Broadway Star Joined: 7/5/10
Prayer Circle for Miss Patina. She is THE Leading Player and we wish her healthy happy thoughts. She gives 100% and her engagement on Opening Night + life + performing 8 shows a week + all the Tony Award hoopla caught up with her and it's completely understandable. Broadway performers are athletes in how they use their body to create art and yes it's their job but they are not super heros with unlimited strength/energy.
This is unrelated somewhat, but Rachelle Rak was originally cast in the ART production then withdrew to do Flashdance. She recently left Flashdance to move to LA, but I think she would be pretty interesting to see as Leading Player! I have yet to see this production but she certain has the dancing and gymnastics for it. I don't, maybe it sounds crazy. I just love her as a performer.
Maybe Rak can be Miller's standby???
Stand-by Joined: 7/6/12
any chance she'll be in todays matinee?
OF course there's a chance. I would guess a big chance...but of course since no one knows how she's sick, there is no way to tell.
Understudy Joined: 3/22/13
So Rachelle Rak was supposed to be the Leading Player? Interesting. If people think Patina isn't welcoming enough, I can't imagine what they would think of Rachelle. In the CHORUS LINE documentary, she says "I am Sheila." Can you imagine having Sheila be the Leading Player? The audience would say, "I'm not joining you in ANYTHING."
So Patina's take on the character is the way the director wants it, not because Patina can't do welcoming.
"So Rachelle Rak was supposed to be the Leading Player? "
No she wasn't
Someone correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't she supposed to cover Patina?
Updated On: 5/4/13 at 10:37 AM
Rak was in the ensemble. Patina's always been the Leading Player with this production.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/6/11
*GULP* Erik Altemus....not very ugly is he.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
she says "I am Sheila." Can you imagine having Sheila be the Leading Player? The audience would say, "I'm not joining you in ANYTHING."
hahaahahahaa bravo!
She's back in for the matinee. Standing outside theater now. Only posted understudy is for Theo
The role of Theo is always posted as it's shared between Andrew Cekala & Ashton Woerz. Same thing occurs in Once with the role of Ivanka. But glad Miller's back in the show as I'm sure she needed the rest. I'm hoping to see it on Friday.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
Props to Stephanie and I hope Patina is doing well again.
I do however wonder what they do in the case where a circus performer goes out considering there are no circus performer swings. I wonder in the future when they add standbys, more understudies, swings, etc., if they'll add a circus swing as well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Okay I am psyched Potent Miller is back in even though I have been working on my performance piece "Without You" for the vigil tonight on Avenue A.
She was back for today's (5/4) matinee.
My friend said she left tonight's performance mid-act and Stephanie went on for Glory and the rest of the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I'm not surprised. I went backstage after the show to see a friend of mine who is in it and she said she was on vocal rest between performances and also is suffering from bad allergies. I thought she was fine during today's matinee and it was the 2nd time seeing the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Huh never realized how challenging her songs were.
I hear Laura Osnes sent her flowers.
Well. I thought they were flowers...
All my best to her. It's been a terrible allergy season so far. I'm not surprised in the least if it's hit her hard enough for her to not be able to perform.
Was at the show tonight and Patina started and definitely did sound pretty sick through "Magic to Do". She continued on through the first couple scenes, and then Stephanie came out starting with "Glory". She was in her ensemble costume for the entirety of the number which did confuse some audience members until "Simple Joys" when she was in the LP costume.
Nothing was mentioned from that point on. However, during her final speech of the Act, Stephanie said "I know attention spans are short, you probably didn't even notice I'm not the same person who started the show!". Needless to say there was a nice applause break there.
Stephanie was fine, but as another poster said, she was sick this week and it also showed during the performance. Less sick then Patina, but sick nonetheless. Here's sending some get well wishes to everyone one involved as there seems to be a bug going around the Music Box!
Updated On: 5/4/13 at 11:39 PM
Weisler stunt casting begins tommorrow,
I hear they called Ben.
Now that would be a coup d'theatre if they did do that...
I wonder how much it would take for good ol' Ben to come back to the show...