Swing Joined: 8/23/08
Patti is my role model.
but lately I've been hearing that she isn't actually that nice of a person in real life. Does anyone know if those statements about her are true?
Swing Joined: 8/23/08
she's honest
I'm sure some people can confuse that with being impolite
Featured Actor Joined: 9/4/07
Patti is a nice person. The reason that some people say shes not is because unlike some she does not put on a fake persona when she walks out the stage door. I have spoken to her a couple of times and she has always been nice.
I think 40 years of people boosting her ego might have gotten to her head a little. She has been known to be pretty short tempered. But she is truly an incredible performer- so artistically she is still a great role model!
She's been nothing but nice the three times that I've met her.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/6/08
She's downright NASTY and no-amount of talent makes up for that. Fortunately she's not nearly as talented as she (and her fans) think she is, but she's popular, and that makes her think her LuPoop doesn't stink.
She's really a very mean person.
She's always been very nice to me. One time after Sweeney, when there weren't that many people, she was asking everyone where they were from. We ended up having a short conversation about Long Island, as we are both from there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I've had many nice visits with Patti. She's always been delightful. She and I share the same sense of humor.Of course, it helps that we attended neighboring high schools at about the same time.
Patti is nice, but she does not seem to suffer fools gladly, and will not put on some fake fluffy persona at the stage door. She tells it like it is, and if some over-sensitive people want to say that means she's mean, then so be it. It's not true, but they apparently can't handle the truth. XD
Srsly, she's human, just like you (I presume) or me. I'm generally a nice person, who sometimes snaps and has moments of extreme snark. It strikes me as particularly unfair that I get away with it, but Patti gets vilified for it just because she's in the public eye. It's not like it's an abnormal way to be or anything.
Stand-by Joined: 1/20/08
She's not a fake. She speaks her mind. Many of her co-stars adore her. Some fear her. The ones who fear her are usually not as professional as she is and she has every reason to chew them out when they're not. I'm glad she's enjoying a huge success in Gypsy - she's earned it. If you want nice, then hang out at the Legally Blonde stagedoor and talk to Bailey.
BkCollector, how on earth can you make a comment like that and not back up what you say
Never met Patti. But I gotta think there's a reason if people say she's less than nice. You can make all the explanations and excuses for someone in the world...rude is still rude. Even if the person has a reason.
And even when people chime in "but she's nice to ME."
However if ANYONE has earned the right to occasional rudeness its Patti.
When threads like this appear I always wonder if anyone has considered the simple fact that there are millions of variables involved in a question as simple and stupid as "Is Patti LuPone Nice"
Put yourself in her shoes and imagine just for a moment what it must be like dealing with people like all of you. And by that I mean the "community" of message board freaks. I'd be cranky too. Especially after performing a three hour epic musical.
But even after she did her job, which is to perform the role of Mama Rose, you all seem to think she still owes you something. She does not. Once the curtain falls Miss LuPones job is done and if she wants to be mean or nice or cranky is her prerogative.
So the next time you ask a star if you can take their picture and they tell you no, remember you don't know her life. Let her get in her Lincoln town car and head back to her home and her chickens.
Put it this way, basically nobody on here KNOWS what she's like because they don't KNOW her at all so could not possibly answer a question whether she's nice or not.
The only thing people have for this argument is whether she was nice or not to them at a stage door, which is not an accurate representation of what she's like as a person.
If she's tired after belting her guts out for a few hours, there's no doubt she might be a bit short with people screaming at her like they know her and if she's in a good mood after a show, maybe she'll be more 'friendly' to her fans.
You have to remember that Patti LuPone, along with other actors, are not there to be your friend. This is their job.
(response to dannilupone) hahaha. I think it'd be fair to say you're an asshole as well.
and yes, she does owe her fans. In show business fans are what make you or break you. If no one liked her she wouldn't be the Patti Lupone icon she is today and she certainly wouldn't be getting the roles she gets. So of course she owes her fans. That's a rather asinine statement to say that she DOESN'T owe her fans niceties. No public figure is above showing gratitude.
Updated On: 8/23/08 at 01:21 PM
I think that's really well said, dannilupone.
I'd also like to point out that the people who are most passionate about denouncing LuPone have a fairly consistent demeanor on this board. And if I were asked if they seemed "nice," I would have to say no, they don't.
They may well have had less than pleasant encounters with LuPone in the past. But maybe she merely gives back what she gets from them.
In response to je veux te voir2, i may be an a-hole. But i take comfort in knowing you are one of the very people I was responding to. And like Patti LuPone or Sherie Rene Scott or whoever it is this week that you message board people are angry at for not getting down on their hands and knees and kissing your feet for being their fan. I just don't care what you think of me. So call me all the names you want, whatever makes you feel better. I stand by my statement. No one in the public eye owes you ANYTHING!
It is a JOB!!! Its a great job, and its a hard job. And LuPone does is the best.
Hello. First of all young lady, mon congrats on your first day with this forum. I don't know what your age is, but think of BWW like high school. There are the good people (nice, knowledgeable), the bad (people whose life's work is to criticize just for the sake of critcizing) and the ugly (really mean, obnoxious, reptilian individuals). If you have seen some of the posts, you'll learn about people here. There's fun to be had in this room. Just don't let the detractors get you down.
A-NY-WAY, I have had the supreme pleasure of meeting Miss Patti a number of times: the first one in November 2000 and the most recent time outside the "Gypsy" stage door in June 2008. As I was waiting for her at the stage door, one of the St. James people stated emphatically that Ms. LuPone does not take pictures, but will sign autographs. I don't blame her. "Mama Rose" is an exhausting and tiring role. She wants to be at her best. So, the deal with not taking pics is understandable. I will mention one sweet thing she did once.
While she was doing her role in "Sweeney" on Broadway, I mentioned that I'd be seeing her in March 2006. I then received an autographed copy of the "Gypsy" Playbill from her close to Christmas time. It was totally unexpected.
She truly is.... a "doll". from RC in Austin, Texas
Honestly, shes just a normal person. With an exhausting job. And lets face it kids, she's not young. I'd be occasionally crabby too.But for the most part shes really quite pleasant in my experience.
She is only telling the truth.
Just because a performer is lss than polite to their fans does not speak to their "real life" personality. Conversely, many performers who go all out to please their fans are not nice people in real life.