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Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)- Page 2

Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#25re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:07am

"Phantom" certainly is no great musical, but it certainly is good entertainment. Also, it will always have a special place in my heart, as it was the first play I ever saw when I was little and it's one of the things that got me interested in the theater.

#26re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:18am

If majority of the show is pre recorded, I, who can not sing, want to be Phantom!!!!! Finally a show where talentless people can perform in harmony!

And no I don't mean people in the cast have no talent. I am simply refering to the statement about majority being pre-recorded

(Martha Graham from a letter to Agnes de Mille) "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening That is translated through you into action, And because there is only one of you in all time, This expression is unique. If you block it, It will never exist through any other medium And be lost. The world will never have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, Nor how valuable it is, Nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, To keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware Directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, A blessed unrest that keeps us marching And makes us more alive than others."

mabel Profile Photo
#27re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:24am

Once was definitely enough for me w/ Phandom. I saw it in Boston at the Wang Center about 10 years ago. It was fine, I guess, but I never had any desire to go back and see it again on Broadway. I thought the movie was painfully bad...well, scratch that. My mom and I had a grand ol' time sitting in the last row of the theatre we saw it at, snickering at the horrible performances, direction, etc, and pitying poor Patrick Wilson, who deserves much better.

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#28re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:26am

Unmasked- you just made no sense. The title song and VERY FEW other things are recorded. No one would see the show if the whole thing was prerecorded.

#29re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 12:47pm

Wow...POTO may not be the greatest show ever, but it's certainly not a bad show. It may not be a Sondheim show, but then again it never intended to be one and the fact that it's lasted for 17+ years does give it some merit.

As fo pre-recorded...yes some parts are pre-recorded, but that is only due to technicalites and doesn't demean the performers' talent in any way. In my opinion, the music of POTO does take some talent to sing because of its classical/operatic nature. Of course, I'm taking about the stage show because the movie is an entirely different story (wasn't too fond of it either).

Well, everyone's got their preferences, and I respect that. At least you guys enjoyed Hugh Panaro's performance! :)


MyDreamsRecurring Profile Photo
#30re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 1:03pm

"That just shows you the level of the public's comprehension when a simplistic show like Phantom outruns a clever and brilliant "ORIGINAL" piece like Into the Woods."

Thank you, thank you. Yes, I definitely agree.

"No two shows are alike in the making. Each show is a living piece of your life in a small unreal world with its own character and integrity; its own new set of memorable experiences and incredible happenings. You begin to love and adapt to its strangeness. Dreams harden into substance. Values come into focus. You wish it would never end. The dream world vanishes like mist before a rising sun; part of you vanishes with it. And back you land in the real world with a thud- fogged, uneasy, jittery, difficult to get along with. There is only one cure. A new show. A new, small unreal world; new visions, experiences, incredible happenings. Again you love it, adapt to it, wish it would never end. But end it does. Another part of you vanishes. That's show business."-Anonymous

kyle. Profile Photo
#31re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:21pm

"the fact that it's lasted for 17+ years does give it some merit."

that means NOTHING.

#32re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:32pm

if I am not mistaken, the Phantom is only on stage for a total of 22 minutes in a 2 1/2 hr show. the only stuff he actually sings, is "music of the Night", a bitch of a song to sing WELL, and a little of Point of no return" all of the voices when he is in the rafters, and the notes, and many other instances ARE taped.

and when I mean sing WELL, when singing music of the night, I mean sing like Anthony Warlow on his album. NOt some pop, BS version of it. Anyone can scream a g#, but to sing it and the low stuff at the beginning, and actually have resonance to sing the low notes, is difficult.

Show still blows, and the roul character is one of the most boring, crap written characters in musical theater.

arishmoof Profile Photo
#33re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:36pm

"It may not be a Sondheim show, but then again it never intended to be"

but it won best musical over the sondheim show (which it shouldnt have) for being the big money show so we're bitter (well I'm bitter- anyone else bitter?)

you may know what you need but to get what you want better see that you keep what you have

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#34re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:42pm

Sondheim shows are not necessarily completely brilliant. Many of them (Follies, Into the Woods, Merrily We Roll Along) are tragically flawed in one way or another. Sondheim is a genius, no doubts there, but to think that his shows are perfection is something he will readily deny.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#35re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:47pm

Justice said her had FREE tickets to see the show, and it sounds to me like he/she was hoping it might be better this time. I give credit for giving Phantom another shot.

