Myrtle, can you talk about why? I'm genuinely curious given your history with the show.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
Such reasons won't necessarily illuminate anything, but here goes:
He was brilliantly funny, with hypnotically good rapport and timing. When he engaged with audience members, every member of the audience was involved, not just the folks in the box or in the car wash seat. The raucousness of the humor and the collective laughter struck me as very much in keeping with the vibe that Hedwig strives for--Patti Smith by way of Marlene Dietrich.
He was incredibly sexy, in a lusty, raunchy, slightly gross way. Contrary to the view held by many people that NPH sanitized the role, I think that he captured exactly the sleaze that those same people see as essential to the character.
His voice was saturated with character. I teared up during his "Origin of Love" more than once (and indeed simply wept on one occasion).
I found his Hedwig quite moving (see above). I gather that this is a minority opinion; even people who thoroughly enjoyed NPH's performance seem to think that he did not deliver the emotional goods. I believe that he did.
Did he play Hedwig as a bully, a more domineering, or simply dominant (skilled, gifted, captivating, starlike) character than others in the role? Perhaps. But I don't think that his Hedwig lacked vulnerability or pathos either--nor do I think that Hedwig is simply a pitaible, castaway loser. She is many-sided.
Updated On: 4/7/15 at 12:08 PMChorus Member Joined: 3/2/15
while i'm surprised that someone like Myrtle who's seen JCM so many times thinks NPH was superior, i do agree that it is largely subjective. i didn't feel NPH's version was nearly as emotional as JCM, but it certainly wasn't without emotion at all. i thought he delivered very well on the dramatic moments. the structure and content of the show pretty much guarantees an emotional experience regardless of the performer, unless the role is being played by a simply terrible actor. and none of the actors who've played hedwig are terrible actors, at least not yet.
Thank you, Myrtle. It does illuminate. I’m always curious to hear what people respond to with this show. I of course agree that Hedwig has to be vulnerable and a bully and do both while also being hilarious. NPH wasn’t the one who delivered all that to me, but I’m glad he did to you. Our experiences of watching the show sound very similar even if the actors were different.
Myrtle puts it all quite eloquently.
Prior to the revival, I was obsessed with JCM and Hedwig and VERY skeptical regarding the NPH casting. I’ve been an admirer of his work but far from considering myself a fan. However, once I saw the production I really felt like I had a completely transportive experience into the world of this character. It was a different approach, for sure, but no less effective. I understood how Hedwig was a genuine punk rock star who, under different circumstances, would have been internationally acknowledged rather than ignored. There was also an element of ennui to his performance that I really enjoyed, as if Hedwig understands that even though here she is, on Broadway, come tomorrow life will return back to disappoint once again. For me, the "polish" and showmanship that everyone attributes to NPH's performance was actually a fortified defense mechanism that Hedwig uses to get through the day.
I feel like I have many more thought on this topic (I've seen the show now 20 times) but it's hard to articulate it all. I would also like to add what a respectful discussion this has been on BWW despite the differing and strongly-held opinions.
Having seen hundreds of performances by various Hedwigs, I, and many others considered Hedwig someone we knew well and loved. The message of the show is that we're all ok, no matter what we are or what we look like, we all want love. Similar to the message in Rocky Horror.
The show became our lives and a comfort blanket which we held protectively and possessively.
I was so anxious to go for my first time seeing it on broadway, with NPH. My immediate thought at curtain call was "Ok, I don't ever have to see this again." I was crushed. My beloved Hedwig had become a Las Vegas show. I felt absolutely nothing from NPH in the way of emotion. I couldn't connect him with the person Hedwig in any way. In fact, he couldn't connect with Hedwig either. He never embodied the role. This was the NPH show full of glitz and glamour and bravado. Not the sensitive, funny, full of pathos, telling her story to a small room full of friends.
Jump to JCM returning and all was well in the world.
I mentioned the producers are brilliant. They are. They put a huge name to start in the role. A name that all of America would know. And to capture the tourist trade is tantamount. Well, they did. And by presenting a whitewashed version of Hedwig, they established a hit on BROADWAY (MY CAPS LOCK IS STUCK< PLEASE EXCUSE)
Here I am an hour later, after spending yet another session with Apple tech for my macbook air. It wasn't my caps lock being stuck.My computer was hacked so badly about a week ago, that it won't ever recover. I've had all the senior tech guys take a turn. Sadly I'll have to lose everything on the computer because it has to be completely uninstalled and installed again. thank goodness I have this desk top to use in the time being.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
It's one thing to have a strong subjective view of Hedwig, a view that you cherish. Such opinions are unassailable, and rightly to be cherished. But it's odd to say that NPH "whitewashed" Hedwig or denatured her of emotion as though those were objective facts about the external world. As my own view of the show indicates, your not connecting with NPH's Hedwig does not necessarily mean that NPH did not connect with Hedwig.
