Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
Second time at Pippin. Again for work, however tonight Patina MiLler was out. The marvelous, seasoned and multi talented Stephanie Pope was in with only an hour's notice. She went on and brought the house down!!!
Wonderful! Stephanie also replaced Valarie Pettiford during Fosse jas history and she was just splendid!
That's odd. It was months before Patina missed a performance in SISTER ACT.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Its weird Patina was out. Especially right after tony nominations. I hope she is okay.
You can fight health all you want, but sometimes the sickness creeps in.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Maybe she is just exhausted.
It's been a crazy week or so for her. I bet she hasn't gotten a lot of rest, and this is a role where she needs to be high energy all the time. Wouldn't be surprised if either she just needed a night off or if she was under the weather. Hope she's all right!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
She hasn't had a day off seeing as they did the cast recording on Monday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I bet its a bitch to play that part 8 times a week. If i was in the audience tonight i would be so disappointed. Unbelievably sad
I'd have been thrilled to skip Patina's annoying vibrato...ugh
Why didn't I go to see that tonight?!??!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Kinda a dumb question but what the hell: Were Ben Vereen's understudies/standby's all Black? Is this the type of role where usually only a black person will play? What about Patina's standbys?
I know Molly Tynes covers Leading Player as well as Stephanie Pope.
My friend was at the show tonight and she said everyone was so supportive of Stephanie and that she relished the line about "Tonight is his first time playing the role."
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
THAT IS SO COOL! god i wish i could see this show while the original cast is still in it. You people in new york are so lucky.
She should have a MALE understudy, now that would be COOL!
I was in audience tonight and very disappointed to not see Patina...but the audience was very nice to the understudy! I was doing standing room and the director Diane Paulus was there too being supportive...and taking notes.lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
That would be cool if she had a male understudy. I have always thought Taye Diggs would be perfect for this part.
Nattalyee: What was her performance like? Have you seen the show with Patina? Could you compare the two? What was the audience reaction when they found out Patina would not be in the show?
Updated On: 5/3/13 at 12:56 AM
How would the audience react...? It's not like Tom Hanks or Bette Midler are out of their shows. I'm sure the people who even knew who the hell she was were upset, but I highly doubt there was a riot or that people were "reacting" in a notably collective way...
And I wouldn't exactly call Patina Miller missing a performance "unbelievably sad"...
Updated On: 5/3/13 at 01:11 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
The show has opened to great reviews and she is nominated for this role, people are going to react. Im not saying the whole audience started crying, i was just wondering if they reacted. Calm down crazy
"And I wouldn't exactly call Patina Miller missing a performance "unbelievably sad"..."
Clearly you wouldn't..
I'd love to know how anything I just said makes me crazy. Grow up.
Moving along, I'd love to see Pope in the role. I'm also really curious how Matthew James Thomas' understudy is...considering how unique his voice/approach to the role are.
For Stephanie Pope being a Broadway veteran I was very disappointed. I have not seen the show but have watched many clips and Stephanie Pope did not do some of the tricks Patina does and her voice was flat and cracking a lot. There was a collective sigh/sad tone over the audience when announced, but some ppl cheered for Stephanie. For Stephanie getting such short notice, it was alright. However, this is the prime example of why Patina needs a standby. She didn't get one for Sister Act either yet roles like Elder Cunningham, Elder Price, Glinda, Elphaba, etc get ones. It's not fair to Patina. Leading player is not a walk in the park and her vocal health is dependent upon it.
Stephanie mentioned afterward at stage door that it was her first time performing the role, and she hadn't had any rehearsals before. She did a great job, considering that. I happened to be seated a few rows in front of her cheering section (rear left mezz) - they went wild when they announced that she would be on and when she first appeared onstage, so it is hard to gauge how "the audience" responded in general - clearly a few of her very vocal friends were there to support her.
Updated On: 5/3/13 at 01:24 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
...So..ANYWAYS..Back on topic: Did anyone else see the show tonight? I really would like to hear a more detailed opinion on Stephanie.
Was there not a slip in the Playbill, saying Pope would be on?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Thankyou adam.peterson44!
There was no slip in the playbill - maybe they found out about Patina's absence/illness/injury/whatever on too short notice for them to print the slips? That would also be consistent with not having had a rehearsal - if there had been a planned absence i'm sure they would have run an understudy rehearsal first.
They literally put up on the marquee in the lobby that Stephanie Pope was playing it 15 minutes before the show started...there was no slip in Playbill. I'm pretty sure Patina called out an hour before...her last tweet was an hour before the show asking for prayers....it was VERY obvious it was her first time playing the role.
Updated On: 9/13/13 at 01:32 AM