And I heartily agree. The show has struck me as overblown and self-congratulatory since it opened. I am happy it has brought so many to the theatre (and back again), but for my money I wish it had at least some of the humanity, originality and class it so blatantly has insisted it had for over a decade.

arishmoof Profile Photo
#36re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:48pm

i didnt say they were, i agree with you- sunday in the park has SERIOUS issues (its sort of the work in progress version of into the woods in many ways, actually)

but come on- into the woods or phantom? in terms of music and book, into the woods wins big time. in terms of spectacle phantom wins cause it was the big investment. they spent lots of money on a big chandelier. they won.

you may know what you need but to get what you want better see that you keep what you have

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#37re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:50pm

Oh definetely. No comparison. I just hate it when people take Sondheim worship to the point where they consider him to be faultless and perfect. You can't appreciate a show entirely if you deny its faults.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#38re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:53pm

who played christine when you saw it?

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

arishmoof Profile Photo
#39re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:53pm

no sondheim worship here, just a major problem with the discrepancy in quality of material.

and sondheim does tend to compose things that are more artistic and interesting than ALW, who composes poppy formulaic things that people are comfortable with. i happen prefer the former, but i in no way think hes perfect AT ALL

you may know what you need but to get what you want better see that you keep what you have

TBone Profile Photo
#40re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:00pm

"if I am not mistaken, the Phantom is only on stage for a total of 22 minutes in a 2 1/2 hr show. the only stuff he actually sings, is "music of the Night", a bitch of a song to sing WELL, and a little of Point of no return" all of the voices when he is in the rafters, and the notes, and many other instances ARE taped."

Not to start anything, but you seemed to have left out the Act One Finale, the scene in the cemetary after "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" and the Final Lair sequence. The Phantom does INDEED sing more than just MOTN and "a little of" The Point of No Return.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#41re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:09pm

I am an enormous Sondheim worshipper (not physically) and believe he is the most genius, revolutionary and groundbreaking composer of musical theatre. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sondheim however write for different reasons. The failure of Merrily We Roll Along changed the direction Sondheim was being steered in.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Sally Profile Photo
#42re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:11pm

<< Not to start anything, but you seemed to have left out the Act One Finale, the scene in the cemetary after "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" and the Final Lair sequence. The Phantom does INDEED sing more than just MOTN and "a little of" The Point of No Return.>>

Right, TBone, and I think he's on stage for more like 40 minutes. A good Phantom can dominate the show in that amount of time.

nmartin Profile Photo
#43re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:14pm

Sondheim's worst show is better than Webber's best.

Whistle v. Evita


#44re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:17pm

The flaws with some of Sondheim's shows are almost never anything having to do with his music or lyrics, but the books of the shows (which he doesn't write). He's rarely had a collaborator who is his equal in terms of genius, so while I do think most of his scores are "perfection," the overall experience of seeing shows like Follies and Merrily can be disappointing.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#45re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:23pm

Agreed as far as the score goes. But when a show is labeled a "Sondheim Show" I was evaluating the entire show, not just his contribution, no matter how great or small. He is for better or for worse shouldered with the idea that it is "his" show.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Phantom05 Profile Photo
#46re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:25pm

Theatreboi11 - to say that "ALW is one of the worst creators of musical theatre" is absolute CRAP! Have you seen WOMAN IN WHITE?!? The production is gorgeous! It truly is an amazing show, as are several of his others....EVITA..Hello!!! Anyhoo, being as I am a huge fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Phantom of the Opera.....The role of the Phantom is one of my dream roles.....I'm not gonna get into an argument with you or anyone else, because I don't really think it's worth it! You all have your opinions, and I have mine...The ticket sales and attendance speak for themselves!



------- "We Drink Your Blood And Then We Eat Your Soul, Nothings Gonna Stop Us Let The Bad Times Roll" -------"Past The Point Of No Return, No Backward Glances, Abandon Thought And Let The Dream Begin"

arishmoof Profile Photo
#47re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:34pm

"Sondheim's worst show is better than Webber's best."

haha, so true, so true

you may know what you need but to get what you want better see that you keep what you have

hyperchet Profile Photo
#48re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:59pm

You know what hyperchet says?


"Needless to say the crew is well acquainted with my ass and that's ok because they are the coolest guys ever." - Idina Menzel

#49re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
Posted: 6/22/05 at 10:28pm

i have to higly agree with phantom05, the ticket sales and popularity can vouch for Webber's shows. I think he's very talented and has made a huge contribution to the comtemporary age of musical theatre, and in my opinion, Phantom is his greatest work. All I have to say is be very careful when making a thread like this on a bway board, many will not agree with you. Personally I don't think you can compare Webber and Sondheim, they are so different in many ways. They just happened to reach their popularity at the same time.

"Have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for... whatever!"
