There's a rumor going around that Anderson wants to return and the producers are working on her return date. Not sure what else, if anything, she has lined up right away, but maybe she returns this Fall?
Velma is a dance-heavy role and has to be cast with a trained dancer/actress which is why it no longer is the role stunt cast. Roxie’s choreography can be modified but not Velma’s. Back when CHICAGO started the replacements cycle in the late 90s/early 2000s, both roles were stunt cast. By the mid-2000s, Roxie became the sole stunt cast principal role of the 2.
I would LOVE for Pamela Anderson to make a return - she elevated this old and tired show into the stratosphere. She made the whole show feel fresh and new again.
bwayphreak234 said: "I would LOVE for Pamela Anderson to make a return - she elevated this old and tired show into the stratosphere. She made the whole show feel fresh and new again."
Would be fabulous if many A-Level talent also join her if/when she returns, seeing how well she was received and all the media coverage she brought back to the show. I know many have declined offers to do the show based on the Weisslers’ reputation so hopefully Pamela’s successful run makes them reconsider.
Understudy Joined: 6/27/19
BrodyFosse123 said: "Velma is a dance-heavy role and has to be cast with a trained dancer/actress which is why it no longer is the role stunt cast. Roxie’s choreography can be modified but not Velma’s. Back when CHICAGO started the replacements cycle in the late 90s/early 2000s, both roles were stunt cast. By the mid-2000s, Roxie became the sole stunt cast principal role of the 2. "
Good point! So maybe not for Velma, but I still think Kesha playing Roxy would be great!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
BrodyFosse123 said: "I’m hoping the Weisslers are smart enough and get this filmed with Pamela. And I agree about Lana - she adds an extra layer that matches Pamela. Even the ladies push the tired “Cell Block Tango” to a higher level. Everyone truly stepped up their game to match Pamela."
They are filming the evening performance...but it's a single camera (but pretty large), so likely just an archive recording of some kind.
Left the matinee today and was very pleased - Pamela did a WONDERFUL job uplifting this show. (I’ve seen it multiple times on tour about fifteen years ago and adored it - the only time I didn’t enjoy it was when I went to the Broadway production in 2009). She held her own just fine in regards to the vocals, but it was her comedy and stage presence that really made her Roxie land and in quite an endearing way, in my opinion. There were times where I enjoyed her dancing a bit more than Lana Gordon’s, but that’s just personal preference/enjoyment.
This afternoon there was a stumble over some lines between Brenda Braxton and Lana Gordon that made for a short pause and laughter between the two and the entire audience erupted in cheers and applause. A beautiful moment to remember the joy of live theatre.
I agree with the notion of bringing Pam back with a few additional stars - it’d be a fun take to feel the intense energy of the audience again at that show.
Tonight was so great. Pam has grown so much in the role in her short time and is just perfect. I’m gonna miss her in this!!!
Camera was part of her Netflix documentary production which has been filming her during her CHICAGO run. They were filming to have material to use in the documentary.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
BrodyFosse123 said: "Camera was part of her Netflix documentary production which has been filming her during her CHICAGO run. They were filming to have material to use in the documentary. "
Since it wasn't on the whole time, that makes perfect sense.
What a success this whole stint was! How surprising the Weisslers can still pull off a celebrity run that genuinely excites the town and makes Chicago a must-see ticket again.
And to have her actually be good, not incidental to the above, is even better.