleased.

I don't mean to be catty about this, but one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to do the math here ... 1,500 copies at (rounding off) 20 U.S. dollars each? That's $30,000 total.

Take into consideration that bk has to pay royalties to estates, plus the record label, plus the people who actually did the work on the remastering ...

... doesn't sound like a whole lot of profit in the end.

This is a labor (or labour for the UK folks) of love.

I applaud bk, for the untold hours it takes to produce something like this. It's not about money.

If it were, he'd be a plumber or a doctor or a reality show TV star.

Thank you again for all that you do.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#182OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 5:03pm

thanks bk for this stunning re-issue. you still remain my favorite of all of laurie partridge's boyfriends! OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!

#183OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 5:07pm

I miss Laurie Partridge. :)

#184OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 5:13pm

Best 12: You are correct about the math, although the two other dealers who got copies don't pay the 20 bucks - thankfully that wasn't many copies. No, this isn't about profit - I'm always happy when something like this happens because it all goes back in to getting more projects. The remixes are always much more expensive, especially because I'm a perfectionist and won't stop until I'm completely sure we've done the absolute best we can. Happily, I have a wonderful remixing engineer, John Adams, who makes that part of the process easy - he knows exactly what I like in terms of overall sound, so once I've heard his initial versions then we just sit together for a few days and I nitpick the mixes until I think they're as good as they're going to get. It's all detail work and I love doing it because I love music and orchestrations and singers. At the end of the day, I just have to hope everyone likes the result because I'm so specific about what I think cast albums should sound like :)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#185OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 5:18pm

BK, Which email address should I email to get on the waitlist?

best12bars Profile Photo
#186OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 5:19pm

Thanks for letting us in on the details! And giving credit where credit is due.

All I know is in the end you give us a very high quality product.

When I shell out the $$$ as a consumer, that's all I really ask for.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#187OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 6:58pm

I love doing it because I love music and orchestrations and singers.

...and the results are proof of this. There are other boutique record labels out there and their price points are the same or higher than Kritzerland's and I really have to think twice before parting with my hard-earned dollar. Not so with Kritzerland, I know I'm going to get my money's worth.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#188OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/5/12 at 8:08pm

Amen to all the laudatory comments above!

bk, I'm in no position to tell you your business. But I know there are universities in the Northeast and elsewhere that devote space and money to compiling old sheet music and play scripts.

It seems to me your work is just as authentically curatorial as digging through Cole Porter's trunk. I would love to see you and your engineer supported by a college library so your work would be properly compensated.

#189OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 2:42am

All these comments, BTW, are so appreciated. And tonight I came home to an e-mail from the composer/lyricist of Follies - he called the remix a miracle and said he was knocked over by it. I was hoping he'd like it and am thrilled he did.

The best e-mail address is kritzerland at gmail dot com

chewy5000 Profile Photo
#190OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 5:54am

Haven't been this excited waiting for the postman in a while. Ah, the joys of living on the opposite side of the planet.

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#191OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 4:15pm

Where are you Chewy? I've never been able to work that out!

binau Profile Photo
#192OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 5:49pm

I just got mine too :), we both live in Australia I think...

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

jv92 Profile Photo
#193OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 7:17pm

I just finished listening to my copy, which arrived today. WOW! Yes, it's still abridged, but it sounds absolutely fantastic! I can't stop using exclamation points because it's just so terrific! Bravo bk! I'm glad SS is so happy with the results, too.

When I digest the whole thing, I'll post more. Just, wow.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#194OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 7:25pm

I was actually thinking about ordering it the other day, but realized they were sold out and worry that my reasons for dawdling might not meet bk's approval. OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!

#195OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 7:36pm

Oh, Phyl, let's dish. As I've said repeatedly in this thread, I have emergency copies and if you want one all it takes is an e-mail rather than a post. The question is, do you really want one? I know the real Phyl would. :)

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#196OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 7:38pm

I really do! I'll email you now, baby.

Updated On: 8/6/12 at 07:38 PM

#197OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 7:50pm

I have to say that the sound quality on this recording is astounding. It's like hearing Follies in high definition. In my opinion, it is not only the best sounding recording of this particular show, but also outperforms great Columbia cast recordings such as Gypsy and Company in terms of aural depth and clarity. BK made what was such a sub-par recording into what now has surpassed the best of the best. Congratulations and much thanks!

jv92 Profile Photo
#198OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 8:34pm

After hearing this remix, I would definitely place this with the other Lieberson and Shepard OBCRs of Sondheim shows. As I said, it's still abridged, but it just sounds so freakin' good! And that cast? You can't get any better than them! Many, many bravos, again!

After Eight
#199OBCR of FOLLIES remixed and remastered!
Posted: 8/6/12 at 9:05pm

"But McMartin for "Most Charming"? Sounds right to me. "

Daniel Massey was more charming. Effortlessly charming. And he was the only actor I've seen who was able to make that character bearable.