Updated On: 4/7/15 at 05:37 PM
When posting on BWW, we do not have to constantly say "this is my opinion." It's understood. You posted yours, I posted mine.
Jane2, I agree with Myrtle that the way you phrase your comments dismisses not only the performance but also those who enjoyed it. Like when you say the producers stripped Hedwig of all heart and soul in order to appeal to the tourists who, as you put it, have "poor taste."
Nothing like grabbing random words and putting them together to construct the sentence you want, eh J52?
You have no right to create something I have not said and then try to quote me. Not nice
And the BWW I know has returned! At least I can take comfort in the familiar.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/14/14
Any chance he'll be back to close the show(Whenever that happens) or is it safe to say April 26th will be the last time we will see JCM play Hedwig?
Well, he did come back to close out the Jane...
After his knee im not sure...
After seeing all three before JCM- it was really like seeing a different show. With NPH- I felt like Neil was never able to disappear into the character- i never once felt like he was Hedwig, I felt like I was watching NPH up on stage in Drag with an accent. However, Both Andrew and Micheal were able to fare better in that regard- particularly MCH. But I totally forgot That i was watching JCM and saw him truly become Hedwig. It was the first time i actually left saying "I get it now, I get what everyone makes a fuss over". I now Love the show, something that i could not say before seeing him. I felt soo much emotion with him in the role- such a rush and left on such a high. Even My Mother said that of the 6 shows we saw on our trip- This was her favorite. If in anyway possible- SEE JCM!
Hey, so I've been reading y'alls NPH vs. JCM argument. Here we go:
The man who got me into Hedwig was NPH, he was the first Hedwig I ever saw and he was the one who changed my life. JCM is Hedwig. He originated the role, he simply embodies Hedwig and meeting him was my wildest dream come true. But, that being said, NPH is my Hedwig. He introduced me to it, he was that for me. So while JCM is Hedwig, NPH is my Hedwig.
Well, he did come back to close out the Jane...
That's not really true. Matt McGrath closed out the show. I remember because I went closing weekend. JCM came back for, I think ,one weekend. I believe he said he was working on the film at the time... I went then too. I haven't seen the show nearly as many times as Jane but it is my favorite thing ever. I turn green with envy every time I read her comments.
Glitter, what did you think of Matt?
"Glitter, what did you think of Matt?"
Hey Jane!
I thought he was ok. JCM is really the only hedwig for me. Like you, I didnt love NPH's take on the character. It was hollow and showy, lacking any real depth of emotion. Just my opinion. I dont want to offend anyone. We went to the very first Broadway preview and I was so excited. I had too much to drink. I nearly went up to Stephen Trask and made a giant ass out of myself. Thank goodness my boyfriend held me back. I wanted to tell him that NPH just wouldn't do. They would have called the police for sure.
Anyway, When JCM left, I didn't go back much, but when I heard it was closing, I had to see it one more time. Matt McGrath gave a good, quiet performance. He was very restrained. I liked it, but I'm always wanting JCM.
What did you think?
Updated On: 4/9/15 at 07:35 PM
re Matt. At that time, Matt was the understudy for Michael in LA. He had never actually gone on for him as yet. At the Jane, Sheedy was just fired and the show was about to have to close. The great Matt McGrath flew in from LA, never having done the role, and saved the Jane from having to close it. Brantley loved him and he ran for three months, when the show finally closed. I thought he was fabulous.
I think Matt was probably the most similar to JCM. BTW, Jane... Did you post on the old Hedboard?
I think so. I think I even printed it all out back then but since threw it out.
Understudy Joined: 3/12/15
I saw Hedwig at Jane Street 3 times.
The first was with Kevin Cahoun (great).
The second time was Ally Sheedy (horrible).
The third was when JCM came back to do a few shows before it closed (He was thrilling and blew my ****ing mind).
I thought NPH was great, but when my bf and I saw JCM during his first week on Bway, he made me realize that after 15 years he IS Hedwig. We'll be back on the 26th for his final show!
Anyone here see Michael Cerveris as Hedwig?
Let's take JCM out of the picture entirely, because he IS Hedwig. Other than him, Michael was head and shoulders above all others. He played it with a heavy correct accent,all the emotions possible, even overacting a bit as is his wont, but here it was great. Also, he sang the show better than JCM did (JCM's words), but the one totally outstanding feature was his Wicked Little Town reprise. I don't think anyone can ever forget that. With his bald head, and skimpy black shorts, he gyrated grotesquely as if being born out of an egg. There was no doubt there that this was a genuine "rebirth." And we all know how he sings. I got chills every night during that scene. I think I have it on a VHS which I could probably transfer to dvd.
I wish you all could have seen him as Hedwig. Unforgettable.